The Invincible Overlord of Heroes

Chapter 319 Cavalry Charge

If we say that Gog, Magog, and even the upgraded fire demons and flame trolls are physical mages of the hell camp.

Then the succubus is a magic shooter from the hell camp.

Magog, the fire demons are thick-skinned and strong, but their attack method is fireballs that cause magic damage.

As for succubi, their defense is extremely low, their health points are even lower, and their strength is not high. In hell, even low-level demons can easily bully succubi.

There are two ways of attacking the succubus. One is the sting attack used to deal with long-range targets.

They use a piece of equipment that shoots a large number of spikes, but it takes a long time to recharge.

It's a bit like the Empire's crossbowman, but in terms of damage and attack range, it can't be compared to the crossbowman.

The only advantage of the spikes is that they are large in quantity and can be fired dozens of times at a time. However, the power is a bit small and the range is a bit short.

Basically, the spikes shot by the level 4 succubus cannot even penetrate the defense of level 3 infantry. At best, they can only bully the militia and the like.

When they are approached by an enemy, they will use their tails to attack.

The succubus has an extremely flexible tail, which is thin and long. The tip of the tail is a sharp triangle, which can easily penetrate the enemy's body.

Most demons use their own body parts as weapons, such as the tail of a succubus, the horns of a horned demon, the body fluids flowing from a fire demon, etc.

However, that long whip-like tail is a bit inferior to the level 4 of the succubus, both in terms of attack and defense.

Without any special characteristics, this tail can only penetrate flesh but cannot penetrate armor. It is basically ineffective against other demons of the same level.

Therefore, succubi also have a special method. They can use their tails and eyes to confuse their opponents.

Low-level confusion can only make the confused target unable to move, attack or use any abilities.

And for low-level confusion, the tail must be pierced into the opponent's body, or the target is looking at the succubus, otherwise it will be difficult to take effect.

Intermediate level confusion is much more powerful. As long as you look at each other inadvertently, the seeds of confusion can be implanted in the spirit.

The succubus can activate confusion based on the implanted confusion seeds, and can directly control the opponent's body and actions for a short period of time.

The highest level of confusion, also known as charm, has almost no trace of how it is activated, and once activated, unless one is immune to mind control or has extremely high mental resistance, it will be difficult to get rid of it by one's own abilities.

At this point, it is no longer confusing, but being charmed.

Normally you are still a completely normal person, but your soul will move closer to the other person unconsciously until you completely surrender under the other person's skirt.

By the way, there are no male succubi, all are female demons.

But if a man chooses to come to hell and become a hero of the hell camp, he will be randomly arranged to become a demon.

And if this hero happens to be randomly transformed into a succubus, the world's first male succubus will not be born, but the hero's gender will be directly changed.

The Paladin team before Xu Lai encountered a group of succubi and was almost wiped out.

Needless to say, the attributes of these succubi are not focused on strength and physique, and even their intelligence is not very high. Only their spirit is particularly outstanding, and their agility can be considered an advantage.

Of course, even so, it is impossible for the succubus to cross the third level and directly control the paladin.

A level 4 succubus is already considered good if it can control a level 5 knight retinue. It also requires sufficient time to look at each other or be directly entangled by the succubus's tail.

It is impossible to think of something like this happening to a group of charging knights.

Therefore, there must be more advanced demons on the scene, as well as treasures, talents or specializations that can greatly improve the ability to control succubi.

These three possibilities will basically only appear on heroes. The number of universal treasures is extremely rare. The talents of ordinary people will only affect themselves, and specialization is exclusive to heroes.

Of course, there will also be succubus generals with similar characteristics, but after all, they will not have as many bonuses as heroes.

So Xu Lai called everyone in the team over and asked them to use their own impressions to draw the most impressive succubus.

Above the succubus is the enchantress, above the enchantress is the enchantress, and above the succubus is the enchantress who has transcended classes and broken through to the high level, that is, the 7th level witch.

Further up, there is the Charm Queen who possesses mysterious charm abilities, reaching level 8.

Heroes are regardless of rank, so the guy named Qimeng calls herself the Succubus Queen instead of the Charm Queen.

Xu Lai asked them to describe the characteristics of these succubi so that they could quickly and effectively eliminate them.

After all, he was able to control the 7th level paladins, and a total of 4 paladins quietly, so Xu Lai had to be more vigilant.

More importantly, a dead succubus is a good succubus.

After making a plan, they went back to rest. Xu Lai had a feeling that there would be no peace tonight.

Sure enough, not long after midnight, Xu Lai fell asleep for less than 2 hours before Joseph sent someone back to report.

Because of the existence of demons, most of the nearby villages and towns have been abandoned.

