After hearing the words of Huo Qilin's body, Ye Xuan was speechless!

Looking at Ye Xuan's Zhenmo, Huo Qilin's body exhaled a suffocating breath from his nostrils:

"Let's see, since the emergence of mankind, what the world has become, wanton killing and destruction, since there are people, there has been no end to war..."

Ye Xuan listened to what Huo Qilin said, but now that Xiao Huo had been kicked out, he couldn't talk to Ye Xuan directly.

"Humans shouldn't exist, this world shouldn't exist!" Huo Qilin's body still carries a sadness in it.

"Yes, mankind has caused a lot of damage to this world, but mankind has changed again!"

With that said, Ye Xuan strengthened his strength a bit and sealed the seal completely.

"Hahaha, the power of the seal is already weaker, you can't keep me here for a long time..."

The body of the fire unicorn roared loudly.

"No, as long as I don't die, you won't be able to get out!" This is what Ye Xuan said to the Huo Qilin body.

"You have been alive for a while, haven't you?" Huo Qilin smiled and whispered in a low voice.

Ye Xuan suddenly came back from another world. He saw Gong Ming was supporting the two fists with his hands. He was about to reach the limit. Ye Xuan was not at all confused now. He knew something, then Some things must be clear.

Human beings are not like that, but they can unite human beings in the whole world, and the evil energy cannot be invincible.

Since it is the evil energy produced by human evil thoughts, then human justice is the best weapon to eliminate evil energy!

"I can't die here, I want to prove it to the Fel Forces, and also to the Fire Qilin's body!"

Ye Xuan's power seemed to have recovered some, and he began to try to break free of that **** tail!

"You finally woke up, you hurry up and find a way, I can't hold it anymore!" Gong Ming's face turned black and blue.

Ye Xuan used the power of milking: ‘I’m thinking of a way, you can hold on for me for a while! ’

"Otherwise, let's change, I'll go and lie down, you will support me? I see how you support it!"

"If this works, I want to do this too, this **** tail!"

Ye Xuan really exhausted all the strength of his whole body, but there was no effect at all. His injury was too severe. Although he had used spiritual power to temporarily protect his heart, the protection was quite weak...

But Ye Xuan had to fight it like this.


With a loud noise, Ye Xuan looked up, an incredible scene took place in the sky and a group of huge monsters, four or five giant gorillas, were furiously hammered at his chest, and they were destroyed with a punch. A giant skeleton.

Monster beast, really came to the devil...

Ye Xuan suddenly understood that Withered Wood was right before, the monster beast is the natural enemy of the evil demon!

These giant skeletons were vulnerable to the monsters.

Looking at the sky again, two flying dragons with four heads and four legs have already fought inextricably with the demons turned into stone figures in the sky, and they have an overwhelming advantage.

More and more monsters came down from the sky.

At this time, another stone giant suddenly came over, and started a death fight with the demon who controlled Ye Xuan. Ye Xuan knew that this was not for him, but Ye Xuan took it back by himself thanks to him. One life.

"Come on, come with me to save people!" Ye Xuan pulled up Gong Ming and ran away.

Gong Ming also runs as fast as he can.

"Can your Holy Light still be used now?" Ye Xuan asked as he ran.

"Wait a little longer, it will be a while, don't worry, as long as you can't die, my holy light can heal you immediately..."

Ye Xuan said in his heart: This is great. If there is a force of 10,000 people, it will be invincible.

At this time, Long Aotian could be considered rescued, but it was almost dead now.

"How's it going..." Ye Xuan asked loudly.

At this time, Gong Ming opened his eyes and took a look, and said with some palpitations: "Fel energy can absorb human life. He has absorbed a lot of life, but his vitality is still very tenacious. Wait for me. There is more to save!"

At this time, there were still a large number of demons pouring out of the door, and all the monsters had already been dispatched, the big man against the big man, and the small man against the small man.

Ye Xuan didn't care about them, and turned Long Aotian on his body, feeling that he was going to fall.

But Ye Xuan still gritted his teeth and fought people against him, trotting all the way, Long Zhan was not far away.

Three holes were opened in him...

"How is he?"

Gong Ming glanced at it and said, "It's okay, there is still something to be saved!"

Then he can be considered relieved.

It seems that at a glance, there is a melee situation. I temporarily gave up the idea of ​​blowing up the transfer door. This carried one, dragged one, and found a corner to hide first.

Long Zhan was twitching all over his body now, and Long Zhan first held down his wound.

"Hold it..."

Long Zhan closed his eyes, he really suffered a lot.

Gong Ming took a rest and healed Ye Xuan first. Ye Xuan felt that his body was repairing quickly, but it was not as fast as before.

"There is only so much power right now, and I have to recover slowly!"

After all, the power of the monster beast is limited. The current battle situation is very anxious. The demons are constantly pouring out, and the small portals summoned by the demons just now have been destroyed.

"It's okay, I'll go in now!" Ye Xuan discovered that as long as the portal in the fortress is not destroyed, the battle will not end.

"That..." Gong Ming had to say something.

"I lied to you, I don't know if there is a portal in it, my power alone can't get in..."

Gong Ming just wanted to do meritorious service, and to show the people in the city of heaven, he was also capable.

But seeing Ye Xuan, Long Aotian and Long Zhan, they believed in themselves so much, and they all suffered so much injury. To tell the truth, his conscience really couldn't survive.

"It's okay, the portal must be inside."

Ye Xuan grabbed Gong Ming's shoulder hard...

"Also, your power is very powerful. When I blow up this portal, come back to the Emperor Profound City with me. We need talents like you, and talents shouldn't be buried."

Gong Ming was stunned. When he was in the Sky City, it was cast aside...


There was a sudden choking.

Ye Xuan didn't say anything extra.

Just as Ye Xuan was about to move, he was suddenly arrested. Looking back, it was Long Aotian.

He smiled and said: "Town Lord, wait for me, I will rest for a while!"

At the same time, there was Long Zhan. He was already speechless. He still grabbed Ye Xuan's clothes and couldn't speak, but his spirit had been conveyed, and he wanted to continue fighting.

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