Although he didn't look back, the White Night King also knew who was coming.

She smelled it by smell.

Although the White Night King had only seen Roy once, she felt that this god of cross religion was a figure she would never forget in her life.

Whether it was his taste or shadow, it was imprinted in the heart of the White Night King.

Roy didn't answer her, he just walked to the White Night King and stood side by side with him.

The White Night King, who appeared as a perfect royal sister, is extremely tall. If you count the length of the pair of star horns, the White Night King is almost the same height as Roy.

"Since you are interested in these ordinary human lives, why don't you get closer to watch? Or go to the village to join them, that might make you feel happier, right?"

Roy stared at the White Night King beside him from the corner of his eyes, sniffed his nose, and could smell the faint fragrance of the girl.

The White Night King took out a folding fan out of nowhere. She blocked half of her face and said, "...let's forget it."

"We are not human at first glance. Even if those people can't tell that we are Protoss, I am afraid they will not welcome us."

"...Well, they should be afraid of us the most."

"It's still the dawn of Little Garden, and it's the time when human history has just developed. For us Asura gods and Buddhas, all they have is fear and worship."

"...But Hakoba is not the outside world after all. There are too many gods here. Even humans at the dawn of human history should not be too frightened."

Looking at the huge village in the distance with his golden eyes, the White Night King said softly.

Roy's eyes fell on the branch that produced a river, and he said slowly: "...As you said, there are too many gods in Hakoniwa, so the blessings bestowed by the gods are innumerable."

"... Relying on the grace of the gods, the weak races like Hakoba do not need to experience the beginning of civilization like blood drinking like the human beings in the outside world."

"They just need to accept the favor and it's enough to live a secure life."

Bai Yewang's eyes narrowed slightly, and she smiled and said, "... a stable life?"

"Weakness is a sin. In this small garden, their stable life is likely to be lost because of the idea of ​​a devil or even a god."

"...Although there are many rules in the small garden, they are only the laws between gods. These laws restrict the relationship between gods and gods, but they cannot be placed between humans and gods."

At this time, the White Night King was like a philosopher, telling the darkness and horror of the grand view of this small garden world.

Where there is light, there is darkness.

When Roy heard the words, he joked: "...Could it be that you want to make some changes to the world? It's like 'the princes and generals have a kind of kindness' shouted out by some people in the history of mankind."

"...Don't you want to shout 'human gods would rather have a seed'?"

Hearing Roy's words, the White Night King himself laughed out loud: "... Of course not, we are not fools. Humans will never be able to sit on an equal footing with gods."

"...We just suddenly felt that this chaotic little garden should have its own order, whether it is the order of the upper level or the order of the lower level."

"Ah, we don't know what's wrong, but seeing such a harmonious and peaceful life makes us a little moved."

Roy said with a smile: "...You don't seem like what a demon king should say."

"That's why we are unqualified Demon Lords."

The White Night King's tone became a little distressed, and she laughed at herself: "...but this is something we can't decide. From the moment we were born, we have been destined to be the most vicious and evil demon king."

After she finished speaking, the White Night King turned around, and she stepped away from the slender legs under the long kimono skirt and walked into the depths of the jungle......

After she walked away for about tens of meters, Roy turned around and followed.

After walking like this for a long time, when the two came to a clear river flowing through the forest, the White Night King stopped.

She had a bright smile on her face, but her tone was very irritable. She turned around and stared at Roy and said, "...Why are you always following us?"

"I like to follow you, don't I?"

Roy said with a smile, "...If you have the ability, you can drive me away."

The White Night King made a 'tsk'.

This god of cross religion is really mysterious, even if he is already a complete White Night King, he can't see through him at all.

Moreover, even if it is his own spirituality, it can only be perfected by the part of the star that Roy handed over to him.

Roy's existence is really incredible in the eyes of the White Night King.

The White Night King's expression gradually became vigilant. She put her hand on her chest and shouted in an exaggerated tone: "...You must have fallen in love with us, so you have to follow us all the time, right?"

Roy thought about it seriously, and then in the stunned White Night King, he nodded and said softly, "...I like you very much."


The White Night King hurriedly turned around, not daring to meet Roy's eyes.

For some reason, Roy's gentle words and expressions always made her heart beat faster, and she always made her feel inexplicably happy.

An uncontrollable irritability gradually appeared on the White Night King's face. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. The corner of her mouth curled into a smile, playing with her taste:

"...That's really embarrassing. Although we don't reject men, we prefer beautiful women."

