The Invincible School Flower Master

Chapter 1038: Kill Demon Team

"I am confident and willing to follow you behind, and jointly explore the Penglai Wonderland!"

"I'm Ren Nian willingly to follow behind you, and to explore the Penglai Wonderland together!"

Next, the remaining six people, just like Zhong Xuebing, first knelt on one knee, and then screamed at Xiao Han.

Ye Longxuan and the others looked at each other and saw the shock in each other’s eyes. Let’s not say whether Xiao Han can do what he said, so that the cultivation level of the seven people can be improved within a month. Xiao Han's persuasive power and leadership are already incredible.

You know, among Qi refiners, apart from kneeling down to heaven and earth, kneeling down to the master, and kneeling down to their parents, they will no longer easily kneel down like other people. As they are now, Zhong Xuebing and others kneel down on one knee, practicing Jie is already a very solemn gift, which means that the seven people including Zhong Xuebing have completely trusted and entrusted themselves to Xiao Han. In the following days, they will completely obey Xiao Han's instructions.

So, let Xiao Han be able to improve Zhong Xuebing and others to a small level within a month, let alone his persuasiveness and leadership, it is impressive.

Xiao Han also knelt down on one knee solemnly, and shouted at the seven people in front of him: "If you don't leave, I, Xiao Han, will live and die!"

After speaking, Xiao Han stood up, helped Zhong Xuebing, Guo Zimo and others from the ground one by one, and then said: "From now on, Xiao Han and you are both comrades-in-arms and good brothers. I am disappointed, Xiao Han will definitely not let you down!"

"Xiao Han, don't worry, I don't dare to other people, but I, Li Jian, absolutely listen to you, you call me east and I will never go west, you call me"

Before this man named Li Jian had finished speaking, Zhong Xuebing interrupted him quickly and said, "Oh oh oh, I am still called Xiao Han? I want to call him Boss Xiao!"

"Yes, yes, I want to be called Boss Xiao!" Li Jian suddenly realized that he fisted at Xiao Han and said, "Boss Xiao, I will follow you Li Jian from now on!"

"Go, go, how long have you started to **** up Boss Xiao?" The guy named Guo Zimo laughed and said, "Boss Xiao, my name is Guo Zimo, from now on, you will be my boss! "

In addition to Guo Zimo, Li Jian, and Zhong Xuebing, the other three people also came to greet Xiao Han. It seems that Xiao Han’s requirements and expectations of them have already been said by Xiao Han and will do his best to take them. , Allowing them to improve to a small level within a month is truly touching their hearts.

The people who had originally agreed to follow Xiao Han and then came to Tian Daren's team didn't think so. They discussed in a low voice. Although the voice was not loud, as long as it was a slightly higher level of cultivation, people could still hear clearly.

"One month? Bragging right?"

"There is no way, people at the pinnacle of the Nascent Soul Stage, bragging and believing!"

"That is, if there are one or two, I still believe that seven people can raise a small level within a month at the same time? Isn't this bragging?"

If a Qi refiner in the middle of the Golden Core Period can really step into the peak of the Golden Core Period from the middle of the Golden Core Period within a month, then continue to practice at this speed. After one year, it will not even take a year. A Qi refiner in the mid-Gold Pill period can cultivate from the mid-Gold Pill period to the God-transforming period. Isn't this kind of cultivation speed scary? Scary?

People who originally agreed to follow Xiao Han before, but later withdrew because of Xiao Han’s rules, now have a trace of regret in their hearts. They regret that they didn’t clenched their teeth just now. Maybe they just need to follow Xiao Han all the way and stick to it. Can you improve to a small level within a month? Is it really possible to step from the Golden Core Period to the Deity Transformation Period within a year?

It’s a pity that those people who agreed to follow Xiao Han and then left Xiao Han’s team within a few minutes are all face-saving guys. Now let them ask Xiao Han to join their team again. I really can't afford to lose this person.

Therefore, among the crowd, the least optimistic about Xiao Han are those who have just come out of Xiao Han's team. These guys simply can't eat sour grapes.

Xiao Han himself heard the cold words of these people, but he didn't take it seriously. His mouth was on his body. Xiao Han couldn't control what he wanted to say. If everyone went up and explained it again, then Xiao Han Don't you want to explain all the saliva?

In the end, the number of people who were willing to stay with Xiao Han happened to be seven people, and the number of people was not too much. Besides, Xiao Han himself was eight people, and it was a small team. For Xiao Han, enough.

