The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 2437: Duplicate Dafa is completed

For Ye Xuan.

How to thoroughly refine these eight supreme puppets is the most important thing.

These eight supreme puppets are really pretty good. It is estimated that the refining gate took a lot of effort and took a long time to refine them.

Ye Xuan is now cheap to his own.

Hahaha laughed three times.

This time the refining door really lifted a rock and hit him in the foot, and his vitality was severely injured.

If other things are really not a threat to the refining gate.

But these are eight supreme puppets. Without making eight supreme puppets, the loss is not ordinary.

Especially when the last one is still short, it is no wonder that Lian Wuxin will release a reward.

Must chase yourself to the end.

Not only to get back this supreme puppet, but also to get back his own person.

Think about it, I still have a very valuable moment.

The solution Ye Xuan thought of was the Clone Dafa that had been handed down.

Inject part of the soul into this supreme puppet, so that it is equivalent to a part of the body.

Ye Xuan had never seen a method like this in other places.

Because such a method requires a strong physical body.

Without a strong body to separate the soul, it is definitely a very serious matter.

If you are unlucky, it will be wiped out.

So people who are not extraordinarily strong in the flesh would not dare to do so.

This is because only a person with a strong physical body can re-cultivate the consumed soul after separating a part of the soul.

That is to raise back slowly.

And this requires a strong physical body.

This was the only thing Ye Xuan could do after thinking about it.

Eight supreme puppets.

It's pretty exciting to think about it.

If you bring it by your side and then cooperate with yourself, if you get a large formation from the refining gate and count it in, then a super large formation will be formed.

He knew that the big formation must have the strength of the formation.

But now Ye Xuan didn't feel it on the eight supreme puppets, that is to say, there was still a lack of eyes.

Ye Xuan did not hesitate to start practicing his clone Dafa.

Doppelganger Dafa is inherently tasteless.

But now it seemed to Ye Xuan that it could finally come in handy.

The souls directly penetrated into the bodies of eight puppet supreme.

And at this moment, Ye Xuan also became extremely weak, as if the whole person was not himself.

This is because he has a strong physical body that persists.

He has no doubt that if this is a body that weighs ten to twenty, the whole person will be ruined.

Can't stand the consumption.

Even Ye Xuan showed a trace of fatigue in such a short period of time.

It is conceivable that the consumption of the eight souls will be huge.

Ye Xuan quickly began to refine every supreme puppet.

This refining completely refined the eight supreme puppets.

Following the changes in the eyes of the eight supreme puppets, it was no longer the indifference before, but became enlightened.

It was almost exactly the same as Ye Xuan's eyes.

They even arched their hands towards Ye Xuan at the same time.

"The clone has seen the deity!"

in unison.

The eight voices are really very loud.

Ye Xuan also laughed, "You protect me around you, I have to practice."

At this time, the eight supreme puppets were completely mastered by Ye Xuan's clone.

In other words, each of them is Ye Xuan, but it is a little different from this deity of Ye Xuan.

Eight Supremes stood in eight positions in an instant.

Anyone who comes in will be attacked by them.

No one can hurt Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan began to take various pills.

Before the beginning of Yuan Dynasty, the sacred stones were completely refined, and fortunately, I did this step in advance.

Otherwise, the damage would be great.

Fortunately, these eight supreme puppets were finally completely refined this time.

Let Ye Xuan suddenly have eight masters.

But after they have a soul, it's different. The attack will no longer be so dull, but instead will become flexible.

At this time, the refining door didn't have the guts to chase and kill himself again.

The flesh body was not good before, but now there is a flesh body and a supreme puppet.

I have to go to the refining gate.

Ye Xuan's mouth raised slightly.

How can you not do something like this? Then he is not Ye Xuan.

Ye Xuan has recovered.

Of course, it will take a long time to completely recover the damage that consumes eight souls.

This is nothing to Ye Xuan at all, if you can get some early Yuan divine stones, that would be great.

Recovery is faster.

Ye Xuan was going to the refining gate to ask more questions.

Although they had already robbed a lot of the Yuan Dynasty Divine Stones before, who knows if they still have them.

So the refining gate must go.

Ye Xuan did not put away the eight supreme puppets.

Just let them follow behind.

They changed their black armors again, and all their faces were wrapped up.

It is very different from before.

Once the formation was opened, Ye Xuan flew out.

The streamer came as soon as it flew out.

But before these streamers approached Ye Xuan, there was a figure in front of him.

It is the supreme puppet.

Now they are all clones of Ye Xuan.

They knew how to do it in a thought.

And very flexible, no different from real people.

"Hahaha, it seems that I was lucky, but I discovered you. It seems that the reward for the refining gate belongs to me."

A voice floated over there, looking very proud.

But this proud voice was followed by a scream.

I saw a supreme puppet and passed by with a whistle.

He killed the people and brought back a storage ring.

Ye Xuan could see clearly the action just now.

Your own puppet supreme clone is really very powerful, you don't need to do anything by yourself.

As long as there is hostility, it will be killed instantly.

And these supreme puppets were engraved with large and small runes.

There are moving runes and defensive runes, and so on.

It is more extraordinary than imagined.

It really emptied the old foundation of the refining door.

In fact, this is really the case.

Ye Xuan indeed hollowed out their old foundation.

It was precisely because of hollowing out the old foundation of the refining device door that Lian Wuxin was so angry and released a reward.

He didn't hesitate to take out the great reward, and let those people hear the wind, just to bring Ye Xuan back.

"It seems that going back this time will require a fierce battle, but with eight supreme puppets, it will be different. There will be more and more destruction!"

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