Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

The defense of Xuanwu City is not very strict, but for a master like Xuan Xiao, he can easily come and go no matter how strict the place is.

Of course, it also attracted the attention of several patrols. That's because in Xuanwu City, there is a ban on nights. On the empty streets, it is certainly very interesting for him to dangle alone.

But these patrolling soldiers died in the hands of Xuan Xiao.

Xuan Xiao stood on a high skyscraper with a purple gem in his hand.

Withered Wood's vigilance is very high, and he will always open an eye when he sleeps, and "Luo Lijian" is also in her arms, so that he can feel that Luo Li is just beside him.

Bing Qingya was in bed, he was sleeping peacefully with one of his arms, Huo Qilin suddenly opened his eyes, sniffed his nose, did he smell something, looked at the dead wood, and then sweetened his own Claws crawled down again.

Unnoticed, the dead wood's two eyes were opened, just a breeze, the dead wood had disappeared.

Under the full moon, the dead wood shuttled between the buildings, and finally stopped at a place.

"You're here!" The dead wood didn't look back, already knowing who it was.

Fang Mu stood behind him: "I'm curious, who actually won the battle with Lonno?"

The wind rose from the cloak of the dead wood, revealing half of his body and the arm he had broken.

Fang Mu moved his mouth: "What's wrong with your arm?"

The dead wood didn't seem to care at all: "Cut off!"

Fang Mu took a breath, and dead wood was the best among the sword sages. He even broke an arm, and it was no accident that Langnuo did.

"How is Lorno?"


Witherwood sighed: "Run!"

Withered cold for a while, withered wood sacrificed the cost of one arm, and even let Lonno run away.

"Why don't you chase him?" Fang Mu asked.

Withered wood shook his head: "I have now lost all my skills."

In addition to being shocked, Fang Mu was shocked. Withered wood is now completely abolished. Isn't that just like a waste man?

This is indeed the case, now the dead wood is a waste person.

Withered tree fights with Lonno, weeping ghosts and gods, withered tree exhausted the whole body, and is not Lono's opponent, but Lono has no good way to hold him.

When the dry wood was desperate, who could have thought that Long Nuo had only one person, he launched the "Feng Tian Da Zhen!" Opponent, not to mention that he has already squeezed himself out now?

Withered wood could only escape from the "Fengtian Dazhen" with all his strength, but when he escaped, he was cut off by this force with one arm, and it also exerted effort on his body.

After so many years of hard work, it is a total abolition.

Withered wood clutching his broken arm and looking back, Lonno had reached the limit, but some power remained.

When Lonno continued to pursue the dead wood, the dead wood was ready, and he planned to pay for his recklessness, but a person he didn't expect appeared.


He didn't know why Zhuoya was here, but Zhuoya did save his life.

Zhuoya took the opportunity to destroy the two, but he did not do so.

Instead, he blocked Lonno and let go of the dead wood. Although the dead wood didn't know what happened, it really picked up a life.

Although so many things have happened, the words of dead wood are much simpler.


"You are really naughty!" Fang Mu's answer to the dead wood is very helpless, but I don't know why, knowing that he is still alive, Fang Mu is still very psychologically comfortable.

"Where are you going?" Fang Mu asked.

"Go and see someone!" Deadwood returned.

"Can I go?" Fang Mu asked again!

Wither smiled: "Do you think I still have the ability to stop you?"

Fang Mu shook his head helplessly: "Fuck, just, whatever you want!"

Fang Mu stopped and the dead wood hurried on.

"Come back, I invite you to drink!"

Withered wood has lost its own strength, maybe it is very difficult to deal with a mortal.

But he had to continue on his way, turning around the corner, unexpectedly, he encountered a patrol!

"What are you patrolling for this big night, just like somebody." A soldier complained.

They are not clones, they are warriors in Xuanwu City.

There are only three people in the party, but they all have alarm devices on their bodies.

"You have something to complain about, patrol." This is an older man, and he will be more cautious in his work. The dead wood is hiding in a dark corner. Only three people walked away, and he breathed out of it. come out.

"No, how do I think someone is there?" The patrol suddenly felt startled.

But looking back, I found that there was no one at all!

"You drank too much." Obviously impatient, patrol itself is a very painful thing, any wind and grass will be amplified.

"I only drank the second jug of wine today, how could there be so much, I am absolutely wrong!" The patrol is still very confident.

But the three of them went back again, and after careful inspection, especially in the corner where the dead wood was, there was no one in it.

"You're suspicious, I'll smoke you!" The older one was already impatient. He thought about playing class quickly and going home to sleep.

"Not necessarily, you see here, there are indeed footprints!"

Only by looking closely, did I find the footprints in this underground.

"Hurry up and signal!" The three of them were nervous now. Suddenly someone fell from the sky.

Then, the heads of the three people left their bodies!

"It seems you can't do it without me!"

The dead wood hiding in another corner came out and looked at Fang Mu.

"Actually, you don't have to save me, maybe you think so ..." Kumu joked.

Although it is a joke, this sentence is really a truth.

After all, it ’s their respective masters, and Fang Mu will become the next emperor of the Snow Kingdom, and the Snow Kingdom has always regarded the Jianshengmen as a nail.

"Actually, I think so too, but you haven't solved my doubts, so I must save your life first."

Looking at the dead wood, then went on: "And, now that you have lost all your skills, is it easy for me to take your life?"

At the same time, Xuan Xiao secretly manipulated the crystals in his hands, surprisingly.

This is another time the dead wood secretly handed over to him, he said: this crystal can find his place.

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