Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!


Several people in Ye Xuan encountered some difficult problems.

As soon as they approached the gate of the castle, they were rejected by a powerful force.

"Let me try it!" Long Aotian Mou got his strength and punched up, but this force was amplified several times, and then rebounded back, directly hitting several unguarded people. .

Ye Xuan was not spared, several people were overthrown to the ground at the same time.

"What's the matter?" Ye Xuan stood up and looked at the gate close to him, but he couldn't get in.

Long Zhan observed the gate. There were two people outside the gate who seemed to be the door gods. They said that the people were wrong, because they all had a pointed angle like a machete, similar to the human facial features, but double The feet resemble horseshoes, holding weapons, one seems to be a huge knife, and the other is two axes.

And it is a city gate, it looks like a few tens of meters high, there is also a beast head, a pair of green eyes, sharp teeth.

They have wasted a lot of time here, and the demon has summoned an army of hundreds of people, or they are all led by the master "falcon controller". These things are of little use to several people.

"You think of a way, I'll go to support them first!" Dragon Warfare volunteered, a nirvana sword, directly into the ranks of demons.

Long Aotian reached out a hand, and the messenger touched it, but again, a powerful force shot directly. This time he was prepared again, but he was not attacked.

But through the observation just now, Ye Xuan already seemed to see that this force was sent from the middle position, and then divided into two sculptures, and then sent out again.

Is it on top?

Ye Xuan stretched out a palm, a small lightsaber, and emitted a blue-violet light, but through Ye Xuan's accumulation of energy, he would get bigger and bigger. Ye Xuan shook his hand and sent it out directly. Still the same, when the sword hit the invisible wall, it was suddenly decomposed, and then the force was rebounded back multiple times.

"No, hurry up!"

Ye Xuan ’s power is stronger than Long Aotian itself. It is being strengthened several times. That is devastating. Three people ran in three directions. A pulse-like weapon directed directly toward a line. The direction hit out.

Just behind the dragon battle, the dragon battle was defending the enemy with all his strength, and he noticed that there was something strange behind him, and suddenly turned back, and found that it was too late. Everywhere, if this experience hits the dragon battle, there must be no ash left.

"Zhan'er!" Long Aotian shouted, with anxious expression in his eyes.

Ye Xuan's eyes were full of seriousness, and the fastest speed of his life broke out, almost faster than the blink of an eye. It was already behind the Dragon Battle, and then he hit directly with his backhand, using brute force Directly reversed the course of that force and flew directly into the sky.

This force seemed to be able to rush into the universe until it was invisible, but he cut the air, and a vortex appeared in the sky.

Longzhan and Gongming arrived here. Longzhan took a breath, not Ye Xuan, he was already pierced.

"City Master!" Long Aotian hurried up.

Ye Xuan glanced at his palm. Such a powerful force only scratched his arm a little, without any major harm.

"God, how did you do it!" Gong Min felt really incredible.

Ye Xuan is not relying on brute force, but when he wants to use his brute force to change, he suddenly realizes that this force is from him, so maybe he can use the same force to guide him.

This seems to be the mutual attraction of the magnet. Ye Xuan immediately sent another force to rush directly into the sky. Ye Xuan did it one second before the force had to penetrate the bodies of the two people, so the skin on his hand was like this It was broken.

Although it saved the dragon's life, it still had no effect on the result.

It seems that this is the only unit of evil energy outside, and the Dragon War is easily solved by everyone.

"Dude, did you ever go in when you found this place?" Long Zhan asked Gong Ming.

Ye Xuan also wanted to know, but Ye Xuan even wanted to know how he found this place.

It's so hidden, and evil energy is different from other forces. Although he is very powerful, he can't feel it at all. Therefore, such a huge city wall has been built here, and no one knows it or knows it.

"Do you have anything to hide from me?" Ye Xuan suddenly became serious.

Ha ha!

Gong Ming sneered: "I am a believer in the Holy Light, is it deceiving."

"Then how did you find this place?" Ye Xuan asked the question he wanted to ask.

"Since you asked, then I will tell you that the greatest enemy of evil energy is the Holy Light!" Gong Min still took a little pride.

"Holy Light, what kind of power is this?" Long Aotian was puzzled and had never heard of it.

"The Holy Light was never obtained by cultivation, he was born, but the strength and weakness are the same ..." Gong Ming's expression at this time was much darker, the implication is that his inherent strength is relatively weak of.


Gong Ming sighed: "Actually, I am not from the Central Plains, nor from Yunhuang. I am from a floating city, where is it called ..."

"Floating City!"

"You come from a floating city, isn't that the city told in the story?" This dragon battle showed a bit.

He heard the story from a bard, of course, not a fake bard like Fang Mu.

This was when he was very young, and he was still a little beggar. At that time, the greatest fun was listening to a white-bearded old man telling a story.

Moreover, this old man with a white beard has a special ability to get back to life. There is a cute puppy who was accidentally crushed by a car, but where is the old man with a white beard, using **** to make a golden Xiaoguang, the puppy was resurrected immediately.

"Very good. You've heard the floating city, but that's not a story. He really exists."

Gong Ming said, talking about the floating city, Gong Ming will have a lot to say, he loves that city, because that is his hometown, when he is most proud when he was discovered by the elders that there is the power of the Holy Light in his body At that time, he was almost ten years old. Although the general power of the Holy Light will be discovered before the age of three, although he is ten years old, he can still join the "Golden Knights" to become an excellent holy saint. Knight, become a user of Holy Light!

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