The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 971: The future of the earth?

A few are still alive, but they are as thin as skin and bones, and they are dying.

When they saw Ye Xuan's arrival, they just raised their eyelids, their power to speak was gone, and they were waiting to die alive.

"This is the power of evil energy, it can **** up a world!" Gong Ming couldn't help but exclaimed.

Life is more than just living things.

This planet can also be regarded as a life...

In that case, to absorb the power of a planet, what kind of portal is to open!

Ye Xuan looked up at the two suns in the sky and at the two moons.

It's not actually a moon, it's two planets.

Ye Xuan had a bold guess.

"One of them is the hometown of the Fel Force."

Gong Ming was shocked by Ye Xuan's words: "Why do you think so, why do you say that?"

Pointing to the sun in the sky, one big and one small: "That's not a sun, it's a huge planet created, just to bring the two worlds closer!"

"The city lord, what do you mean..." Long Aotian didn't dare to continue thinking. They entered this world unintentionally, just a springboard for the Fel Horde!

He wants to bring the world closer, just to make...

Gong Ming denied this idea.

"Impossible, the world legend of the orcs is the closest place to the gods, no matter how strong the Fel Force is, they will not provoke the gods."

"Then explain to me, why did the gods watch the collapse of this world without stopping?"

Gong Ming had nothing to say.

Gong Ming’s idea is getting bolder and bolder. The Fel Energy Tribe doesn’t want to occupy the earth at all, but they also want to turn the earth into his energy field just like this world. They are not charging the portal, but instead Pull over your own world, and then attack...

"What kind of deity is the deity?" Ye Xuan has seen too many things, so it's no wonder that.

Moreover, this world that Gong Ming called a deity does not seem to be the deity that is now widely considered!

It is a race and a highly intelligent life body!

Gong Ming thought for a while, as if there were some secrets that couldn't be told, feeling very painful!

"It's now, is there anything else I can't say?" Ye Xuan asked.

Gong Ming shook his head: "Because, maybe you won't believe it if you say this!"

"Then just say it, if you don't say it, how can you know if we believe it or not!" Long Aotian wanted to beat him again.

But Gong Ming thought about it, but still couldn't say it, it said...

"If you don't tell us, we will all die here." Ye Xuandao.

Long Zhan had a spotted eye, only he felt something strange in his body.

"The gravity of this place is different from where we are."

Because they are cultivators, and they are all top masters, their ability to resist pressure is not generally strong.

Changing to an ordinary person can no longer stand it.

"Yes, when this planet gradually loses its vitality, gravity will increase."

Ye Xuan tried to jump for a while, and he didn't have the ease when he was on the earth.

"It seems that this place is about to die. They need to find the next place."

"Stop talking nonsense, what are we doing here, and how do we go back..." Long Aotian grabbed a handful of dirt on the ground and discovered that this place was actually all golden sands!

You can make a fortune on the earth, but here, just hold these sands and wait for death.

"There is a portal in this place, we can open it!" Gong Ming said.

"By the way, I forgot when I interrupted. What was the topic just now? What is the secret of the place where the gods live!"

Ye Xuan raised the matter again.


Gong Ming sighed, it seems that this secret cannot be kept.

"The place where the gods live is also the birthplace of evil energy!"

"What? The gods are also evil gods?" Long Aotian was simply incredible.

Fel energy is a means to gain powerful power by absorbing life, so the gods...

"It's a kind of fel, but it's also different."

Since Gong Ming said that, he didn't continue to hide it. He spread his hands and closed his eyes. He started to burn a black flame on his body, and opened his eyes again, just like before.

The terrible Gong Ming appeared.

"See, this is another situation of fel energy, dark arts!"

These are two forms, one sacred and one dark. Although they are the same person, they have two completely different personalities.

In the Sky City, few people can master this kind of skill, but often the ones that can be mastered are those that are very bad.

The power of the sacred light is not only healing, it even has a high lethality, but it is a very high-level ability, Gong Ming is beyond the reach, although his current dark power is also a kind of lethality. Powerful ability, but compared with the sacred, it's a bit unworthy!

"Both light and darkness coexist. There must be darkness when there is light. The gods of the gods master the dark magic techniques that are admonished, and the power of the holy light is only an aid." Gong Ming explained.

Ye Xuan pinched his chin: "It turns out that the gods are also some black-bellied guys..."

Gong Ming was speechless.

"It's no wonder that they watched the destruction of the world next door, and were indifferent." Long Zhan said.

Gong Ming was even more speechless. The things he came into contact with were completely different from those of Ye Xuan. Life itself has birth and death. This is the nature of the development of things, and no one has the final say. Since they said so, Gong Ming There is no need to refute and argue.

"In fact, the city in the sky is the descendant of the gods and the creatures on earth..."

At this time, Gong Ming returned to his other state, but after returning, he felt very weak.

"The conversion of these two forms requires a little bit of conditions. When I exhaust the power of the Holy Light in my body, I will switch to the Dark Body, so that I can replenish the power of the Holy Light in my body!"

This is also the benefit of this ability, because he still has a lot of power of the Holy Light, so the dark body cannot stay for too long.

This also explained why Gong Ming was in the state of the dark body when Gong Ming took the initiative to meet them for the first time.

"Now that we can't rely on others, let's find a way to get out from here quickly. If we don't go out again, and we don't make preparations, the earth will really be completely finished."

Seeing what happened to this planet, Ye Xuan seemed to see what the future earth would look like, a trace of emotion emerged in his mind, and then it flashed by.

"Let's go, let's find that portal!"

But from an unfamiliar place, the direction could not be discerned. When asked Gong Ming, Gong Ming also shook his head and didn't know.

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