The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 320 Cryptodemon

Xu Lai and the others rested where they were, mainly to give the war horses time to rest.

Because according to the news from Joseph, the devil does have a second team.

Not even the second team, but the third team, the fourth team.

Because so many villages and towns were attacked, almost covering most of the demonic cities on the border of the empire, troops were dispatched from almost every city.

There were as many as the one that was just defeated, more than 3,000 demons.

The few are only a few hundred, and they don't even have the ability to act alone. They are still on the edge of the lava field, waiting to meet more troops.

The most important thing is that only a small number of cities have the same relationship with each other.

The Demonic City on the border of the empire is led by three high-ranking generals from hell. Plus the two on the other side of the tower, there are five high-ranking generals from hell in this area alone.

This does not include the horned demon army on the tower side, which is attacking the city and has even transformed the Aswan Snow Mountain into the Aswan Furnace.

Speaking of which, the mage in the tower does extremely high damage, but when encountering a thick-skinned creature like the Horned Demon, the key is that the number is extremely terrifying. There really is no other way but to retreat.

The tower's high magic damage is very scary to other camps.

But to the horned demons and undead, it doesn't matter.

Because the magic power of the mage is limited, but the horned devil and the undead are unlimited as long as there are enough monsters and corpses.

The key to having so many high-ranking generals is that hell is very hierarchical. Under the Great Lord of the Abyss are several great demons and devils.

Except for those who are qualified to command a legion, other senior generals have equal status and do not subordinate each other.

These guys usually hold each other back, so how could they possibly act collectively at a time like this?

Even if someone is willing to join forces, others will only reply to you, why should I listen to you?

Demons acting alone are really beneficial to Xu Lai. Of course, Xu Lai doesn't bother to care about why they have to give them away one by one like Calabash Baby.

It doesn't take much, as long as tens of thousands of demons are gathered together, and a Magog with a size of 4 or 5,000 is enough, it will be too much to bear even without the fire demon Xu Lai.

Magog's explosive fireballs were magic damage after all. Even if Xu Lai still had some resistance, the damage caused by a large group of fireballs exploding would be too much to bear.

Even if the knight was fast, he would only be attacked once or twice at most, but Xu Lai couldn't bear it.

As soon as they separated like this, more than a thousand fireballs exploded in the crowd of more than 2,000 people. Quite a few people were injured, but not even one seriously injured could be found.

Xu Lai did not consume the mana of the paladins and directly healed the wounds. Almost all of the 2,500-person team could enjoy the blood-increasing effect.

Archers are not in the order of knights, but they have not participated in frontal battles, and all of them are full of health.

Xu Lai's current mental value is 29 points. A single healing can add 29 points of health to at least 2,000 knights, which is equivalent to a healing that consumes 10 mana and restores 58,000 lives.

With such a terrifying amount of healing, not to mention ordinary priests, even crimson bishops, and even the pope can only look forward to it and sigh.

The effects of strategic spells are sometimes too exaggerated.

However, every time a strategic spell is released, one needs to wait for a very long time for an opportunity. Unless it is used to recover after a battle, it cannot be used blindly during the war.

After the second team of demons approached, after a round of healing, most of the injured knights had recovered. The horse's physical strength had not reached full strength, but it had recovered to about 90%.

So the second wave of charges began. This time the number of enemies was slightly larger, about 4,000, but there were fewer fire demons such as Magog that Xu Lai was afraid of.

Instead, there is a species of demon called the Crypt Demon.

The rich variety of demons is almost second only to the cemetery camp that can turn any creature into an undead.

Even if humans include empires and towers, the types and professions of humans are probably not as rich as those of demons in hell.

As the name suggests, the crypt demon is a demon that can travel underground.

Xu Lai didn't know it at first. He only thought that it was a small force of more than 2,000 people that could be defeated in one attack.

Unexpectedly, he rushed down, but a group of crypt demons and their advanced versions, crypt spiders, emerged from the ground.

The Crypt Demons were nothing to worry about. Before their sharp, blade-like front claws could reach out, they were trampled into pulp by the galloping horses.

Xu Lai's own troops are all high-level cavalry. Even the knights of the temple mostly ride high-level war horses, with the lowest level being 5.

These war horses themselves are extremely powerful, and they also carry fully armed knights on their backs. The heavier ones, such as the Holy Light Knight, weigh nearly a ton.

Coupled with the weight of the armored war horses and the high speed of the galloping, these things came out of the ground. Apart from frightening Xu Lai, they really turned into meat without making any contribution.

Crypt spiders are more disgusting. They have the ability to become invisible and are considered assassins of the hell camp.

When you don't carry a mage and don't have the ability to react, being invisible is almost equivalent to being invincible.

