The Immortal Cultivator Returns to the City

Chapter 2344: Dragon King, how about my trick

There was a loud bang.

These five five-star heavenly gods were also blasted out.

In the midair, there is no way to stop the figure.

A continuous meteor shower passed through them like a rainbow.

Long Tianao used his methods.

At this time, he knew better than anyone else that he had to help them dissolve this part of the strength.

Even if Long Tianao had been prepared for a long time, but as soon as he touched him, he felt that the power became stronger, more violent, and more penetrating.

The corners of the mouth also began to shed bloodshot eyes, and finally all five of them were relieved, and their expressions changed drastically.

They all knew that Long Tianao was right. Ye Xuan was really too difficult to deal with. He didn't expect his strength to be so strong.

If they knew this a long time ago, they wouldn't dare to be so careless. Now they are really embarrassed and thrown into grandma's house.

"If you still want to continue to do it, then just come. I am not afraid of Ye Xuantian. I can fight for as long as I want. Of course, this is when I am in a good mood. Strong, I still broke your defenses and wiped out all of you. This is what Ye Xuan said!"

At this time, the dragons and the five-star heavenly gods were full of great dread for Ye Xuan. The speed and defense they were proud of were really very fragile in front of Ye Xuan's attack.

I haven't seen them all so strenuous.

If Ye Xuan really wanted to kill them, they couldn't stand it at all.

If it hadn't happened in front of them with their own eyes, they really couldn't believe it, when would Moon Bay have such a powerful master again.

"His Excellency Ye Xuan is really good. I didn't expect that none of our Dragon Clan masters would be your opponent.

A figure rushed out quickly, and there was no trace of movement at all, and it appeared in front of him in a blink of an eye.

When Long Tianao saw this figure, they quickly said respectfully.

"Lord Dragon King!"

At this time, a figure of Tsing Yi appeared not far from Ye Xuan, with a powerful aura.

Ye Xuan's eyes narrowed slightly, and he knew that this person was the strongest expert of the Dragon Clan, that is, the Dragon King on Dragon Island.

"It turns out that it is the Dragon King who is here. It is worthy of being a powerhouse of the six-star gods. The aura is different. Finally, a strong opponent has come. Let's fight one game first."

Ye Xuan laughed directly, and with the loud bang, the fist-sized meteor blasted past, and it became a vast attack.

The dragon king's face also showed a trace of solemnity.

He didn't care much just now, but after this battle, he didn't expect that their dragon masters were not opponents of others, and they couldn't even handle a single method.

The Lord Dragon King came out immediately, so I had to see what Ye Xuan could do.

Dare to be so presumptuous in front of oneself.

Now he finally knew that the rumbling power was very violent.

Even the Dragon King did not dare to bear it easily.

Because the power at this time is stronger than before.

It turned out that Ye Xuan directly exploded with a force of 500, which is the so-called 500% explosion, which is really not an ordinary strong.

Every stream of light is full of terrible penetrating power.

Even Long Tianao, they also moved away from this area for the first time.

There was panic and anxiety in their pupils, and there was no way that Ye Xuan could have hidden his strength.

If the power came up just now, they might be killed by dragon masters.

The Dragon King is the Dragon King. Sure enough, the whole body was defensive, and these meteors were carried down one after another. Although a small part of them blasted on the Dragon King, they were carried down.

The whole person instantly turned into an electric light and rushed in.

Ye Xuan was also getting closer.

Following him, there was an extra pair of gloves on his hands, and after the gloves blasted over, a channel was opened directly.

Ye Xuan finally knew that he had met a master. This was the top master. Unlike them, he couldn't bear even 300% of his power. This was the opponent he wanted to find.

Ye Xuan grabbed both hands, and these streamers turned into two big swords.

There was a boom.

Just got up to the Dragon King.

Ye Xuan also displayed extremely fast speed, with two knives in his hand, one knife followed by another, directly like two streams of light without stopping.

The Dragon King also blasted over with one punch and one punch, and he actually brought the power of traction again and again in the boxing technique.

After Ye Xuan's sword technique attacked, he was slowly deflected.

Fortunately, Ye Xuan's speed was fast and he was able to release the sword quickly.

Among the ten knives, four or five knives were taken away, but the remaining three or four knives also gave the Dragon King a different feeling.

"Good Ye Xuan, I didn't expect this sword technique to be so overbearing and so sharp, it was completely a frontal crush, no wonder he dared to come to Dragon Island!"

The strength of the Dragon King is indeed quite strong, even under the traction, there is still strength that falls on the body, but it can still be withstood.

He also knew that he could not launch a counterattack at all.

Because Ye Xuan took the lead.

"Moon Bay is about to emerge a new master, you Ye Xuan is fully qualified, but my Dragon Clan is not as simple as I imagined!"

The Dragon King had indeed recognized Ye Xuan's strength, and in this way his strength could rank in the top five among all the powerhouses in Moon Bay.


The Dragon King's speed unexpectedly increased again, he immediately avoided Ye Xuan's sword technique, and then came out behind him.

The two big fists banged down directly, Ye Xuan didn't turn his head at all, as if he had eyes behind his back, countless blade intents instantly turned into a barrier, directly blocking the opponent's attack.

The dragon king's fist came down with a loud bang, breaking through several defenses, and Ye Xuan turned his head after dozens of defenses, and the double swords were deployed again.

The secret technique that the Dragon King finally used, he lost his advantage like this, and his figure flashed again.

But this time all the streamers instantly turned into a point, bombarding a void, and instantly forcing a figure out, it was the Dragon King.

"Dragon King, I don't know how I did this trick!"

Ye Xuan directly chased him up, and the Dragon King began to move non-stop, but was forced out by these methods every time.

He knew that Ye Xuan's strength was stronger than he had imagined.

This is truly invincible.

It doesn't make any sense anymore.

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