At this moment, the guy named Li Jian suggested: "Boss Xiao, since we have formed a small team, shall we give this small team a name?"

Ren Xin and Ren Nian also quickly agreed: "Yes, Boss Xiao, since we are already a small team, why can't we not have a majestic team name? How exciting is it?"

Team Name? Xiao Han really didn't think of this. It's okay to choose a team name, so that everyone in the team will feel a sense of belonging and can easily enhance cohesion.

After all, with the exception of Xiao Han, the other seven people are from different sects. They didn’t know each other before, and they had not cooperated. They hadn’t cultivated that kind of tacit understanding. The name of the team they like can make these people temporarily forget their own sect, but put all their minds into this small team.

Xiao Han looked at Zhong Xuebing, Guo Zimo and others, and found that they were also very interested in the proposal of naming the team. It seemed that this proposal was completely feasible.

Since it is of great benefit to increase team cohesion and the sense of belonging between team members, take one of them.

Li Jian grumbled his eyes, and shouted with a smile, "Why don't we call the Demon Slayer Squad? Why do we only have eight weapons to kill the Demon Spiders and the Outer Demon Race? It's best to call the Demon Slayer Squad!

\'Devil Slayer Squad? "Xiao Han thought for a while. The name of this team is quite appropriate, but the team always feels calm and lack of vitality, an unspeakable taste. You say it is not good, and you think it is okay. You say it is good. Well, I think I can be more aggressive.

"Devil Slayer Squad? This name doesn't sound domineering enough!" Zhong Xuebing thought for a while, and then said, "Why don't you call it Zhu Demon?"

"Devil Killing?" Li Jian said immediately: "Devil Killing is good, Devil Killing is good, much better than my Demon Slayer Squad!"

While Xiao Han and others were naming their team, the others looked at the eight people in the center of the venue just like watching the excitement.

However, Xiao Han knows that to give the team a name is the first time that their team gathers together and works hard for the same thing. No matter what the final name is, it doesn’t matter. The most important thing is that the team’s name is everyone. What we came up with together and gathered the hard work of all the team members is enough.

Later, Xiao Han did not comment anymore, because he felt that the team name was no longer important. Anyway, the team name is just a code name. As long as everyone agrees with the extracted team name, Xiao Han has no opinion.

Xiao Han watched as seven strangers who had never met each other now come together like friends and brothers to discuss and discuss. There was a burst of laughter from time to time. They were discussing like no one, completely ignoring the surprised gazes of people around him. He grinned, and his eyes showed a grin of comfort.

In the end, the seven people finally reached a consensus. Everyone agreed with the name "Zhu Mo". Starting tomorrow, the first "Zhu Mo" team in Penglai Wonderland will be officially established.

Seeing that what should be said is almost done, and the rest will be arranged tomorrow. Seeing that it is not early now, Xiao Han then said: "Tonight we will rest here for one night and wait until tomorrow morning. Bright, let's start a new journey!"

"Okay!" Zhong Xuebing and other seven people applauded in a sudden.

Then Xiao Han ordered everyone to find an area near this small hillside to set up camp first, and set off early tomorrow morning. Zhong Xuebing and others immediately found a small area and began to take out tents and other accommodation supplies from the Qiankun bag. They are doing so enthusiastically, and from time to time you help me piling, I helped you pull the rope, it seems that the seven of them have become real friends.

Xiao Han was relieved now. Whether it is a team of seven or a team of seventy people, the most terrifying thing is that internal friction and wrangling appear in the team. It appears that you ignore me and I ignore you. Now it seems that this The seven people get along very well right from the start.

Xiao Han turned around, looked at the surprised eyes around him, laughed twice, and said with a smile: "Don't watch the excitement anymore, hurry up and set up your own tent, or else just wait to sleep in the night sky tonight!"

Wang Mang smiled at Ye Longxuan, and sighed: "Xiao Han, this guy is still very smart!"

Ye Longxuan smiled and said: "Yeah, you can gather seven people from different sects together in a blink of an eye. This fellow Xiao Han is really good at fooling around. This is also a skill!"

At this moment, Ouyang Bing leaned over and said, "Two, do you think that what Xiao Han said that all the seven people who followed him will be raised to a small level within a month, can this kind of thing really happen? ?"

Then, Hua Feng also leaned over and smiled: "Yes, seven people of different realms, seven people born in different sects, and seven people who didn't know each other before, should also be promoted within a month. At a small level, the difficulty here is not ordinary!"

(End of this chapter)

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