The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 2436: Good things must be taken

For Ye Xuan, the subsequent chase was really nothing.

Therefore, what he has to do now is to refine this puppet formation in the first place.

After all, these puppet supreme are still very good, if they are completely controlled, they will be able to explode with great power.

At that time, it doesn't matter how many people come to chase him down.

Ye Xuan's idea was quite simple.

Of course, other than that, it was the sacred stone at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty. This thing is better than anything else.

Ye Xuan knows that he hasn't been completely refined until now, so he had to refine all the divine stones of the early Yuan Dynasty before the puppet battle.

There was a loud bang.

Ye Xuan killed a few masters who offered a reward again.

The strength is too weak.

Ye Xuan was directly blown up by Ye Xuan.

The power of infinite turbulence is now becoming more and more confused.

After extinguishing them, he took away the ring.

Ye Xuan ran all the way, almost hundreds of millions of kilometers, and finally found a place in a big mountain.

The head here was originally the residence of a monster head, but Ye Xuan exploded it directly, and then directly arranged a heavy array.

Thirty-five were taken out in the first time, and he wanted to refine these magical stone abilities at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

In this way, his physical body becomes stronger.

Although no masters have come to kill him yet, Ye Xuan knew that it would not be long before those masters could kill him.

And now, the only thing he can do is to completely change the thirty-five.

As long as these thirty-five years are refined, the physical body will become even more powerful, and there is nothing to worry about if it is really besieged.

Pieces of thirty-five pieces were refined into the body by Ye Xuan.

This time it was much faster than before, and it also exceeded Ye Xuan's expectations.

He thought it would take too long to refine this.

Now I think my own infinite turbulence is still very powerful.

So refining is easier than imagined.

One piece of thirty-five, two yuan of thirty-five, three yuan of thirty-five, just like this was refined.

It took almost an hour before and after, Ye Xuan finally completely refined all thirty-five.

After all these refining are empty, you can feel that your physical body has greatly improved.

Originally he had thirty levels of Infinite Divine Body, but now he feels that these thirty levels are two or three times as much as before.

No one would believe this feeling, but Ye Xuan could easily understand it. It was definitely such a thing.

"Sure enough, I still have to rely on these thirty-five. Without these thirty-five, my infinite divine body would not be able to be refined at all. Now it is completely different from before. It is also thirty-fold, and the current thirty-fold is only Compared with the previous one, it is almost equivalent to sixty weights. This kind of progress is really too great."

Ye Xuan's current infinite divine body is still thirty-fold, but the thirty-fold now is definitely very powerful.

Now it's time to be trapped back by others.

Ye Xuan has nothing to worry about.

Even if they can't beat them, can they still kill themselves? It's definitely too much.

And now the other thing Ye Xuan had to do was to completely refine the puppet supreme.

This is a real baby.

Thirty-seven, why are they so anxious? They are not worried about refining these supreme puppets, or they are worried that they will fall into the hands of other people. Apart from these two explanations, there is nothing else, no With these supreme puppets, they really have suffered a heavy loss, and the loss is bleeding.

Inside the cave world.

Ye Xuan finally saw these supreme puppets again.

These supreme puppets were all imprisoned and could not move.

Ye Xuan looked up and down, it was indeed broken, and these puppet warriors were really different.

There is a layer of defense inside and outside, and it can be said that even the peak of the nine-star War God cannot be easily broken.

Unless it reaches the realm of the invincible God of War, there are probably not many invincible God of War in the entire continent, at least Ye Xuan has not received any news at all.

And now he actually has eight such puppet supreme. Although these are eight, if they are upgraded, they will be eight invincible war gods by then. The scene is really shocking to think about. Up.

This is also the reason why Ye Xuan must take these supreme puppets away.

It seems that such a good thing can't be ranked as cheap as thirty-seven. It's different if you grab it yourself.

Ye Xuan manipulated the infinite turbulence for the first time, entered the body of the puppet supreme, and completely blasted away the marks.

These imprints were all made on a virtual shadow disk, but after the infinite turbulence came in, this imprint exuded terrible power and resisted, but in Ye Xuan's view, it was the same thing, directly Was shaken down.

Without any excessive resistance, it was over.

After each supreme puppet is finished, Ye Xuan will put his own mark in it, so that all the eight puppet supreme marks have been implemented, and Ye Xuan felt that it was not enough.

"Now I have the puppet supreme, but they seem to lack a center point. If there is this center point, then there is nothing to worry about!"

Ye Xuan frowned again.

I always feel that there is still a problem if refined like this.

I just snatched this thing from Thirty-Seven's hands, so it is conceivable that one day other people will be able to **** this thing from me.

This is not a small problem.

If it doesn't work out well, Ye Xuan really doesn't want to release this supreme puppet, but if he doesn't release it, he will lose a huge combat power and cause headaches.

Ye Xuan looked at these supreme puppets and began to think about ways. Fortunately, Ye Xuan had seen a lot of information, so there was a line in his mind slowly. With this line, it would be different.

"The supreme puppets, I am worried that they will be stolen and snatched away. It is nothing more than the fear that they will be cut off. If these eight supreme puppets become part of the body, it will be different. You can put them away anytime, anywhere!"

Ye Xuan's mind still turned very fast, and he seemed to understand how to operate these self-esteem puppets.

Others may not be able to do it, but Ye Xuan can really come up with such a way.

The information in his mind was quickly locked, and he couldn't help but laughed, knowing the best way.

"Hahahaha, I finally found a good way, which is to use the Clone Dafa. Fortunately, there is such a Dafa at the Infinite Sect. I can finally use it without worrying about it.

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