"Are you longing for a new world?"

If you say this to the demon gods, then all the demon gods will nod at the same time and say-'they desire'!

"The original world, the original world, the pure world, the world without any phase, the world without distortion and chaos, the world without magic and superpowers."

"...That is a world with human principles. This is 'God's Pursuit of Demons'. There are no gods, no demons, only people!"

Roy didn't need to wait and see Kamijou Touma, he just used his own wisdom and knowledge to understand where the source of the power of the gods and demons came from.

In mythology, 'Dragon' 690 has the meaning of guarding 'treasure' in esotericism, and the purest world of 'God's Purging Demons' is not the greatest treasure!

The 'Dragon' guards the 'God Pure Demon' as a treasure, and it is Kamijou Touma himself who crosses the 'good and evil duality'.

'Fantasy Killer' was attracted by Kamijou Touma's soul essence, which came from the power of the demons' 'world benchmark', which suppressed the 'Dragon', and the 'Dragon' was guarding the treasure, and finally caused Kamijou Touma The three-layer nesting doll in the right hand.

Aleister sees through this, and creates an artificial heaven to stop the magic, infinitely close to the original world, and then mobilizes the power of 'God's Purging Demons' to combine with his own power to create the ultimate weapon against the demons' A.A.A'.

The principle he used was the only mental flaw of the Demon God.

But the devil itself is immortal. Even if Aleister creates A.A.A, it is impossible for the gods to destroy the devil, unless the devil himself restricts himself and gives up the indestructible characteristic!

Roy already knows everything like the back of his hand, and the world of "Magic Forbidden" has no more fog for him.

"The catalog of forbidden books of magic? Oh, in fact, the devil is the catalog of forbidden books of magic, but the devil is not a catalog of 13,000 magic books, but a catalog of all magic!"

"...They manipulated this knowledge and arbitrarily modified the world, and because of their own reckless modifications, they finally came to a dead end and must not be detached!"

Roy said with a chuckle, he felt that calling this world a 'magic ban' was really accurate! .

Chapter 270 is both a **** and a devil!

St. George's Cathedral collapsed almost completely, and among the wreckage, bright sunlight shone down on the ruins.

The stained glass windows shattered all over the place, and a few birds chirped and landed on the soil, reflecting the splendid grass, which looked mottled.

In the ruins, Othinus stood in the circular magic circle, and there was a triangular magic circle beside her.

Laura's long hair, which was nearly four meters long, was spread out and spread on the ground like velvet.

The supreme bishop of Puritanism lay on his soft hair, panting for breath, and his graceful body showed his exquisiteness with his breathing.

Roy stood up slowly at this time. After he closed his eyes and felt it for a while, he opened his heavy pupils and lowered his head to look at the big devil under his feet.

The big devil's clothes were shattered at this time, and he was lying on his back in front of Roy. There were bloodstains crisscrossing her white jade muscles, and the blood was flowing on the ground, making it impossible to tell what kind of blood it was.

The devil's face in her hair roared with fangs and claws, and her delicate facial features were also distorted, revealing expressions of disgust, disgust, anger, etc.

But unlike the big devil's emotions and expressions, her body accepted Roy, with a touch of nostalgia for Roy's touch and a desire to embrace him.

There has been a strong opposition between the demon's physical personality and the spiritual soul's personality.

Roy crouched down again, caressed Lola's delicate face, and said gently: "...No matter what, I also want to thank you, my dear sister, the great demon Coronzon!"

Roy's expression was not so much gratitude, but ridicule, "...It is because of your help that I finally crossed the abyss and traveled through the thirty-fold Ethel."

With that said, Roy's finger landed on the devil's face in Laura's hair again. There were no horns on the devil's face, which symbolized the devil's gender.

The big devil completely ignored his broken clothes, and he didn't have any shame. The devil didn't have much shame, even if he became a human.

In the past, the great demon would show human shame, and that was what she performed, but in front of Roy, she knew that she didn't need to act anymore.

"You liar, thief!! You cunning person who stole the tree of life, I will not let you go!"

Lola Tan opened her mouth slightly and let out a weak roar. She wanted to get up from the ground, but the pain in her body made her frown, and she lay back with her eyebrows twisted again.

After gaining a body and becoming a human being, she would have to endure the pain of human beings. As a female demon, she also had to endure the pain of women all the time. This was also the part that annoyed Coronzon the most.

Roy looked at Coronzon amusingly, shook his head and said, "...Should I say Coronzon's upbringing is too good? You don't even know how to scold people, but it's not painful to scold people like this."

"...For this reason, I suggest you learn from Aiwass, maybe she can let you learn more about the beautiful usage of human language."

Coronzon opened his teeth and continued to say angrily: "...I will not let her go to that ugly angel. I, Coronzon, don't even bother to learn the inferior language of human beings!"

"Well, you really don't have any talent for languages. You have lived as a human for so many years, but you can only speak English. Other languages ​​are completely incomprehensible. With your IQ, it is estimated that you will not be able to learn inferior human languages."

Roy said calmly.

Cologne respected the color, then I sent an angry shout, "... ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah ----"

"...I will definitely kill you, and let you face the destruction, towards the end of proliferation, you despicable villain!!"

Roy laughed softly: "...Do you still want to ridicule me with the phrase 'the devil who didn't even cross the abyss'? But with your help, I have crossed the abyss."

Seeing Coronzon's face getting more and more ugly, Roy's smile became more and more pleasant, "... Besides—"

Roy's hand fell on Coronzon's cheek, and he saw her subconsciously rubbing against his hand with her cheek like a puppy.

"Look, even if you're screaming fiercely and happily, your body is honestly looking forward to my touch, so, Coronzon, now you look more like a slut. The cat is really scary."

With Roy's words, Coronzon's expression was even more painful and sorrowful, and being described by others as a cute cat was simply an insult to the big devil.

The current Coronzon wanted to destroy her psychic medium, but she was reluctant to destroy it; she wanted to continue to show her own diffusion, but the human-completed spell was suppressing her impulse.

Roy's two major spells work perfectly on the big devil, allowing her to act according to Roy's ideas.

But for Coronzon herself, it was just enough abuse to break her down into madness.

"Understander, now is not the time to play with that demon..."

Othinus, who was standing beside Roy and Lola, spoke at this time.

The one-eyed demon **** looked at the disheveled big demon, and a hint of displeasure flashed in his emerald eyes.

Although as a god, her thinking concept is different from that of human beings, but Othinus was also a person before becoming a god, and she still has human concepts.

Seeing the contact and seamless communication between Roy and the big demon with his own eyes made Othinus feel that the witch hat on his head had changed from black to green.

Roy restrained his smile. He ignored Coronzon and walked to Othinus' side. Seeing the one-eyed demon god's unhappy expression, he just whispered:

"...If Noah's Ark is only allowed to carry one man and one woman, if it only allows one person to escape the sea of ​​misery, I hope that person is you, Othinus!"

The shallow, seemingly affectionate words made the one-eyed demon god's cheeks red, and looked away slightly embarrassed.

Although she is a demon god, Othinus has never met her own comprehension in so many years of life, and with her divine nature, she will not care about the feelings and love between humans.

Hearing Roy's affectionate words, the Demon God felt a little uncomfortable.

As for Roy, he has said this to countless women many times, and he is simply calm.

Roy raised his head, his mysterious heavy pupils almost penetrated the infinite world, and saw the overlapping of countless phases and the vibration of the world.

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