But now he found that he didn't need to do this at all. Kabbalah's seventy-eight fruits of wisdom already covered everything.

This is knowledge enough to forcibly destroy any human being and any existence. Even Index, who can completely memorize and record 13,000 magic books, will instantly collapse her soul here.

This is a weight that only the soul of a Demon God can carry, even if every atom in this universe can be calculated, even in the quadruple world can be included, the knowledge of God.

At this moment, Roy has forgotten himself and everything, and his soul is infinitely reduced to a point, returning to that singularity......

Then, the universe exploded again, and from its infinitely small singularity, spread out infinitely large.

This is not a physical universe, but a knowledge universe. At this time, Roy has become a real super-intelligent creature, and his knowledge is showing exponential growth every minute and every second.

The dimension of time becomes narrower and narrower under this accelerated return, and the infinite number becomes finite, which gives Roy the illusion that he already owns everything and can manipulate everything.

This infinite knowledge gathered in his mind and in his soul, and then Roy found that it was very troublesome to use this infinite knowledge.

Therefore, the demon gods simplified and integrated them, and finally became the means of 'phase'.

The full name of the Demon God is the 'God of Magic'. The Demon Gods actually use magic to accomplish miracles such as 1+1=3, that the dead will be resurrected and so on.

As long as the Demon God wants to do something, he will naturally know how to use that magic, but magic is a very complicated and troublesome thing, which requires rituals, incantations, and symbols.

Ultimately, the fiend turned all magic into one of the best and easiest tools to use, and that is aspect.

Instead of using those cumbersome spells to fulfill your desires, it is better to simply manipulate the phases and easily achieve your desires.

Aspects can be said to be the props used by the devil to complete his thoughts. It is not that the devil can manipulate the phase to be omnipotent, but that there is such a thing as the phase. The cause and effect of the two must not be reversed. .

Even if you don't use the phase, the devil can do everything, but it needs a troublesome process. The phase is just a tool to make this process disappear and directly reach the result.

At this moment, Roy's soul carried infinite knowledge, and his body reached immortality. Now he can be said to be a devil.

It's just that unlike other demon gods, the current Roy cannot manipulate the phase, because he has not completed the final symbolic ceremony.

Today's Roy is more like Othinus, who was in the previous state of five or five, with the expressive power of the devil and the personality of the devil, but he has no ability to manipulate the phase for the time being.

The only difference from Othinus is that Roy does not have a 50% chance of failure in everything he does. He can make things 100% successful through complex operations.

Now he can be said to be the ultimate in magic! .

Chapter 269 No Demon God is innocent!

Roy opened his eyes suddenly.

At this moment, he had a sense of being separated from the world.

As his soul returned to the body, the result of traveling through the Thirty Heavens of Ethel with his soul also acted on the body.

In an instant, or time has lost its effectiveness at this moment, Roy's body and his soul have been perfectly sublimated.

At this time, Roy has already made his body and soul reach the realm of the devil. As long as he maintains the state of the devil, his body will be indestructible and free from death forever.

And its soul has also been infused with knowledge like the Big Bang of the universe. Although this knowledge is too large to be calculated, it may take a long to infinite time to fully comprehend it, but if it is just application, then Roy now has no limit.

This made Roy understand that the comprehension of knowledge is indeed a form of 'self', and it is not the so-called becoming a demon, and it is natural to be able to understand all knowledge.

But because the soul of the devil is enough to carry all the wisdom and knowledge, as long as the devil is willing, they can use this knowledge to achieve all their wishes.

Money, power, power, honor, mystery, fate, cause and effect, etc., as long as the devil is willing, he can do everything.

To put it simply, the Demon God itself is more like a huge search engine, and his soul is loaded with all knowledge.

When the Demon God wants to do something, as long as he gives birth to this will, he will immediately obtain the magic formula to achieve this wish. When the magic is activated, then the wish will naturally be fulfilled.

This is the omnipotence of the devil.

But because the technique is too cumbersome and complicated, a process is needed to achieve the result, so the devil uses the method of 'phase', skipping the process and getting to the result.

And the external manifestation to others is that the devil can change all the laws with his thoughts.

It's no wonder why Roy was able to develop the spells of 'Golden Supreme' and 'Eternal Calamity Return', but the Demon God with all knowledge couldn't.

In theory, the Demon God can also do all this, but in reality, the Demon God only has the power to use, but not the power to comprehend, the infinite knowledge.

If you want to comprehend that knowledge, you still need the efforts of the devil himself, that is, the sublimation of the 'spirit'.

That is the great cause that can only be possessed by the devil in the perfect state of '9=2'.

The current Roy, like all the demon gods in this world, has achieved the realm of demon gods through 'body and soul', but they all lack the last of the three elements of human beings, that is, 'spirit'!

It is precisely because of the lack of 'spirit' that the spirit cannot be sublimated, and the demon gods can only exist in this defective state.

Demons are gods from human beings. When they are human beings, they should follow the "human principles", so as to use the "human principles" to sublimate and evolve their own spirits.

But there is no such thing as 'humanity' in this world!

"It turns out that for the demon gods, cause and effect can be reversed, so the question of whether the chicken or the egg came first is irrelevant to the demon gods."

"...So when the devil appears, the means that the devil uses to fulfill his will, the 'phase', is also developed, and the thing 'phase' completely distorts the 'human nature'."

Roy also saw through the essence of this world when his soul got into China and reached the extreme of magic.

The 'Phase' has distorted the human principle. If the 'human principle' is to be returned, the Demon God must clear all the aspects.

However, these imperfect demons can only increase the phase but cannot reduce the phase, they can also destroy the phase, but cannot reshape the 'benchmark'.

Just like Othinus, no matter how she adjusts her phase to create a new world, she can't restore her hometown and will always be flawed.

The same is true for other demon gods. They can't reshape the original appearance of the world. No matter how they superimpose their phases, they all have the subjective consciousness of demon gods, so they must be incomplete.

Even if the world were to be destroyed and recreated, it would be impossible to recreate it as it was in the first place.

This is also one of the reasons why the demon gods created the 'phantasm killer', which is the 'world benchmark', because they also suffered from this irreducible pain, so they had to add 'in the system of this world' Backup' this feature.

In order to achieve spiritual sublimation, the demon gods need to restore all aspects, but to restore all aspects, they must achieve spiritual sublimation.

In the end, the demon gods fell into this paradox and contradiction that even they themselves could not solve.

Especially now that the world has been overlapped by an unknown number of layers, and it has long been distorted without a trace of its original appearance. This matter is even more impossible to complete.

If you want to blame, you should blame the first Demon God.

But demon gods are existences that can reverse cause and effect. When a human becomes a demon god, then the demon gods are the first and the last. They are in such an overlapping state.

When the phase distorted the original world and made the world so chaotic, no demon **** was innocent, and they were all responsible for it!

So Aleister wants to destroy all the demon gods, none of them are innocent.

Roy finally understood why Othinus was so excited when he saw his right hand, regardless of how he went through hundreds of millions of reincarnations with him, he had to get what was in that right hand.

Because the 'Ark' is the only means to break the deadlock of these demon gods, it is the sudden happiness and hope in this future that has no future.

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