Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

The body of Murong's battles fell from the sky.

Duan Ziyun rushed straight down, the ice below, Murong directly fell on the ice.

"Master Murong, are you okay!"

Looking at the chest through the hole, the heart is gone, but this man has a last breath.

"You don't have Promise and Promise, why is there no rebirth this time?" Duan Ziyun tried to stop the bleeding first, but the blood couldn't stop it.

Murong has been speechless.

"Jiansheng's seal technique is not ordinary, that is, it can be sealed even if it is immensely old! This time he is dead."

Xuan Xiao couldn't bear to look at it. It was indeed like this. Witherbark hadn't applied any sealing technique to anyone before.

The dead wood's body was healed and flew to the sky to stand with Xuan Xiao side by side.

Looked at the side, blood rose and Bing Qingya!

"Brother Shi, now is not the time to mourn, first break this great array!"

"Yes, brother!"

Finally, I was able to fight side by side with Brother Kumu again, and now I can understand my brother's heart. Xuan Xiao is no longer confused.

"Brother, your sword!" Xuan Xiao handed Luo Lijian to the dead wood.

Witherbark: "Jiansheng, as long as there is a sword in your heart, everything is a sword!"

When this empty hand is caught, Xuan Bing will condense into a sword. With the sword in hand, "Destiny Jialan" can be used.

Parachutist Zhao Yun!

A spear speared out directly.

"Small fire, the three of us attack together!"

Huo Qilin also has two Juggernauts, and they attack at the same time.

Seven Saints is a little timid now.

Mo Yuan said coldly: "Feng Tian Da Zhen has formed, I will deal with them, you continue to charge!"

From seven people to six people, the pressure will increase.

Mo Yuan is not an idle person. He was a popular candidate at the beginning. His strength is naturally not to be underestimated. His stylus is the "Desperate Galan" used by the famous sword "Ku Wu". It is the **** of war Li Yuanba.

"Damn, his strength is too strong!" Xuan Xiao knew that he must not be an opponent.

The dead wood said nothing, saying: "I will deal with him, you will deal with Feng Tian Da array!"

"Withered wood, don't forget, your swordsmanship is taught by me, can you be my opponent?"

Mo Yuan is the master of the dead wood in the sword hall, this is a battle of master and apprentice.

"Thank you for the master's years of cultivation, but for the sake of the world, the disciples can only be unfilial."

"Hahaha, ridiculous! Take the trick."

The two of them fought directly, and the sky fell apart and the mountains shook.

What kind of contest is this? The blood rose and Bing Qingya on the side have been greatly impacted. The two women fighting are dead and alive, and finally they even start to tremble in the body. You grab my hair, I Tear your face.

In the end, Blood Rose's face became a tabby cat, and Bing Qingya's hair was also torn off a lot.

"Old witch, you old goblin!" Bing Qingya spit out.

"You little vixen, I will tear your mouth today."

Looking at the battle over there, Huo Qilin shook his head helplessly. Xuan Xiao shouted: "Senior, it's important that we break that seal!"

"Of course I know!" Huo Qilin looked at Ye Xuan.

Why didn't he come out yet.

Huo Qilin knew that he was practicing in it, but he wanted to practice for hundreds of years.

Ye Xuan practiced, and after repairing the Linghai, he found that he could not accumulate spiritual energy. Two forces of physical energy collided with each other. One of them was Jian Qi, which he could feel, but what was the other? He sometimes has, sometimes does not, that is, when the spiritual power of the Linghai is running, he will appear, and then all will be directly offset, which is deliberately not to let him cast the spell.

The outside world did n’t know what it was like, and Ye Xuan knew that there would be no further progress. It ’s better to go out directly. He suddenly opened his right eye, the inverted triangle of the right eye appeared, and Yu Xiao real person suddenly I felt a huge force, like a pair of glasses with inverted triangles, staring at him from behind.

This force was too great, and the pressure was too great. A breath of blood spurted out directly, and Feng Tianda's strength was much weaker.

Huo Qilin looked at Ye Xuan and he came out.

After coming out, the whole person is different.

Immediately the whole body was burning with heavy flames.

"Boy, you can stay long enough ..."

Ye Xuan vomited, and nodded.

Ye Xuan saw the dead wood and was alive again, and was fighting with an unknown person. There was Bing Qing Ya, and then look at the frozen world below.

In fact, it was only ten minutes before and after. How did such a dramatic change happen.

Murong died in battle, Long Aotian and they were defeated

"You don't have to worry about these first, first break their fierce battle!" Huo Qilin said to Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan looked at the sky, and this was the "Feng Tian Da Zhen". Sure enough, it was still quite powerful. This cobweb threw itself down from the sky, feeling like it could cover everything.

Ye Xuan brandished the Qilin sword, the sword gas was sent out with fire, and it was directly chopped to the Internet of Feng Tian Da Zhen, but the power was actually absorbed.

"This is where Feng Tianda's power lies. He can absorb spiritual power, and our power will become hotter and weaker!"

Ye Xuan looked at it, and it was true, self-channel: "Then just beat those old men?"

Huo Qilin smiled: "Boy, what you think is too simple, and they are already in the Fengtian Formation."

"That's no solution?"

Ye Xuan raised his eyebrows?

"As long as the strength is strong enough," Huo Qilin said.

Ye Xuan moved his eyebrows: "Okay!"

Ye Xuan turned on all the sword energy in his body, and the sealed beast within the Qilin sword suddenly roared.

Ye Xuan entered his spiritual reality and saw the angry beast.

"Give me strength!"

The real Huo Qilin didn't even bother to look at it. He didn't resist, and the chain that was bound had less power for him.

He lay there, looking at Ye Xuan, without lifting his eyelids.

"Boy, do you know who you are ordering?"

"I know, you are the soul of Qilin sword!"


"Fart, I'm a Phoenix!"

Phoenix! Why did this phoenix grow like this?

"Don't care about your fucking!" Rui Beast stood up, sniffing his nose.

"It's Feng Tian Da Zhen, I was sealed by this Feng Da Zhen back then, which made me very uncomfortable. Well, I will help you once this time."

The phoenix took a deep breath, and the flame was sprayed directly from the mouth, surrounding Ye Xuan's entire body.

Outside, Ye Xuan suddenly opened his eyes, a phoenix flew out of his body, soaring for nine days, Huo Qilin took a look.

"This is Fengchitianxiang ..."

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