The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 2480: If you can't find it, you can't find it

The first white-haired old man was taken down by Ye Xuan.

Still convinced.

After planting the mark, he followed Ye Xuan honestly.

This coming out surprised the people in the other cages.

Who doesn't know what the white-haired old man is capable of, but why did he follow this young man honestly?

It is still possible to regain freedom if he gets the attention of this young man.

All the people present were excited.

The butler was also a little surprised by this scene.

Finally know why Ye Xuan is coming to this third floor.

It turned out that people had planned for a long time, and they wanted to take away these invincible gods of war.

An invincible God of War is already terrifying, if you bring five invincible God of War.

Butlers can imagine that if this goes to the Quartet, those guys probably won't have a good life.

How can you beat these invincible war gods on strength.

For a while, Ye Xuan's body seemed to be full of mystery.

"You have stayed here for a long time. Which ones are more powerful? I want to fight the best, don't say what I can't."

After the white-haired old man started with Ye Xuan, he was completely convinced.

His body is strong, but this young man is even stronger.

One palm makes his physical body almost collapse, one can imagine the strength of the opponent.

It is very possible to reach the true lower **** in the legend.

But the other party didn't seem to have condensed the godhead, this is the most terrifying thing.

"I know who is the strongest here, I will take the adults over now!"

The white-haired old man is willing to be imprinted.

When he reached his realm, unless he was stronger than him, otherwise he would never be convinced.

The most important thing is that this young man is too young, and young is outrageous.

There is such a strength unexpectedly.

It is not impossible to follow him.

"He is an invincible God of War here that is more powerful, and he is also a weird sword technique, sir, you can bring him out!"

In front of a cage, there was a short man who was drawing his sword.

But he didn't have a knife in his hand, only one action remained.

But just such an action made everyone feel that this guy is indeed a master with a knife.

Even a drawing of a knife is full of terrible danger!

Ye Xuan didn't notice this at all.

After coming in.

The gaze came over.

It was slashed.

After the invisible sword energy and the sword intent are mixed together, this power is unimaginable.

At a certain distance from Ye Xuan, it collapsed directly.

Ye Xuan's physical body had a certain protection.

Not to mention that Ye Xuan hasn't moved much yet.

This light movement made the opponent's sword light move forward again.

"There is still a little power, and it can still be used barely."

Ye Xuan laughed.

The power in the body surged out, turned into a knife and slashed directly.

This guy hurriedly lifted the knife, and even changed four or five different methods, but still couldn't hold it!

On the spot, he was slashed and flew out and hit the wall.

Even if Ye Xuan didn't use weapons, the means turned into by pure physical power were not something ordinary people could resist.

This short man is indeed excellent at swordsmanship and extremely powerful.

Rather, it is the type of changing the sword to take a home.

Naturally, Ye Xuan liked it all at once.

This second person was there immediately.

No matter whether he was convinced or not, Ye Xuan directly made a mark on the opponent.

A swordsman is still useful.

The third one is a woman.

Yes, this is a woman.

Among the thirty-eight invincible Gods of War, only this one was a woman.

This is a woman in a red robe, but this woman is very dangerous.

It is also a master of swords.

This sword is much more powerful than this swordsman.

But it was the same in front of Ye Xuan, and he smashed the sword and controlled the woman.

Ye Xuan did not intend to waste too much time here.

The fourth one is a master of boxing, who can't stop Ye Xuan's boxing at all.

It was still included.

The fifth one is a bit different.

The fifth one can also be said to be the most powerful among the thirty-eight invincible Gods of War.

This guy is also ruthless when he starts his hands, and his moves are also very cold.

The most important thing is that this guy is also a melee master.

Coupled with the weird body technique, it is really a little bit difficult.

This is also the only person who can break Ye Xuan's body.

It was taken down by Ye Xuan.

These five people were all imprinted and followed Ye Xuan in this way.

The formation of the people, seeing these five people also have scalp tingling.

I never thought about getting these five strongest ones out.

If this is put outside, I really don't know how many people will be shocked.

Although they are both in the realm of the invincible God of War, they can also be said to be the realm of a demigod.

They did a lot of things.

So it was taken down by Zhongzhou.

Now being taken out again, it will naturally cause a lot of shocks.

"You can go back and tell your Majesty. I will call these five people. I will take them to the Quartet and will not let them appear outside."

Throwing a word down, Ye Xuan led five people out.

The Emperor of the Great Zhou also received the news immediately.

"This Ye Xuan is quite interesting. He actually took five Invincible Gods of War in one breath, but he has mastered a lot of methods. If this is the case, the Sifang Legion is estimated to be in his hands soon!"

Emperor Da Zhou was not surprised by this at all.

This Ye Xuan person is indeed quite mysterious, the more mysterious he is, the more he likes it.

Because this person is innocent and has nothing to do with any forces.

This is what the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty Le thought about.

"This person from Ye Xuan, are you sure you can't find out the origin?"

The long voice echoed.

Then a voice suddenly appeared.

This is the most secret shadow around the Emperor Zhou.

Because the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty held a special power called darkness.

No one knows how many shadows there are in this darkness.

But each of these shadows is very powerful.

"I haven't found it yet. The origin of Ye Xuan is quite mysterious. Those of us analyzed it. It should be from another world!"

The Emperor of Zhou was not surprised at all.

There are indeed some outsiders cultivating here at their level.

However, people like Ye Xuan are still relatively rare.

"It doesn't matter if you can't find it out, it doesn't matter, as long as it's under my nose, he can't cause anything."

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