Roy also had a faint smile on his face. He raised his brows and said, "...Like beautiful women? How about the Queen of Halloween?"

"No, she can't!"

The White Night King shook his head decisively.

"Isn't she pretty?"

Roy asked back.

"She's very beautiful, we have to admit that... But it's not a question of whether she's beautiful or not. Anyway, she's the only one who can't. We're really not interested in her!"

After a pause, the White Night King used a folding fan to cover his lips again, and snickered: "...Of course, if the Queen of Halloween doesn't resist and listen to us, then we are also interested in her."

Roy showed a stunned expression, and he joked: "...then I can make her not resist, that is, when you ask her to do anything, you must let me watch.".

Chapter [-] Actually, I am her father!

The White Night King was stunned for a moment, her golden eyes looked at Roy up and down, showing a suspicious look.

"What's the matter, what are you looking at?"

Roy's brows raised, he stared at White Night King's pretty pink face, met her golden eyes, and asked with a smile.

Bai Yewang's eyes were narrow, her slender arm raised a folding fan in her hand, covering it under the bridge of her upturned nose, blocking the pink lips, and said with a puzzled expression:

"...You should have a good relationship with the Queen of Halloween, right?"

The last time she met the Queen of Halloween was the first time the two troubled children of Hakoniwa met.

At that time, the White Night King had a battle with the Halloween Queen. It can be said that it was the appearance of Roy that prevented the continuation of the war.

Although the Queen of Halloween kept a distance from Roy after that, the White Night King could clearly perceive the Queen of Halloween's trust in Roy.

Even that trust was like dependence, which surprised the White Night King.

After all, the Queen of Halloween's reputation is there, as the center of the Celtic 25 gods, as the protoss of gold and realm.

Even in this whole little garden, the Queen of Halloween is the existence at the top.

For a star spirit like the Queen of Halloween, it is not easy for her to trust a person.

But her feelings when facing Roy were no longer pure trust, but absolute trust to the level of attachment.

Even though the Queen of Halloween has been dodging, she doesn't seem to want people to know about her intimate relationship with Roy.

But the White Night King could clearly feel her feelings.

Even the White Night King is a little weird about this.

Because she can feel the Queen of Halloween's emotions so clearly, it means that she has some unknown connection with the Queen of Halloween.

At first, the White Night King thought that he and the Queen of Halloween were the enemies of fate.

But she eventually found out that wasn't the case.

It's just that fate is unpredictable, and even the White Night King can't see the truth in the fog.

So at this time, she looked at Roy with a tentative and doubtful expression, as if she was cautious about trying to find out secrets from him.

"Of course I have a good relationship with her."

Roy nodded slightly, this question does not need to be considered at all.

"How good is the relationship?"

The White Night King still squinted his eyes slightly and asked carefully.

"Good enough to make you understand, the most intimate level."

Roy did not answer directly, but said in a tactful manner.

This made the White Night King even more puzzled, and she sighed: "...The most intimate degree we understand?"

"...That's the degree to which you can be calm when you take off your clothes."

The White Night King said carelessly, and didn't think there was anything wrong with what he said, and immediately followed her: "...So you and the Queen of Halloween are in a good relationship."

"...Although this kind of thing happened to you, the god of cross religion and that arrogant person, it's a little surprising."

"But in this small garden full of Asura gods and Buddhas, this kind of thing doesn't seem to be a big deal."

The White Night King has a clear attitude. If the myths and histories of major civilizations are viewed from the perspective of human beings in the 21st century, there is really no ethics at all.

As a natural star spirit, as a demon king, and also a white night king living in the dawn of this small garden, he has long been surprised by this kind of thing.

Roy looked at the White Night King with a scrutiny, as if trying to see what was going on in her mind.

Although she is an amazing and peerless beauty, the White Night King is really shameless, and he can blurt out any ugly flowers and words of the old driver, and he doesn't care at all.

If it is understood in terms of the relationship between human beings in the future, it is that the White Night King is more suitable for a relationship like a 'brother' with a man than as a woman.

It's just that this 'brother' is too beautiful, and it's easy to make people wild.

Roy laughed dumbly and said, "...My relationship with her is not like this. In fact, I am her father!"

Roy's determined attitude made the White Night King look suspicious.

The most vicious and evil devil king didn't believe what Roy said at all, he just thought he was joking.

After all, in the White Night King's cognition, the celestial spirits are all fatherless existences.

If you have to find a parent for Protoss, then Protoss' parents is the star that gave birth to her.

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