"...If there is a human who really believes in the demon's promise, that is the beginning of his despair."

On Roy's right hand, there is a huge, complex and extremely delicate technique that is taking shape, and his words also bring a kind of lofty holiness:

"There is a famous theory in quantum mechanics called 'Poincaré Return', which simply means that any particle will return to its original position infinitely close to its original position after a long time travel. This is exactly what science does to reincarnation explanation of."

"...The 'diffusion' you symbolize, in the definition of physics, is the phenomenon of constant increase in entropy of the second law of thermodynamics, and your vain attempt to destroy everything, and finally let the old era pass away and welcome the new generation, it is not unreasonable. Calais is back."

Roy first told the essence of the big devil from the perspective of science, from the perspective of quantum mechanics, in the form of the material world.

Then, under Coronzon's horrified eyes, Roy said again: "...The increase in entropy is the truth. The world moves from order to disorder, and human beings go from life to death. All these are natural choices."

"...The Bible records that God made Eve out of Adam's rib, and the two stole the fruit of the tree of good and evil, so that human beings were divided into good and evil, and original sin also came, and the spread began. ."

"Adam and Eve gave birth to human beings, and original sin spread with the appearance of human beings, until human beings destroyed nature, created civilization, and became the moth that you hate."

3.3 "...also because human beings stole the fruit of the tree of good and evil and contracted the original sin, for which they lost their eternal life and became the filth of the earth."

"But there are always human beings who want to return to the original, return to Adam's body again, and return all human wills to the "one", which is the opposite of "aggregation"!"

The great demon Coronzon wanted to struggle out of Roy's right hand, but Othinus came to her side at some point and stepped on her head on the ground again.

"No!!!! What are you going to do to me?!"

Seeing Roy's right hand on her body, Laura screamed in horror, screaming shrilly there.

Roy smiled at her and said softly: "...This is exactly the technique I prepared for you, the 'diffusion' demon, it is the state of human beings who are in a state of 'diffusion', eager to reunite with Adam again ."

"... This is the principle of return and the meaning of aggregation. I named this technique - Human Completion!".

Chapter 264 The Awakening of Physical Personality

'Diffusion' is the truth of the world.

Just as life will die, matter will decay, systems will move from order to disorder, and order will eventually reach chaos, this is the principle of nature and the nature of things.

Although human beings hate destruction, decay, and fear death, they define these dirty and messy things as "evil", but from the perspective of the nature of the entire universe, this is truly correct.

Even this boundless universe will eventually die out.

The great devil on the tree of life, the great devil hidden among the angels, the great devil Coronzon living in the abyss, is the symbol of this kind of 'spreading'.

Observing her from a human perspective, she is undoubtedly a symbol of evil, an existence that makes people fear and alienate.

But if you look at Coronzon from the perspective of the entire universe, you will find that she is the real truth, and what she does is the existence that should be praised.

Just like Coronzon's own view of good and evil, she believes that destroying the world, eradicating the old era, eradicating human beings who have reversed the principles of nature, and allowing everything to welcome a new era is the greatest kindness.

Even herself, the demon of the old age, is within the scope of its destruction.

When positive and negative and yin and yang cancel each other out, in the end Coronzon will also be wiped out with an old thing, and will welcome the arrival of the new generation without leaving a trace.

This is both the meaning of 25'333', the instinct of 'diffusion', and the idea of ​​Coronzon's survival.

In theory, this is something completely different from the human will. For the Great Demon, this is her life, and no one can reverse the meaning of Coronzon's existence.

If she really reversed her mind, then it would not be Coronzon, nor a great demon.

But there was a bug in Coronzon's own perfectly functioning system.

The great devil on the tree of life should exist as a spirit, she should not have a body, she is just the incarnation of the concept of 'diffusion', all she can do is to watch the arrival of the diffusion, but not actively influence.

But Mathers summoned her to the material world, Aleister summoned her again, and with Coronzon's self-effort, she gained a body, and changed from the spirit of 'demon' to a human being.

She began to actively get involved in the concept of 'diffusion'.

And her perfect meaning of diffusion is also because after possessing a human body, flaws and flaws appeared in the perfect system.

Although human beings are following the principles of nature, growing, getting old, sick and dying, spreading and self-destructing, their subjective thinking refuses to die and spread.

What human beings desire more is to return to the Garden of Eden, to return to the original human being, to become the original Adam, and to gain eternity!

Human beings are not the incarnation of diffusion, but the paradox of diffusion and aggregation!

If the great demon Coronzon has no body, then Roy can't reverse the meaning of its proliferation.

But when she has a human body, Roy can take advantage of this loophole and pour the concept of aggregation completed by humans into her human body.

Like what Roy is doing now!

"Do not!!!"

Along with Lola's shrill screams, her demonic face in her golden hair also showed a ferocious and terrifying look, like a flamboyant lioness who was frightening Roy with her fangs and claws.

But Roy didn't care about such a threat at all. With his right hand, he weaved 27.5 million times to complete the spell for human beings, just so that Laura could not have any resistance.

It is impossible to distort the principle of the Great Demon's spread with such a simple technique, but the combination of the amount and Othinus' abuse of her body makes this possible.

"The body, mind and soul are three in one, and they can influence each other. The shape of the triangle is the most stable, but at the same time, the 'three' has infinite possibilities."

"...Taoism once said 'Three births and all things', and Cross religion also said the Trinity. It can be seen that the value of '3' has the meaning of infinite possibilities for human beings."

"If you are only in the state of the devil, it is the aggregation of spirit and soul, in the form of 'two', no one can break that gap."

"...But when you have a body and allow yourself to have 'possibilities', then the possibility of your spread being reversed will also arise."

Roy chuckled lightly, his right hand just held Lola's pretty face and her head, and tens of millions of techniques were forced into her body under the struggle of the big devil. , reversed her instincts.

"You are just a demon after all, and you don't understand the true thoughts of human beings. What human beings desire and pursue is not 'diffusion', but 'aggregation'!"

"...What I'm doing now is to force humans to fill their own desires and forcibly arouse them in your body!"

Laura Stuart was horrified to find that her impulse to spread and destroy was weakening, and an invisible force was pulling her instinct and essence, dragging it in the opposite direction.

It's like entropy is reversing, the world is moving from chaos to order, from disorder to order, and that's what the great demon Coronzon refuses the most.

"I am the great demon Coronzon, my value is '333', I am a symbol of proliferation and destruction, I will not surrender to the idea of ​​human aggregation, I will not admit defeat!"

"...The lowly human mind can't change me, who is standing far above it, and it's impossible to stop my Coronzon's march!"

Lola's voice was hoarse, but she forcibly endured it and would never give in.

Even though the completed will of the human beings from the aggregation made her fear and pain, the firmness of the big demon's will still allowed her diffusion to oppose the aggregation.

Seeing Lola's resistance, Roy just squatted in front of her, looking at the blood stains on her beautiful face, five fingers grabbed her sharp chin, lowered his head and kissed her gently on the corner of her mouth .

"Don't be afraid, Laura... I know you won't give in so easily, and I also know that you, the symbol of diffusion, if you really can't resist aggregation, your choice will definitely be self-understanding."

"...In order to prevent you from choosing to self-destruct, I deliberately adjusted the structure of this spell."

"Because this technique acts on your psychic medium, that is, on your body, if the will of 'convergence' is greater than 'diffusion', you will definitely choose to commit suicide, and as long as you give up the psychic medium, you will still be the diffuser the great devil."

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