Xu Lai and the others carried a certain amount of supplies themselves. Otherwise, if they wanted supplies, they would have to travel one or two hundred kilometers south to barely have large towns that could supply them.

Their number cannot be considered too large, but more than two thousand people cannot be considered small either.

There were hundreds of tents set up, and even if no campfire was used, the patrolling torches could illuminate the area clearly.

Even if the devil sends some flying soldiers out, it will be easy to find Xu Lai's location.

However, this is the territory of the Imperial Human Race. Xu Lai and the others no longer have a terrain disadvantage, and they discovered the demon army more than ten kilometers ahead of schedule, so it was not difficult to deal with it.

As soon as the assembly whistle blew, it was a little slower than when we were in the military camp because we had already rested.

However, in more than three minutes, all the knights were fully armed, and even the horses were properly dressed.

The march of the Hell Troops was not considered fast, and they only traveled one or two kilometers in 5 minutes.

The latest information from Joseph shows that the number of Hell's army is not large.

There are only about 3,000 of them, mainly horned demons, also known as horned demons, supplemented by a large number of hounds and magogs, plus a small number of flying soldiers.

However, the demon's flying soldiers are not fire elves, but lower-level wing demons.

Flying troops are more difficult to deal with, because if others fly higher, only flying troops can fight against them.

Unless others take the initiative to attack you, just like those fire elves did when they chased Xu Lai.

This situation is basically something that can only be met by chance.

If Xu Lai's griffons are still there, then he doesn't have to take these hundreds of winged demons seriously. How can a winged demon with an average level of only level 4 defeat the same number of griffins, which are basically level 5? .

These 3,000 people should be just a test from hell to test the intensity of the empire's attack.

Moreover, in such a hurry, Hell could not allocate too many manpower, and the nearby villages and towns that could be plundered had already been plundered.

The demon troops had to go further to plunder. Although there were many troops at home, there were not many that could be sent abroad.

The movement of the demon army is undoubtedly slower. Even if there are more demons behind these 3,000 people, it will take some time to continue to approach.

So Xu Lai made a quick decision and decided to eat this demon.

Use the Demonic Message Stone to directly notify Joseph, telling him not to rush back to the team. He waited for all the knights to form their formation, and then rushed towards the demon army with the heroic knight Tahan as the center.

Under the night, the whooshing cold wind blew, and the knights without any wind protection equipment relied on their amazing physiques to resist the biting cold wind.

Both sides were approaching at high speed. The difference was that when the demon troops felt the earth shaking, they almost stopped in unison.

Demons who have lived in hell for a long time are still unfamiliar with this kind of vibration, and they are not fully aware of the terrifying impact of this kind of vibration.

If it were within the tower, or the Burning Legion of the Western Empire, no matter how bad it was, Sellon, accompanied by a group of demons, would avoid the first wave of knights' charge.

Xu Lai had never fought such a rich battle in his life. The most he had ever done was a few hours ago, when he led a thousand knights to charge.

This time the number of people charging more than doubled.

When knights charge, the more people there are, the more terrifying the power.

One person's charge will have no response to the large army, ten people will frown, 100 people can influence a local battlefield, and 1,000 people can determine the outcome of a battle.

Zhang Liao's eight hundred cavalry shocked Xiaoyaojin, and Sun's hundreds of thousands of troops were defeated and returned.

Now Xu Lai is leading many knights who are many times more powerful than the 800 elite knights. Every one of them would be superhuman knights on Earth.

The devil had a good idea. The horned devil like a human shield was at the front, the rear was continuously outputting from a distance, and the winged devil was conducting reconnaissance in the sky. It was almost foolproof.

However, Xu Lai could not even withstand the Holy Light. He led his own paladins, followed closely behind Tahan, and rushed into the demon army unstoppably like an arrow from a string.

Thousands of horned demons, arranged in a double-row formation, lasted less than three seconds before completely collapsing.

The iron cavalry rushed into the group of demons like a torrent. Tahan was covered in red light, and the fireball that Magog had just hit became the force of his impact.

The demon general's formation, which he thought was solid, was rushed through by Xu Lai in almost the blink of an eye.

As long as the cavalry can break through the formation, the phalanx of infantry and archers will have no power to resist.

Xu Lai and the others didn't even need to rush out a long distance. They barely used their remaining strength to rush out two to three hundred meters, then turned around and came back to fight.

After only rushing into the second round, the demon army collapsed and fled in all directions.

The demon general's head was thrust onto the tip of the spear by an unknown knight. Judging from the fact that his body was obviously smaller than the others, he must be the former leader of the Sixth Knights.

Xu Lai waved his hand, and the gale knights who had no charge skills and could not keep up with the large army dispersed to chase down the escaping demons. (End of chapter)

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