Roy even suspected that Aleister could actually cross the abyss at any time, but because of Lilith, he never did so.

Roy didn't try to cross the abyss, because it was unnecessary. Instead of using a difficult method, why not go to the big devil and let her cross the abyss easily with herself?

In front of ZAX, Roy quietly admired the fault that completely separates man from God and prevents mankind from exploring the mysteries of God.

Then, he left here without looking back, his mental will began to sink, and he was ready to return to the material world.

When you stare at the abyss, the abyss is also staring at you. Roy has already got what he wants in his trip to Ethel this time.

He opened up Ethel's path, his spirit was sublimated to become the 'Temple Leader', and he really came to the abyss.

Next, as long as you help Othinus build the gun, you can coerce the great demon Coronzon and let her take him across this 'ZAX'.

Without the spiritual will of time flow, Roy quickly felt his spirit sink and returned to his body.

At this moment, he can no longer be called a human being, but a 'great being' sublimated to spirituality!

His spirit has been able to penetrate the past, present and future, and even he no longer needs to obey the laws of time, breaking through the shackles of human life, and achieving true immortality!

"¨〃Ether and the Kabbalah Tree of Life are connected, the 24th to 30th layers are the formation world, the 11th to 23rd layers are the creation world, the tenth layer is the abyss, and the 1st to 9th layers are the gods Sexuality... eyes."

"...And as long as you have traveled through the first ten floors, you will include the four worlds of Kabbalah. When you have mastered the four worlds of matter, formation, creation, and divinity, you will be the real devil!"

"The so-called 'phase' is to act on the quadruple world!"

Roy got enlightenment.

At this moment, his heart moved, he slowly turned around to look behind him, and said with a smile, "...Traitors, I didn't expect you to arrive here first."

It was the members of the original Gremlin who appeared behind Roy! .

Chapter 246 That disgusting and wise man

Roy turned around and looked behind him, where there were many magicians.

Some of them looked angry, some were puzzled, some were blank, and some had questions to Roy on their faces.

These magicians are male and female, old and young, and so on.

But they are undoubtedly all powerful magicians who were named after the Norse gods in Gremlin in the past.

"I didn't expect that the first ones to arrive here are you traitors."

Roy was in a good mood. He folded his hands in front of him, looked at the magicians of the Nordic mythology with a soft smile, and said lightly.

His arrogant and arrogant attitude made these magicians angry, even those who were still hesitating before, now their expressions are firm.

Some of Gremlin's members did not believe that the leader and deputy leader betrayed them, but just followed others to this World Tree.

But when they saw Roy, when they saw his contemptuous expression and heard his indifferent words, they were finally convinced that Othinus and Roy had completely betrayed them!

"Hey, the deputy leader, it's not us who are traitors, but you and Othinus!"

"...You have betrayed our ideals and our desires. The reason why we established Gremlin is that we help Othinus, get back the power of the devil for her, and then let her help us 677 Does it come true?"

"But you and Othinus didn't act according to our plan from the beginning. You acted alone, showing our contribution to nothing, and not even telling us the real plan."

"... Doesn't this mean that you are deceiving us and playing with our feelings?"

Thor clenched his fists in both hands, looked directly at Roy, and questioned loudly.

Roy glanced around the crowd and said with a chuckle, "...Marian, Utgaroch, Sigurn, Freya, Loki, Yemengard, Hull, and Fenrir, Do you all think so?"

He read out the names of these magicians who were named as gods or monsters in Norse mythology, and as his eyes wandered, everyone was silent.

But judging from the expressions of these magicians, one can still see their anger and confusion at Roy's betrayal.

"The so-called contract has a premise, that is, your contribution and return must be equal, but the actual situation is that Othinus and I don't need you to complete the casting of the 'Lord of God's Spear' at all. ."

"...The two of us are enough to complete the tedious preparations. Since you don't have any contributions, what qualifications do you have to pray for God's gift?"

Roy's words were so invincible, and the smile was so sarcastic, it was enough to stimulate people's anger.


The beautiful boy with long blond hair drank lowly, and he shouted loudly: "...You are arguing, maybe you and Othinus can complete all the preparations."

"...But since you have formed Gremlin, since you have given us the tasks that we are required to complete, and each of us has completed the tasks conscientiously, now you want to tell us that you don't need these at all?"

"Isn't it that your words are full of lies and deceit from the beginning, and you and Othinus are using us at all!"

Those sonorous words made the other magicians nod secretly. Roy and Othinus played with their feelings like this, making them even feel ashamed.

After all, the reason why they will join Gremlin and be loyal to Othinus is because they all have a sad wish, which is like the name of magic, a sad wish that must be fulfilled even if they lose their lives.

What Roy and Othinus did was to humiliate their meaning and desire in life, and even brought them despair.

If it wasn't for the fear in their hearts, it is estimated that they would have already started at this time.

Of course, these magicians still have an unnoticeable expectation, hoping that Roy can "return the prodigal son" and continue to complete the contract with them.

"Oops, it seems that my attempt to misinterpret the original meaning to make you doubt yourself is a failure."

"...Thor, don't think I didn't know that you actually had contact with Orells shortly after joining Gremlin. You should be the one who betrayed Gremlin first, right?"

Roy's indifferent and strange heavy pupils fell on Thor, the **** of thunder, which made this beautiful young man who was only fourteen or fifteen years old in a panic.

He was afraid of the other members of Gremlin, so he was bewitched by Roy in a few words.

But at this time, Roy said again: "...Put your wishes on the power of the devil, should you say that you believe in the devil, or should you say that you have given up your own efforts."

"...But also, the world created by the devil is false and flawed only in the eyes of the devil, and in your eyes, it should be the most perfect world."

"Marian, the rare black dwarf in the world, I'm here to ask you, what else does it need to forge the 'Lance of the Lord' besides the material of the gun body and the energy of the volcano concept as fuel?"

Roy looked at the dark-skinned girl at this time and asked with a smile.

Wearing a work uniform, the petite but cheerful black dwarf frowned. This question was not difficult for her to answer, because in myths and legends, 'Gungnir' was originally created by black gnomes.

"I still need the blueprint of the gun. Although that thing is said to be in the memory of the Valkyrie, Othinus must have created the blueprint himself, and he doesn't need to get it from Brynhild."

"...Finally, the great **** Odin is the **** of war and the **** of magic. The 'Lance of the Lord God' also needs enough magic knowledge and the will of war as the nourishment for catalysis."

"On this point, Gremlin has a plan for a long time, and it is up to us to provoke a world war..."

"...Wait a minute, the world war did unfold in another way, but this war has nothing to do with Gremlin, and was provoked by you alone."

"We, the members of the original Gremlin, will appear here, and we will become a party to the war."

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