The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 2481: Go to the Quartet

Ye Xuan took them back to his mansion.

In the study, the five of them lined up in unison, all standing honestly.

Of course, they were also full of great fear of this young leader.

No one knows this better than them, the commander is powerful.

Before they were imprisoned in the clan dungeon, they were all overlord on the outside.

Naturally, I also know how attractive this commanding position is.

It was empty for such a long time, not to mention the four legions.

I don't know how many people are infiltrating the Quartet Army, and I can't wait to hold them in my hands.

It is a pity that until now, no one has said that they can truly control the four-party army.

No one thought that in the end the position of the commander of the Quartet Army would be grasped by the young adult in front of him.

This young adult is strong, not a strong man of Godhead.

This fleshly body is very powerful and most likely has reached the level of a lower god.

"You are the five strongest masters I brought out of the dungeon this time. You should be thankful for your strength, otherwise you can only stay in the dungeon for the rest of your life."

It was brought out, but Ye Xuan still had to say something.

All of them stood honestly.

"Although I have used the methods in your body, these methods can also be dissipated, provided that you help me manage the Quartet Army!"

Ye Xuan got five invincible God of War this time.

In fact, it is to help oneself master the Quartet Army.

There are a total of 500,000 monks in the Quartet. One person has one hundred thousand, and five people are exactly five hundred thousand.

In this way, Ye Xuan doesn't have to worry about anything.

"And what you have to do is very simple. After you get to the Quartet, I will let each of you be the little commander, one person will manage one hundred thousand monks, and you only need to work for me for 500 years."

Ye Xuan said in a hurry.

Every sentence was a great shock to them.

They have been prepared to work all their lives.

But I never expected that there would be such a good thing in the Sifang Army.

One person can also control one hundred thousand monks, and five people are five hundred thousand monks.

In other words, the entire Quartet Army was mastered by five of them.

Of course, what makes them the most attractive is that as long as they master the four legions and get things done, they only need 500 years to regain their freedom.

Five hundred years are not long or short.

They have reached this level of the invincible God of War.

There are thousands of years later.

Five hundred years is really nothing.

The life span has been thousands of years. Five hundred years is really nothing.

"My lord, don't worry, take care of us like this for you. We will definitely help you take a good look at the Quartet Legion. Whoever dares to release the Legion will be our enemy."

The five of them immediately started talking in unison.

Nothing makes them more yearning than freedom.

Naturally, they could also see that what the young adult said was sincere.

Their strength is much stronger than them.

To put it ugly, it is really too easy for people to destroy them.

Even at the peak of their strength, they are not their opponents.

Speaking of this is indeed a bit of a shock.

But in fact that's what it is.

Even if five of them join forces together, they are not opponents of the person in front of them.

The adult in front of him is really terrifying.

"These are five sets of armors. You can wear armors in the future to avoid frightening people when you can. After all, you are all imprisoned in the Zhongzhou Dungeon!

Ye Xuan also took out five sets of armor.

These five armors are not simple.

Although it is not a low-grade artifact, it is also considered a top-grade guarantee.

With this set of treasure armor, the defense on his body has increased a lot.

The general invincible God of War cannot be broken, and only the lower gods can do it.

And the lower gods at this level are also very few.

Looking at the entire Zhongzhou Palace, there are only the breath of three lower gods.

Although there are two more weird auras, they are also the strength of the lower gods.

After some encouragement.

Ye Xuan sent the five of them out.

When they came out again, they had put on their armor.

At this time, they could not see the original appearance.

This also gave them a sigh of relief in their hearts.

No one will know who they are for five hundred years.

"Now that the people have chosen, I will go to the Quartet tomorrow to confirm the sign-in place. I really look forward to it!"

Ye Xuan was also anxious to leave here as soon as possible.

Good to go to the Quartet.

If you get to the Quartet Army, you can stretch your hands and feet.

This time I went to the Quartet Army. It is estimated that the time will not be too short.

As for when I will return to the Zhongzhou Palace next time, I don't know.

Ye Xuan believed a little more, and when he came back next time, he was afraid that his strength would be stronger again.

Maybe his infinite eternal body has reached the second level.

At the first level, he has reached the peak of the battle power of the lower god.

If it reaches the second level, it is estimated that it will be able to go to the middle god.


Early in the morning.

Ye Xuan took five of his men to the Sifang Army.

After putting on the armor, these five people also recovered their aura.

At first glance, it looks no different from five ordinary guards.

This time accompanied Ye Xuan to the Sifang Army, there was also a little **** who Ye Xuan was familiar with.

It was this little **** last time.

Unexpectedly this time too.

The little **** smiled

"Leader Ye, this time you go to the Sifang Army. You have to be mentally prepared. This Sifang Army is still somewhat different from the previous Sifang Army."

The little **** was called Fang Yun.

He had witnessed some of the methods that Ye commanded.

At the same time, he was particularly liked by His Majesty.

Just look at the leader of Ye, and you can see that he was able to take away five invincible God of War in the Zhongzhou Dungeon.

Others didn't know this, but as a person close to the old emperor, the little **** still knew it.

"It turns out that the Sifang Army is a bit different. Thank you Father Fang for your reminder. This is a small tribute. If it weren't for your reminder, I guess I wouldn't know it."

This little **** still had some usefulness in Ye Xuan's opinion.

At least this guy is quite recognized by the old emperor.

So Ye Xuan thought carefully.

"There is nothing in it, they are just ordinary things, maybe the father-in-law will be able to use it anytime."

A ring fell on Fang Yun's hand like this.

Fang Yun smiled even more happily.

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