Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

The woman saw everything in the laboratory and immediately shouted: "Come on, a powerful tranquilizer!"

"Miss Linna, our people are still inside!"

Strong sedatives are ultra-high concentrations of drugs, and with the addition of nanotechnology, they can penetrate even when wearing protective clothing.

"You can't control this much, and you must not let this experiment run away. Our sentinel plan is about to be completed."

Long Aotian was alone in the laboratory. Those heavily armed soldiers used the most advanced laser weapons, but they could not hit him at all, but Long Aotian could destroy them one by one accurately.

A doctor wearing glasses opened a glass lid with a red button and pressed it without hesitation, spraying a high concentration of white mist from the four corners. Long Aotian looked at the white mist and knew that it was definitely not a good thing. He concentrated his power on his right fist and suddenly bombarded it. The 30-centimeter thick explosion-proof tempered door flew out with a single punch.

This is a door that TNT can't open. In the eyes of the angry Long Aotian, it is really the same as paper.


The high-concentration tranquilizer exploded after being exposed to enough oxygen, and the entire laboratory was blasted with residual arms.

But Long Aotian came out of the fire, but he manipulated the fire department's spells, such fire was not useful to them.

A scorched piece of clothing ripped off the body, the tattoo on the chest is exposed, a fierce cobra.

But here the fog was thick, and nothing could be underestimated. I saw two firelights. Long Aotian instinctively reacted and evaded the past.


Long Aotian felt a tingling pain on his back. Looking back, there were traces of two bullets hitting the shoulder blades on both sides.

Those are Linna's two black bodyguards. They are also abilities, twins. They have natural control over weapons, and they can even catch walls and rebound against bullets.

This is an armor-piercing projectile, the steel plate of the tank can be penetrated through, but there are two pieces of bruise left on Long Aotian ’s body. Linna is also a powerhouse. Her body can become diamonds, the hardest substance in the world . Just now I turned my whole body into a diamond, and escaped the explosion attack.

Ye Xuan heard the explosion, and saw the fire in the center, and he stepped down.

Pedal Pedal ...

He was about to fly on the city wall, but the surface-to-air missiles were all aimed at him. Ye Xuan ’s body was in the air, and he could n’t escape. He could only stretch his arms, lightsaber spread out, go Hard hit the missile.

Bang Bang Bang ...

After successive explosions, Ye Xuan passed through the black smoke and rushed up the city wall. This foot hadn't stopped yet. A red laser shot directly at his chest.

Ye Xuanba came out of the Qilin sword and blocked it with the body of the sword. When he saw someone in front of him, the laser came from his eyes.

This group of foreign devils is completely different from their own cultivation techniques, but their power is not weak. If they were just hit by the front, they will definitely make a hole in the body.

Fortunately, the unicorn sword is in hand.

Ye Xuan supported the laser in one hand, sacrificed three lightsabers in one hand, and shot out towards the laser eye. The laser eye saw three lightsabers flying towards him, swish, and turned over three times in a row, just flashed, just Upon landing, Ye Xuan's sword was placed on his neck.

"Your speed is too slow!"

With a horizontal knife, the laser eye's head flew away from his body.

Ye Xuan looked at the corpse, whose head was separated from his body, but no drop of blood had flowed out. Moreover, it immediately disappeared into countless ways of light, and merged again in front of him.

Ye Xuan was also a little scared.

Is this the technique of Westerners?

The laser eye does not like to talk, just want to catch Ye Xuan, his body is divided into countless lights, no light has formed an entity, and instantly turned into tens of thousands of laser eyes.

From all directions, the laser without dead ends was directly fired.

Ye Xuan's shadow flickered and flew directly into the sky.

"Haha, something interesting!"

Ye Xuanqi walked into the Linghai, and suddenly his body became like a mirror, shining brightly, and the expression of the laser eye changed greatly, but the laser had been emitted and could not be recovered. When the laser touched Ye Xuan's body, he was Reflecting back in all directions, hit the ten thousand avatars of the laser eye, and finally only the last one left, Ye Xuan instantly came to his side.

"Let me go!" They spoke very poorly.

Ye Xuan sneered: "Are you threatening me?"

Laser Eye wanted to turn his body into a laser escape, but he was suddenly surprised to find that when Ye Xuan's sword was pressed against his body, his body could not be turned into light.

It is no different from an ordinary person.

"Can you suppress my power?" The laser eye said incredulously.

"Of course." After Ye Xuan obtained the Qilin sword, a lot of techniques were automatically generated in his mind, as if originally in his body, as long as the mind moves, it will be used. It is the seal technique of Jianshengmen. Ye Xuan also holds a try attitude, and it is not so easy to use.

When Ye Xuan closed his right eye, and then opened it suddenly, the expression of the laser eye seemed to see the Yan Luo of hell. The whole person was full of fright. Then the inverted triangle sign in Ye Xuan's eye instantly Imprinted in his eyes, the whole person's body became stiff, as if the vegetative was lying on the ground and could not move.

Long Aotian, there was no such thing as a waste of blows. The twins lost their heads and opened a big hole in their chests.

Long Aotian was already murderous, but after following Ye Xuan, he got better, but today he was caught by these people, and he almost became a white mouse to solve it for him, how could he let them go so easily ?

This kind of death method is cheap for them, only to get rid of their bones, drink their blood, and sleep on their skins, but it is hard to understand.

Linna looked at Long Aotian so powerful, she was not afraid, but excited. The whole body turned into diamonds.

"Good, I want to get your genes and transport them to the sentry, so the world will be saved."

When Long Aotian heard it, he was stunned for a while, and then thought about it, got his own genes?

At that time, he was already hot, and his hair was burning. This is his spiritual power. He did not have a few previous battles, and this will be done. That is because Long Aotian felt that he was being a mother. They looked down and played around.

Long Aotian, the man's big husband, he will not hurt a woman, but the person in front of him is full of diamonds. He is no longer a woman in his eyes. Today, he must dismantle his diamond and make it into a yo-yo. It's okay to roll around.

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