At this time, the daughter of Qingguo jumped back and left the battlefield, and asked in a deep voice, "...Who are you?"

"As expected of the 'Virgin of Versailles' in France, they all play a match first, and then ask the other party's identity."

Roy said mockingly, his eyes were deep, if it was a deep pool of cold air.

"If that's the case, then we don't seem to have much to talk about... I'm quite a stingy person, and I hate people who do things for no reason."

"...If you want to blame yourself, blame yourself for being too decisive. Because of your recklessness, the mainland of France and the troops on the British Isle may be buried with you."

Roy's voice fell, and under the great change of the daughter's expression, Roy's back suddenly opened a pair of wings that covered the sky.

The wings were made of ice and water, dyed with the beauty of the moon, and a female archangel emerged from Roy's back.

In the next instant, a huge magic circle appeared on the horizon, criss-crossing like blood vessels, dyeing the sky blue, and if there was a looming fire in it.

That is God's punishment for sinners in the "Bible", which is enough to destroy the surface of the planet and wipe out the human race with a single blow - rocket rain!

Chapter 233 The number is '9', God's creativity

Wearing a pure white linen robe, an angel with wings covering the sky rose up from the sky.

That is the guardian of the rear, the guardian of the moon, the power of the gods behind the gods - the Archangel Gabriel!

The halo of angels floated over the head of Gabriel, the angel who witnessed the Lord's judgment on the city of sin in the Bible, and at this moment reproduced the miracle of the Bible.

Mysterious words came out of Gabriel's mouth, and countless sounds like noises and mosaics stimulated people's eardrums.

It's just that although human ears are uncomfortable, they are surprised to find that they can understand the language that they should not understand.

This is the Enochian language, the language used by the angels to pray to God, and the "language of unity" used by mankind before the tower of Babel collapsed!

"what are you going to do?!"

The Lady of Allure widened her eyes, which were full of dark circles, and looked tired and slung, and let out a horrified cry.

Although she had never seen the technique of Rocket Rain, she knew the power of destroying the world just by relying on the huge movement brought about by this technique.

Especially as the head of France, the daughter of the allure is actually a believer of the Cross religion, and she believes in the Roman Orthodox Church.

That's why she instantly understood the prototype of Gabriel's technique, the ritual of destruction of the Sin City.

"You actually forcibly manipulated the Archangel Gabriel, who are you?!"

Under the shock, the daughter of the alluring city held the sword of Youlander and slashed at Roy again.

Because she found that this rocket rain spell not only covered the British Isles, but gradually expanded to cover the entire Europa continent and the Atlantic Ocean.

If this technique is allowed to unfold, it will be a real ground-washing attack, a human extinction that is more terrifying than nuclear war.

After all, the explosion of nuclear weapons is not as terrible as imagined. To destroy a mountain, the yield required is extremely high.

What is really scary about nuclear weapons is the nuclear radiation after the explosion, and the nuclear winter caused by dust, which is a slow death for human beings.

But this rocket rain is enough to wipe out all the countries and cities in the entire European continent. No one knows how many people will survive.

This sword of the Daughter of the Country is not to save Britain, but to save her own motherland, France!

The endless thunder appeared again from the horizon, and under the azure light of the moon and the flames of the flames reflected in the sky, the thunder exploded and made a roar.

The Daughter of Qing Dynasty unfolded her spell with all her strength, and summoned thousands of thunders from the sky. Countless thunders and lightnings slashed at Roy and the Archangel Gabriel.

Her blow was not to kill Roy or Gabriel, but to prevent the completion of this spell.

Seeing this, Roy just chuckled and waved the sword of judgment in his right hand again.

"This sword is up, and the thunder is down!"

It is said to be thunder, but in fact, the order of things that Roy changed is actually the technique possessed by the daughter of the alluring country.

In an instant, the thunder and lightning that covered the sky and the sun was cut off by Roy's gentle sword.

"Ah ah ah ah ah--------"

The girl's eyes were bloodshot, her teeth were clenched tightly, and with an angry shout, the sword of Youlan Dale in her hand stabbed Gabriel with an indomitable momentum.

Roy's previous technique of smashing her thunder made the daughter of the whole country guess that it was really like the execution of light on the left side of the right seat of God.

If it really is a similar technique to that, and it also cracks her 'lightning strike'.

The Daughter of the Country knew that no matter how hard she tried to use this technique, the terrifying and mysterious strange man in front of her could easily decipher it.

So the daughter of the all-powerful country just used the ability of the lightning strike to temporarily limit Roy. Her real goal was to assassinate the holy archangel!

The Saint of Versailles turned into a thunderbolt, and stabbed Gabriel at a speed faster than that of a saint.

But just as her Sword of Youlander was about to stab Gabriel, countless wings appeared in layers in front of the daughter of the alluring country.

The wings of those angels are all made of ice and water, overlapping and looming, intertwined.

Although the sword of the Daughter of Allure was sharp, after piercing through tens of thousands of angel wings, she found that she still could not see the end of the wings.

At this time, the all-powerful girl had exhausted her strength, her sword of Youlan Dale and Gabriel's wings froze together, and were tightly stuck by the wings of that wing, making it difficult to move any longer.

Immediately, Gabriel's wings waved, and the girl of the country only felt a sharp pain, and her body was cut with a deep scar that could be seen from the left shoulder to the right abdomen.

And the power of Gabriel's wings swept away, from the island of Britain, it ran through the entire island of Britain's mainland, leaving a deep scar on the geography.

It was as if a Great Rift Valley had opened up on the British mainland. The only difference from the Great Rift Valley was that the ravine was not that deep.

At the same time, even the Atlantic Ocean to the north and south of the British Island was cut open.

If you use a satellite to look at it from space at this time, you will find that a half-moon trace is formed from the North Atlantic to the South Atlantic, with the British Island as the center.

Under the sweep of these wings, the daughter of Qingguo directly broke several sternums, and even the muscles under the skin were torn apart......

The whole person flew two kilometers away before hitting the ground and stopped with a loud bang.

But Gabriel was unreasonable, and tens of thousands of feathers flew out from her wings again. These feathers were like sharp blades, and they stabbed the daughter of the country again.

Fortunately, the body of the daughter of the whole country has been transformed so that it will not be swept away by Gabriel.

Seeing the flying feathers in the sky, she clenched her teeth and waved Youlan Dale again. Tens of thousands of lightning bolts and Gabriel's feathers collided and annihilated each other in the air.

At this time, Roy and Gabriel had risen to the height of one thousand meters, and with the two at the center, the huge magic circle had completely enveloped the Atlantic Ocean and Europa.

The dense lines are like human blood vessels, and like a giant net, covering a quarter of the planet.

"You too underestimate Gabriel."

Roy shook his head and chuckled, "...Anyway, she is also the guardian of the rear, serving the Archangel of God's Water, the symbol of God's power."

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