The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 964: Enemy of the enemy

Ye Xuan looked at the two people who were holding him, with an unspeakable feeling in his heart.

Looking back, he nodded fiercely, because otherwise, the two would never let him go.

"Don't worry about this, my strength has recovered some, and they will get better right away..."

Gong Ming stood up and used the technique of holy light, with the speed visible to the naked eye, the wounds on the two people were healing quickly!

its not bad, right……

Gong Ming said with a ridiculous tone!

Long Aotian squeezed his fist, still feeling that his body couldn't make much effort.

Long Zhan felt that his hands couldn't hold the sword now.

"There is an adaptation period, and it will be well soon..." Gong Ming said.

"However, is your ability still very good? You can quickly treat others on the battlefield!"

Long Aotian wanted to take a temporary rest, and his attitude towards Gong Ming was not the same as before.

Gong Ming was a little embarrassed: "My ability is too bad, and there is only this that can be done. The real Golden Knights are all warriors with one enemy and a hundred, I..."

Gong Ming only realized how weak and stupid he was after experiencing the real battle like this.

In order to prove himself, he came to such a place, he now feels the cruelty of the fel demon, he just wants to go home and bring everything here to the people of Sky City.


When Gong Ming was thinking about retreating, suddenly Ye Xuan patted his shoulder fiercely.

Frightened Gong Ming.

"You have done a good job, not everyone can go to battle to kill the enemy, but there is no one who can silently pay for his companions behind..."

Ye Xuan really used two powerful words...

"Companion?" Gong Ming murmured.

No one has ever called himself that before.

Gong Ming couldn't help being shocked, his eyes were also moist...

"What's wrong with you?" Long Zhan felt much better now, looking at Gong Ming in a daze.

Gong Ming was pulled back to reality, shook his head and quickly wiped away tears: "Ah, it's okay."

"In that case, let's go!"

They are all ready to fight again.

This time Gong Ming no longer wanted to set up anything, but as a companion, he wanted to go with them.

"Wait a minute, I'm going to meet someone..."

Now they are staying in this place, they are still very safe, maybe they don't need to go out, waiting for the evil demon and the monster to fight against each other, they will escape or attack again!

But Ye Xuan knew very well that the evil demon would continuously enter this world through the portal.

As the saying goes, the enemy of the enemy is the friend.

Ye Xuan looked at it. There was a guy with antlers on his head. His armor was different from the others. It was made of metal. From just now, he was here to give orders!

"City Lord, who are you going to see?" Ye Xuan did not shy away, and directly pointed his eyes in the direction he wanted to see people.

"That's... the boss of the monster beast"

Ye Xuan nodded. Now the monster beast is actively attacking. Obviously, the monster beast doesn't like evil demon.

"City Lord, this is not a good idea, now monsters, they are eager to kill us!" Long Aotian said.

How many monsters Ye Xuan killed.

At that time, I didn't know the situation, but now I know, Ye Xuan hopes to shake hands and make peace with the enemy!

"City Lord, I don't think this is a good idea!" Long Aotian was very worried about Ye Xuan's safety.

If it went up like this, the monster would not have swallowed him directly!

"How can you do it without trying?" Ye Xuan won't shrink back, he must do what he is looking for.

"But, City Lord, there are only four of us, and the other side has thousands of troops, and we have no bargaining chips!"

No no no!

Ye Xuan denied his statement.

"Wrong, we have the chips!"

Then he looked at Gong Ming, Gong Ming suddenly sweated, wasn't he still a companion just now?

Why this time, I have to hand over myself as a bargaining chip, what kind of partner is this...

"What do you mean by me, the Sky City has nothing to do with the monster beast!"

"Of course, you know where the portal is..."

"Brother Ye Xuan, what do you mean..." Long Zhan was the first to understand that Ye Xuan was a lie!

What Ye Xuan needs now is a troop, a troop that can enter the palace!

Fel energy demons are constantly pouring out of it, and relying on the strength of these people is absolutely impossible...

"Smart, only this way..."

"But, I don't know if this portal is inside..."

Gong Ming didn't confirm, he hadn't been in, everything was speculation.

"I just didn't confirm it before I went in to see it."

Long Aotian thought for a while and said, "It seems that this is the case, I will go up with you!"

His physical strength has almost recovered, Long Zhan is still a little bit close, let the two of them rest here first.

But Ye Xuan refused and said, "There are too many people, which will only make the monster be suspicious of us. It is better for me to go up alone. If something happens to me, you immediately withdraw and return to Emperor Xuancheng. Even if the entire Emperor Profound City has been set up, he will come back and blow up this evil bunker!"

Ye Xuan seemed to be preaching an imperial edict, and Long Aotian didn't say anything, this kind of thing might happen again.

Moreover, when Ye Xuan raised his head to look, the leader of the monster beast also looked down.

The tacit understanding of the two people brought the eyes together in the first place.

Ye Xuan's feet climbed hard, and then went up the mountain, and quickly climbed the net all the way. The gully was a hundred meters deep, but for the monster beast, it might not be as good as a sink. Ye Xuan went up and they went down.

There will be several demon statues coming to attack Ye Xuan, but none of them will be his opponents.

Some monsters seemed to smell Ye Xuan's body. They might be the most annoying, and they would come and attack.

But the leader of the monster beast seemed to want Ye Xuan to come up, and raised his hand, the monster beast stopped attacking.


Ye Xuan flew up directly.

The people below gave Ye Xuan a cold sweat. Humans and monsters are enemies that don't share the sky.

Now, the two leaders of them are standing together, feeling a suffocating feeling.

They all understood it wrong, the leader of the monster beast let Ye Xuan go, but wanted to kill him himself.

The leader of the monster beast, at least five or six meters tall, is very strong, and looks like an active tank.

He has the appearance of a human, but his eyes are more ferocious than a wild beast. The tail behind him shook the ground loudly, cracking cracks and dusting.

Ye Xuan stood in front of him, it was as if the ants were inferior, too small, not at a level at all.

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