Ye Xuan's coming at this time really made Long Tianao feel incredible.

He obviously has already left.

I don't care about this anymore. Why does Ye Xuan come here again at this time somehow? Does he really think that the Dragon Race is so easy to bully?

The other dragon masters all heard Long Tianao's words at this time.

One by one stopped.

His eyes were full of anger.

They also all knew that Long Tianao's strength was very strong, after all, he himself was a five-star heavenly **** powerhouse, plus this physical body almost reached the strength of a six-star heavenly god.

At this time, they actually said such a thing, then they knew that Ye Xuan was really difficult to deal with.

"This is the Dragon Race, so many of us are powerful, are you still afraid that he is a human kid?"

"Yes, yes, we have always bullied them. When is it the turn of a human race to come to our dragon race, it's arrogant and domineering!"

"Take him down first!"

The Dragon Race's temper is still quite arrogant.

Even if Long Tianao is influential and powerful here, there are still some dragon masters who are not convinced, and rushed towards Ye Xuan without saying anything.

This one is the master of twenty or thirty dragon races, and there are all one-star gods to four-star gods.

With more than two dozen dragons, the scene was really a bit domineering.

They are all very clever, returning directly to the ontology.

When the body is on, the defense becomes stronger.

Long Tianao was not optimistic that these Dragon Clan accomplices could hold Ye Xuan.

The strength of the opponent is really much stronger than you think.

Ye Xuan didn't expect that these Dragon Clan guys were still so disobedient, and he wanted to rely on more people to bully fewer people, so he could do them all.

Long Weiya next to her looked a little shocked, and also a little flustered so much.

The masters swarmed up, and the scene was really unforgettable.

Ye Xuan glanced faintly, and then slashed it out.

After the knife slashed out, all the power instantly turned into shooting stars.

These meteors contained endless power, and the sharpness directly hit the dragons.

The huge body suffered a big loss on the spot, and there was a loud bang, and the dragons were smashed out directly.

Fell into the sea.

Fell on the mountain.

When they landed, the blood hole would be smashed into their bodies, and the pain made them gritted their teeth. In a blink of an eye, each of the twenty or thirty dragon masters suffered a great loss.

Ye Xuan's method just now covered a wide range, and he didn't give them any chance at all, so he flew out.

Even if a few powerful dragons were able to carry them down during the period, they were attacked more violently and dangerously when they approached Ye Xuan.

"I told you all, you guys are not opponents at all, why not admit defeat, do you think?"

Ye Xuan looked at Long Tianao faintly.

At this time, the people on the Dragon Race finally came to their senses.

This guy named Ye Xuan is really too difficult to deal with.

This power was so strong that it easily flew these dragon masters.

"Ye Xuan, what do you mean?"

Long Tianao couldn't understand Ye Xuan even more.

The strength of this guy is indeed quite strong, he originally thought he would be sure even if he met Ye Xuan again.

But under the action just now, he knew that he was not sure at all.

This Ye Xuan's strength is really very strong, especially this strength is extremely chaotic, and also very strong.

Smashed directly down, not only powerful, but also with a sharp aura, even if their dragon clan's body can hold it, but a position is constantly attacked, it can be torn apart for defense.

Such a guy is too difficult to deal with.

So people really want to know what Ye Xuan is here for.

"It's okay, I just think your dragons are quite powerful. Come and take a look, and ask for a few things by the way. I think your dragons should not be so careful!"

As soon as Ye Xuan's voice fell, a few powerful auras rushed out from Long Dao.

These auras are clearly the strength of the five-star gods.

"Ye Xuan, you think too much, our Dragon Clan is not something you can bully!"

"Long Tianao, you dare not do it yourself, then we are afraid that we can't hold him!"

These figures came out.

Long Tianao's expression also changed slightly, and it was actually several other elders who did it.

These elders are also the strength of the five-star heavenly gods, and this one is five, and it can be regarded as the strongest strength of the dragon clan.

Because besides them, the strongest is the Six-Star God, of course, it is Lord Dragon King.

"It seems that you are not very convinced. Well, today, let's fight hard, and let me know why the Dragon Clan dares to be so arrogant, relying on the strength of the five-star god!"

The rumbling storm directly crushed it.

Unlimited energy opens.

The Infinite Knife Technique turned into fist-sized meteors, which immediately blasted down.

These five-star gods directly displayed super fast speed.

These meteors kept blasting away.

It's just that they think something is too good.

These meteors of Ye Xuan were so powerful that they smashed them down directly, even if they were extremely fast, they carried a part of them.

The remaining part instantly made them feel the breath of danger.

The power of the meteors hit the body, making them feel the feeling of the physical body almost breaking down.

Long Weiya stood by and looked at it for a while, and she also felt incredible. She had never thought that Ye Xuan would be so strong.

Although Long Weiya had great confidence in Ye Xuan, this place was after all the territory of the Dragon Race.

Unexpectedly, when the dragon master came up, he couldn't even get close to him, and suffered a big loss. Even Long Weiya's attack from this violent storm didn't think she could bear it.

I'm afraid that the time for a face-to-face will be killed, and only a grand master can bear it.

"If you can deal with me, Ye Xuan, then use your full strength. If you can't even pass this level of mine, why do you want to clean up me? Ye Xuan, OK?"

Ye Xuan stood quietly.

The offensive of the violent storm is getting fiercer and fiercer, and it is completely impenetrable.

Long Tianao took a breath.

He knew that Ye Xuan was too difficult to deal with, and he was afraid that only Lord Dragon King could hold Ye Xuan if he shot it.

Other people can't do it at all, not even a five-star god.

I have said it myself, these guys still don't believe it, now it's alright, and I'm ashamed to go to grandma's house.

Fortunately, there are no people in the vicinity of the Dragon Clan. Otherwise, this face can't be held.

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