"Let's go, let's go in, destroy that portal!"

"Then, where is the monster?" Long Zhan asked.

"It's okay, they will help us clear the road, but after we get in, we have to rely on ourselves!"

"Unexpectedly, one day, we will fight with monsters!"

Long Aotian also felt incredible, and sighed like this.

"There is nothing impossible. If this portal is not closed, the fel demons will continue to come in!"

Long Zhan and the monster beast have disagreements, and his mood is a little depressed.

Long Aotian's big hand grabbed his head: "Smelly boy, what do you think, go back if you can't!"

Suddenly, Long Zhan was awakened. Now it's not the time to care about his own business, but the matter of the Fel Force is the most important thing!

"I'm fine, just a little tired!"

"Persevere, go back and let you eat and sleep until you are full!"


What is going on in the castle, no one knows, Dragon Fight is a good combat power, this can't be without him.

The monster army's changed offensive strategy was to **** a few people all the way to the castle to kill.


On the gate of the castle, there are similar enchantments. Several of them went up, but they were all bounced back.

"This enchantment is not very strong, as long as there is enough strong power to break through!" Gong Ming said loudly:

"We broke him together!"

At this moment, a huge monster rushed over.


With a roar, he rushed half of his body directly into the barrier.

But only half of his body can no longer rush in.

Moreover, the damage to him by the barrier was fatal, and he couldn't bear such a huge body. He was about to cut his body bit by bit.

This is a door opened with the body!

"Let's go in!"

Ye Xuan rushed past the monster's body first, and walked directly into the palace.

Long Aotian is the same as Gong Ming. Long Zhan is the last one. At this time, the monster is already dead, and the head is directly cut open, but the body is still supporting.

Long Zhan had an unspeakable tragic heart, sighed, and rushed in directly.

Everything in front of me is incredible!

Unexpectedly, the interior of this palace turned out to be another world!

The scorched earth here still has a strong **** smell.

At this time, the monster beast at the door had been completely cut open, and the door was gone when it came.

Moreover, it is too big here, and there is no monster beast in the main road.

"No, we are here now, are we deceived!" Long Aotian looked at Gong Ming.

Gong Ming didn't know what was going on, how could this happen, the portal would be there!

"What do you mean, you fooled us into here."

Long Aotian grabbed Gong Ming's neck angrily, Gong Ming almost suffocated.

"I didn't lie to you, I don't know what's going on, why behind this door, it looks like this..."

"You don't know, you don't know, will you lie to us?" Long Aotian became murderous.

At this time, Ye Xuan grabbed Long Aotian's wrist: "Didn't he say it earlier, he doesn't know what is behind this."

Long Zhan was spinning around at this time, and found that this place was strange. There were two suns and two moons, and there were colleagues.

And there is no shadow of a fel force here, not even a fel demon.

What the **** is this place!

Gong Ming lay on the ground, breathing heavily, just now Long Aotian almost killed him.

However, he obviously didn't mean to blame him.

It was his own mistake that left everyone in this strange place.

"The Fel Force did come out from the door we came over, so the portal will definitely be here. Let's walk around and take a look."

Ye Xuan suggested, but now it can only be so.



Bang bang bang...

The earth was trembling with the sound of footsteps. Now everyone has increased their vigilance. What is it? It makes such a big movement when it can walk.

Under the shining of two suns, there was a burly guy in front of him who looked like a big mountain, walking from side to side.

I don't know if this is an enemy or a friend, so they are all prepared for battle.

"Hold on, don't do it" Gong Ming suddenly became excited, as if he knew what this thing was!

"Impossible, how is this possible..."

Gong Ming muttered to himself!

"Why is the fort built by the Fel Force the home of the orcs?"

"What do you mean, the orc's hometown?"

Gong Ming explained, "Do you remember the orc in the cell, he roared!"

They've all lived in it, that poor green-skinned guy, brave gladiator!

"Is he from here?"

Gong Ming couldn't believe it, it was impossible. Why did the Fel Demon want to get through the orcs' hometown...

When thinking of this, Gong Ming suddenly understood.

Could it be said that this world only provides energy for the portal?

At this time, the huge monster had already approached. His head was completely disproportionate to his body. Quanguo's body, looking at a huge skeletal hammer head, was not an ornament, but directly. The spine connected by the skull of a giant creature.

He looked exhausted, but he was still walking. I don't know why he wouldn't stop and rest.


The huge body fell down suddenly, Ye Xuan and the others forcibly stabilized their body, so that they could not let themselves be blown directly out by the huge wave of air.

Gong Ming didn't react, and almost flew away. Fortunately, Long Zhan caught him.

"Damn it, we came to the wrong place."

"We came to this place, you tell me now, come to the wrong place, are you kidding us?"

Long Aotian couldn't bear it anymore.

Ye Xuan was also anxious: "What the **** is going on!" This kind of dilemma.

"This is an energy field. The hometown of the orcs has been completely destroyed by the evil energy. This place is only used to provide energy for the portal of the evil energy troops and drain the last bit of life in this world!"

"It looks like a battery?" Ye Xuan said suddenly!

At this time Long Zhan didn't know where to go.

Long Aotian directly said loudly: "Then what can we do now!"

Gong Ming gritted his teeth: "This place also has a portal, we can use it, and then go back from here!"

At this time Long Zhan came back: "You follow me over there and have a look."

There is no good way now, it can only pass, and then see what, a piece of white bone, and the remains of some creatures that have not been seen!

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