But now, Roy has used the knowledge of the Magical Forbidden Book Catalog.

He forcibly confused the 'World Tree' with the 'Kabbalah Tree of Life', and borrowed the power of Othinus' Demon God, and successfully opened the way for Ethel.

Although Roy himself has acquired knowledge of 13,000 magic books, Index is a living catalog of forbidden books and a perfect spiritual outfit.

As a tool, she is easier to use than the knowledge in Roy's head. After all, humans create tools to free themselves and make them more convenient.

Well, although the creator of the forbidden book catalog is a devil.

"No wonder this world is called the "Magic Forbidden Book Catalog", this spiritual outfit is really a useful tool."

"...993...If there is no catalog of banned books as a bridge and a medium, even I can't maintain this state of 'divine confusion' for a long time."

"Othinus, protect my body, I will enter 'Ether' now and find the way to the abyss!"

Roy stood in the sixth layer of the World Tree in Wattheim. He spoke softly to the uninhabited land, believing that Othinus would definitely be able to hear his words.

At that time, Anna Sprengel was under the protection of Aiwass, and Aleister entered the ‘Ether’ under the protection of his own disciple.

Roy is more cautious than them. He directly asks a demon to guard him, even if it is a demon in the state of 55, it is enough to ensure that he is safe.

After all, Roy didn't want to be like Anna Sprenger. When he traveled to 'Ether', because the guardian's ability was not enough at the time, his body was taken away, so that the spirit and will could not return to the material world.

After speaking, Roy did not wait for Othinus' answer.

Because he believes in Othinus and understands Othinus, the one-eyed demon must understand his thoughts and know how to do it.

As soon as Roy closed his eyes, he immediately felt that his consciousness had left the body, and the easy thing was to break through the Earth.Pne (material world), which is the 'ground plane' symbolized in mysticism.

At the same time, he begins to face the first problem, which is the insurmountable ring to Etherie! .

Chapter 245 You are staring at the abyss, and the abyss is also staring at you

'Ether' divides the layers of the world, which, like the ten particles of the Kabbalah Tree of Life, is the layering of the world.

Thirty layers of Ethel are like an onion skin wrapped in a layer, and it clarifies the essence of the world.

Any human who wants to travel to Ethel must find the way to Ethel, and proceed in the correct order.

There was a school that called Ethel the World Tree and found the part where Ethel was connected to the World Tree.

Roy also used the knowledge of this school to integrate the World Tree with the Kabbalah Tree of Life, and successfully opened the way.

After passing through the physical layer, Roy faced the first insurmountable ring.

It is not difficult to cross this ring. As long as the magician who has reached the master stage of 5=6 has the ability to pass this ring and go to the next world.

In this tree of Ethel's realm, time is meaningless. Roy's spirit and consciousness directly broke through the first layer and reached the world above the material realm, which mortals can never see or imagine.

That is the etheric layer!

In many secret schools of the East and the West, ether is considered to be the foundation of all things, and the basic composition of everything in this world is ether.

According to the scientific explanation, that is the mass-energy equation, any substance can be converted into energy, and the so-called ether layer is the concept of this energy.

In the moon world, it is the so-called Taiyuan, and the magicians and gods of the gods all live because of the ether.

And the ether of the moon world was brought back to the ether layer, and after it no longer appeared in the material world, it was the end of the age of gods.

Reaching the ether layer, it also reached the thirtieth layer of Ethel.

The thirtieth floor of Ethel is marked as 'RII' in mysticism, and after passing through 'RII', you reach the twenty-ninth floor, 'TEX'.

And these two layers are all of the ether layer.

After Roy's spirit traveled through 'RII' and 'TEX', it moved forward again, broke through the ether layer, and came to Astral.Pne (Protoss layer).

This is where the celestial spirits represented by the various parts of the human body are located. It is a kind of sublimation of the body. In short, it is a place that only the spiritual consciousness can leave the body and can only reach the place where the mind wanders too far.

The entire Protoss layer has five layers, which are marked as 'NIA' 'VTI' 'DES' 'ZAA' 'BAG' in occultism.

After traveling through these five floors, Roy has seen the last seven floors of Ethel, and then he will face the next 'insurmountable ring'.

And if you want to cross this insurmountable ring, you need to reach the peak of human beings, that is, the rank of 7=4, before you can cross it.

Roy has reached this rank, so he has the qualification to cross this 'ring'.

And when Roy's spirit broke through this 'insurmountable ring', his spirit was lifted.

At that moment, he could no longer be called a 'human', and his spirit broke through the true limits of human beings.

After breaking through the Protoss layer, Roy finally came to the place of spiritual sublimation, that is, Lower.Mental.Plene (lower spiritual layer).

When the human spirit arrives here, its spirit will be sublimated, and on the spiritual level, it will have an existence that is enough to withstand the knowledge and power of the devil.

Humans who have reached this level can already be called 'Temple Leaders'!

The entire low-level spiritual layer also has seven layers, which are named 'TAN', 'ZEN', 'POP', 'KHR', 'ASP', 'LIN', 'TOR'.

After traveling through the seven floors, Roy's spirit continued to rise and came to the Higher.Mental.Plene (higher spiritual layer).

The spirit of Aiwass used to be here, and the Holy Guardian Angel was summoned to the material world from this layer by Anna Sprengel.

When Roy arrived here, his spiritual body was already equal to Aiwass!

This layer is divided into six layers named 'IKH', 'LOE', 'ZIM', 'VTR', 'OXO', 'LEA'.

And with Roy's mental will, it was not difficult for him to travel through the six layers, and finally he came to a huge abyss (Abyss)!

The 30th floor of Ethel is 30 to 1, and this abyss is the tenth floor of Ethel 'ZAX', which is also the most difficult layer for mortals to cross.

Because as long as you cross this abyss and reach the final Spiritual.Pne (spiritual layer), then mortals will have the qualifications to become gods!

And after the 30th floor has all been traveled, it will become a 'devil'!

In front of this 'ZAX', Roy was finally unable to continue to cross, because the aborigines on this floor were the legendary demons, and their manager was the great demon 'Coronzon' on the tree of life.

Coronzon prevented all human beings from crossing the abyss, and did not allow human beings to explore the mysteries of God and set foot in the forbidden area of ​​God.

If you want to cross this abyss, the easiest and most correct way is to let the big devil take you there.

Mathers wanted to do it, Aleister wanted to do it too, and Roy wanted to do it now.

But the first two failed, and Roy believed that he would succeed.

Of course, this is only one of the ways to cross the abyss, and it is the simplest and most reliable way.

And all roads lead to Rome. There is also a saying in the East called the Three Thousand Avenues. Naturally, there are other ways to cross the abyss, but those methods are relatively difficult and troublesome.

After Aleister failed to use the great demon, he must have also studied other methods and prepared for it.

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