Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

Linna's ability is not only to turn himself into a diamond, he can also control his body, break down crystals of diamonds that are invisible to the naked eye, and then trap his prey.

Long Aotian didn't pay attention and found his hands and feet were sealed in diamonds.

He punched the wall with a punch, and the wall was penetrated, but there was no crack in the diamond.

"Hum, you bitch, don't you think you can seal me like this?"

"Bitch, son?" Linna suddenly froze.

Then he laughed like a madman.

"I don't understand what you mean, but I must not be complimenting me!"

Linna felt that she had trapped Long Aotian, and she began to feel complacent, but his smile was really good enough.

Long Aotian gathered all his strength in his right hand, and then found that when it was about to be released, suddenly the strength was absorbed by the diamond.

Looking at Linna's mean expression again, it seems that she has already won the prize, and she has exaggerated her laughter.

In fact, Linna was pretty good for a long time, but her appearance was so cheap that Long Aotian couldn't help but want to kill her.

Long Aotian carried the diamond-trapped hand and punched Linna in the face with a punch.

"Look if your diamond is hard or my fist is hard." With just one punch, Linna's face was smashed out of a deep hole.

Linna couldn't laugh anymore, her ability could not be maintained, the diamonds on Long Aotian's body were broken, and then a second punch.

Linna only resisted three punches. After the three punches, the whole person suffered without dying.

"Fuck, experiment with Lao Tzu, you **** are looking for death."

Ye Xuan ran all the way to the middle of the fortress. The dragon battle lacked combat experience and could not catch the whereabouts of the green demon. He was erratic.

At this time, suddenly a wall was penetrated, Long Aotian drilled out.


As soon as Long Aotian saw the Dragon War, he knew that he was here to save himself. Then he opened his mouth and laughed:

"My good son, you are here to find dad!"

The Green Devils saw that they were carrying enemies. They climbed onto a pillar and spit out tongues like lizards to demonstrate to the two.

"Fuck, this is a group of things, how can lizards have them!" Long Aotian scolded.

The Green Devil heard Long Aotian calling himself a lizard. He was a human, but he was too mutated, so he became what he is now, and it was his flaw.

The sound of "Poo" disappeared directly, and then Long Aotian hadn't seen anything, there were two more mouths around his waist, blood flowing.

"Dad!" Long Zhan shouted anxiously when he saw Long Aotian injured.

Long Aotian is underestimating the enemy. Now the enemy's speed is getting faster and faster. The two knives just now didn't realize it. They can only say that the speed is above him.

Suddenly, there was another knife on the thigh!

Another knife on the arm!

The Dragon War could not stand it anymore, rushing up with the "Nirvana Sword", and then there was no response, he got a knife in his small face.

"War, don't come over, Dad catches a big lizard for you to play with!"

"Dad!" Long Zhan knew that Long Aotian was also helpless now, talking coldly, so that he shouldn't worry.

"Squeak ..."

"Those of you who are backward are still talking coldly, don't you think I can't kill you?"

The first time Green Demon spoke, his voice was as thin as a silk thread, and it sounded very infiltrating.

"Squeak ..."

Hahaha ...

Long Aotian laughed wildly.

"I think you look like a lizard. After a long time, you are a fly. No wonder you are so annoying ..."

"You dare to be so arrogant to me Green Demon, I must kill you!"

The Green Demon was completely anxious by Long Aotian, and flew straight up. The double knives in his hand and a knife on the tail, the three knives pointed at Long Aotian's life door at the same time.


Long Aotian's neck first blew blood, then on the chest, and finally the root of the thigh!

"Dad!" Long Zhan saw Long Aotian's head back to Yang, and the whole person was suffocating.

But suddenly, Long Aotian's hand stretched out quickly, his body did not fall, but put his head back slowly.

At this time, Long Aotian didn't know what he grabbed, and gradually showed up.

"You don't believe that you are a lizard, isn't it lizard?"

Long Aotian grabbed Green Demon's neck, but Green Devil pinched his neck and could not say anything. Long Aotian tried hard, and he didn't need spiritual power, but he used muscle power, Green Demon's neck. Just squeezed off.

It fell to the ground, just like a bone without a bone.

Seeing that these three people were so strong, those who still wanted to resist all began to retreat. Ye Xuan also rushed over at this time, seeing that Long Aotian and Dragon Battle were all right, and I was relieved.

"City Lord, why did you come here in person?"

I have to admit that Ye Xuan is underestimating the enemy. The Westerners really are very different from themselves. They have sent their spiritual power to the other direction.

"Okay, since you are okay, then let's hurry to find other people, those who are caught by them as coolies."

"That line, the city master listens to you!"

The three acted collectively. After a while, I looked back and saw that Dragon Warfare did not keep up.

He seemed to find something. Those soldiers wearing helmets took off a few, and his face suddenly changed.

"Dad, Brother Ye Xuan, look at them quickly, they all look the same."

Ye Xuan and Long Aotian heard each other and looked at each other, then quickly took off a few people without masks. Found that Long Zhan was right, they are all the same person.

This is contrary to their imagination, how could this happen.


Ye Xuan swallowed. "Hurry up and find someone who is different from them."

Dragon Warfare is still small, and the time has changed since he was born. I don't know the existence of "cloning" technology, so he is still curious.

If Ye Xuan did not guess wrong, these people are clones and the technology is very advanced.

"There should be a living over there." Long Aotian suddenly remembered Linna, he might not have died.

"Hurry and take me over!" Ye Xuan's way was sure that all the people he was fighting with were dead. He quickly followed Long Aotian, but he also let him down, and the people here also died.

However, it is not without gains. The computer here is still in operation, and Ye Xuan hastily operated it.

Ye Xuan discovered something very remarkable.

Many technical parameters about the human body are recorded here, and there are many video materials on the scene of the experiment. If it is released, it will definitely be big news and absolutely the most powerful kind.

The Westerners are deconstructing and copying the body of the Central Plains Warrior.

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