Fortunately among the misfortunes, although Xu Lai and the others do not have the ability to counter-invisibility, the attack power of these level 4 crypt spiders is not too strong.

In addition, there are not too many crypt spiders. Even if multiple crypt spiders attack the same target, it is still difficult to kill each other directly.

Even if he took a step back, there were low-level trainee knights who failed to react in time and were scratched a few more times. Finally, Xu Lai's ultimate defense skill protected his body.

These knights are the treasures of the temple, and the temple is the largest source of holy water and healing potions. Each of them will carry several bottles of healing potions with them.

Moreover, after launching the attack, the crypt spider is no longer invisible.

The next time you become invisible, you need to wait for a period of time for the skill to cool down.

If Xu Lai was an assassin, he would definitely wait until the second stealth skill cooled down before launching an attack.

However, the Crypt Spider is a physical unit and does not have much mana. At best, it is like a scout and can become invisible twice.

If Xu Lai had brought a squishy shooter or mage, it is estimated that this wave of sneak attacks may cause losses.

But the crypt spider attacked the most muscular knight in the empire camp.

Among units of the same level, even heavy shield infantry, excluding the big shield, cannot have a higher defense than knights.

After killing most of the cave spiders, a few cleverly escaped from the underground. Xu Lai and the others really had nothing to do.

With the strength of knights, they can thrust their lances more than one meter into the ground.

The crypt spider's stealth is not deep into the ground, but it is difficult to see it from the surface. Even if the knight stabs underground, it will only be a blind stab.

Two fierce battles were fought in succession, and Joseph also came back to report that after encountering several waves of defeated hell deserters, the troops gathered at the edge of the lava field also dispersed.

Obviously, the sudden battle prevented both sides from getting to know each other well.

Hell failed to understand Xu Lai's strength, and Xu Lai also knew nothing about Hell's power and layout.

But in general, Xu Lai took advantage of the several collisions between the two sides.

But this torment lasted until three or four o'clock in the middle of the night.

Now that the demon army had retreated, Xu Lai simply retreated as well, and stayed further away so that everyone could have a good rest for a few hours.

Xu Lai did not cancel the action plan for the next day, but just postponed it.

At about 9 a.m., everyone finished their rest and headed towards Devil City after breakfast.

After entering the lava field, Xu Lai and Lina separated. He led 6 teams of paladins and his own troops to the sulfur mine on the east side.

Fortunately, the distance between the two places is not too far, and Xu Lai's attributes can still cover Lina and her team.

Maybe this is all a sulfur mine, just collecting from both sides.

There are more guards at the sulfur mine than Xu Lai expected. According to the paladin captain who passed by yesterday, the number of guards should have more than doubled.

Relying on the advantage of the intermediate eagle eye technique, Xu Lai can clearly see the enemy's details without getting too close.

The demons guarding the mine came and sent a group of winged demons over, seemingly to drive them away.

Xu Lai's angel team didn't even need to attack. Just the mercenaries and rangers led by Joseph, plus Yan Feng and other heroes, killed hundreds of them with just a few waves of arrows.

The winged demons didn't even have a chance to get close. After hovering in the sky for a while, some of them flew deep into the lava land, while the other part landed back in the mine.

The mining monsters remained unmoved, but the horned demons, horned devils, and a large number of horned governors who were overseers entered the fortifications with Gog, Magog, and the fire demons who were guarding here.

The fortifications were not as professional as those of the Empire. They were just ordinary stone walls and a flame tower piled with stones that could barely be called a watchtower.

Hell's Flame Towers are inferior to the Empire's Watchtowers in terms of increased range and power.

The only thing is that this thing made of stones has extremely high durability and defense, and is much more difficult to deal with than a watchtower.

On the flame tower, there was already a fire demon throwing fireballs that were larger than a washbasin, but the distance was too far and they dissipated before they reached half the distance.

Xu Lai tested the range. His heroes and rangers should be able to hit it, but it was hard to say how much power it would have left.

The half arrow range also needs to pass through the flame tower, the stone wall reduces damage, and the fire demon on the tower is also a level 5 creature.

If you rely solely on archery, you will probably waste a lot of ammunition to kill a fire demon.

The defensive ability of the stone wall is not very strong, and the knights should be able to break through the barrier with a single charge.

However, there are many spiked horses placed outside the stone wall, and behind the stone wall are a large number of horned demons and horned warlords.

With the horned warlords around, the horned demons and horned devils will not collapse. Only if the horned warlords are allowed to collapse first, will the horned devils and horned ghosts under their supervision collapse.

In other words, based on the current conditions, even if Xu Lai can conquer this mine, the losses will probably not be small.

Therefore, he simply gave up the plan to attack the mine, and instead asked Yan Feng to concentrate all the archers and snipe the fire demons and Magog on the flame tower from a distance. (End of chapter)

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