Pen Fun Pavilion, the fastest update of the Xiuxian strong return to the latest chapter of the city!

The strength of the seven people is still not to be underestimated, and the Kirin is still on, which is still a tie.

"Our plan to conquer the Central Plains cannot be destroyed!"

"Huh, Zhongyuan Qi is the place where you guys are going wild?" Murong shouted out of battle.

"It depends on whether you have this strength!"

Tianmen finally revealed its original ambitions. The Snow Kingdom already knew the existence of the Central Plains. Tianmen was the outpost installed here. A large number of soldiers from the Snow Kingdom will be transported to dominate the entire earth.

"People in Tianmen have been punishing and eliminating evil since ancient times. Have you forgotten?"

Xuan Xiao saw that Ye Xuan did not want to come out by himself, so he also participated in the fortune-telling.

"Different sword saints, what qualifications are there to say that punishment is for evil?"

At this time, Yu Xiao lived out and looked at Xuan Xiao and said, "In Yunhuang, the sword saint has been destroyed by our heavenly gate. Today we will clean up your scourge here!"


A thunderbolt on a sunny day, in Yunhuang, is the sword saint destroyed? Xuan Xiao's body suddenly swayed uncontrollably.

Master, and all of you brothers ... all ...

"Haha, this dead wood has a little influence on us, but he is really naive. He turned out to be a person who believed in the so-called prophecy son and could bring peace to the world, but it was actually used by us!

The Seven Saints looked at the person who had been comatose on Duan Ziyun's body. "Son of Prophecy" What kind of prophecy? Was it used? What was used.

At this time, on the back of Xuan Xiao, there was a bit of dead wood. Suddenly reached out, Luo Lijian broke out of the ice, and could still be summoned by him. He flew to the dead wood.

The fighting blood rose looked at Luo Lijian and said, "Sister Silly, when are you going to be silly?"

Suddenly there was a sentence in the sky, this voice, the dead wood had been waiting for a long time.

"Sister, I will prove to you that when you are wrong!"

Withered wood held the sword, but he was already very heavy by Ye Xuan injury, and then he threw it to Xuan Xiao who was fighting.

Xuan Xiao caught the sword, and the power of the sword continued to emerge, and there was that wonderful voice.

"Younger brother, today I am replacing Xiang Gong to fight alongside you!"

This is the real Luo Li sister, she called Xuan Xiao as a younger brother, her city withered wood as a relative.

When the sword was in his hand, Xuan Xiao's strength was thoroughly inspired. His talent is very good, and he is also the best among the entire sword sages, but he is negligent in practice, but with the help of Luo Lijian, he can also The upper city Kendo that exhibited the Juggernaut:

"Desperate Jialan!"

His Jialan is different from the dead wood, and is also a warrior summoned by the spell, but the dead wood calls the flying general Zhao Yun, and Xuan Xiao calls Di Qing!

Seven Saints at a glance, this "Fateless Blue" is not easily summoned by every Juggernaut, it is all at the master level!

Sword Saint Gate destroys the gate, the leader of the Sword Saint Gate, but the five stars in the Heaven Gate can only fight against the characters of the level. The strength of the Five Stars and their Seven Saints are very different. I am afraid that this is Xuan Xiao ’s "Desperate to add blue" is another thorny problem.

"The first time he showed it, his strength was definitely insufficient. Let's work together to destroy this kid first, and then the beast!"

Persimmon still has to pick a soft pinch, this time set the target on Xuan Xiao's body first.

"You guys have a great tone!" Although Xuan Xiao was the first actual combat "Desperate Jialan", but he was very skilled, "Nine Dao of Heaven" was exerted by Xuan Xiao under "Desperate Jialan" , But the Seven Saints are not ordinary people. Although they have not attacked, they have not been injured.

"It turned out to be very powerful, we can only use Fengtian Town."

The real Fengtian Town lies in the battle of dead wood. They did not exert their true power. That is because they have been watching the sky at night, knowing that there will be people in the dead wood to stop them. The snipe clams competed, and then the fishermen benefited. Finally, they sought to sell people's hearts and succumbed to the soldiers without fighting, so that they could rule the Central Plains without a soldier.

"You can't let them play Feng Tian Da Town!" Huo Qilin shouted directly. If Feng Tian Da Zhen is really completed, then there is no strength comparable to that of Tianshen, and it is absolutely impossible to come.

The strength of the Seven Saints is unfathomable.

Xuan Xiao flew up with "Desperate Jialan" directly, in order to break their formation in one fell swoop, but this formation was already improved, and the defense power was added. , That defense cannot be broken at all.


Suddenly Murong rushed up.

"In the end, look at your big town is amazing, and I will also be awesome!"

The two forces collided suddenly in the sky, and the golden one seemed to drop from the sky like a huge gold seal, and smashed into the protective enchantment of the Fengtian Formation.

The casters on both sides have a great power difference, but this is just a protective barrier against confrontation, and the Seven Saints were slightly blocked by these days when casting spells.

"Damn it, even dare to spoil our big formation!" A stylus descended from the sky. The speed was very fast. Murong could see it but could not escape it.


The stylus penetrated his chest directly, leaving a big bowl wound. Words like tadpoles quickly crawled over his wound.

Murong has died several times in battle, but this time, he felt cold all over his body.

After seeing the stylus, Xuan Xiao suddenly realized something, and looked at the man with the stylus inconceivably.

This is the strangest person, because he is wearing a mask and does not know what the purpose is. When this stylus flew out, Xuan Xiao finally understood.

"Uncle Mo Yuan!"

This is not a stylus, but a small sword.

At the beginning, Jian Sheng Men chose a new leader, Mo Yuan failed, so the trail disappeared.

"Senior brother, Uncle Mo Yuan has long been stunned by interests, don't be soft!"

Dead wood has long been known.

Now that he knows it, Mo Yuan took off the mask directly. The bright one behind the mask is really familiar to everyone present.

With thick eyebrows and big eyes, there are three deep scars on his right eye.

At the time, the sword saint had fought with Tianmen together, and the other six saints of the Seven Saints looked at Mo Yuan.

"It turned out to be you!"

"Why not me?"

Mo Yuan looked at Kumu with a sneer: "Master nephew, is this the end of your pursuit of justice?"

"Uncle, who told me that I have lost?"

Suddenly, the dead wood stood up all at once, and his injuries were all right. This was a trap for the dead wood. The constellation of destiny continued to be under his body just to expose Tianmen's tail.

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