This is similar to when the French troops led by Joan of Arc fought against Britain during the Hundred Years' War.

However, the Daughter of the Country and the officer who left did not notice that behind them, a man in a red robe was standing quietly, watching the saint's back. .


Chapter 232 Destruction of civilization and the art of the surface

The daughter of the alluring country exhaled.

For the current situation, she just felt exhausted.

As the real head of France, the real leader, she actually did not want any conflict between France and Britain.

After all, this is an era of peace and development. Now it is no more than a hundred years ago. Conflicts between countries are likely to lead to the advent of nuclear war and the emergence of the third world war.

When the nuclear winter comes, I am afraid that thousands of years of human civilization will really be destroyed.

But the behavior of Britain's second princess, Kelissa, forced her to come out of the Palace of Versailles and lead the French army to contend with it.

Even if she and her troops are sure to conquer and win, she prefers to sit down and negotiate peacefully if she can.

Therefore, for the Daughter of the Kingdom, her important goal is not to attack London, but to find Queen Eliza and rescue her.

As long as the Queen is rescued, the rebellion will be quelled by the Queen's prestige, and Britain and France will be able to sit down and negotiate.

Her Majesty the Queen is not the princess. She knows the situation in general and knows what to do.

And this time, it was clear that Britain was at fault first, and France could still get some more benefits in the negotiation.

This is the politics of this age.

Just when the daughter of Qingguo was thinking about the next steps of action, her expression suddenly tightened, she turned around suddenly, and whispered: "...Who is peeping here!"

She thought that someone was watching her with some kind of technique, but when the Daughter of Alluring Country turned around, she was startled.

Because the other party didn't use any technique at all, not far behind her, there was a man standing there quietly watching her.

In an instant, the daughter of Qingguo felt a chill rise on her back, and she didn't notice when this person appeared.

If he attacked suddenly, even if he didn't die immediately, he would probably be seriously injured.

And if at this time she was seriously injured and unable to command, then the whole of France would be in big trouble.

The goddess of the whole country changed continuously, her brain started frantically, and then she made a choice that she thought was the most correct at this time.


The sound of thunder suddenly burst, and the daughter of Qingguo held the sword of 'Youlan Dale' and cut it at Roy!

This sword is the sword held by the protagonist Roland in the French epic "Roland's Song". It is rumored that it was the holy sword bestowed by Charlemagne.

Just like the British Katina, this sword also has the French national-level grand technique.

Although this is the British Isle, not the mainland of France, this sword cannot exert her maximum ability, but the Daughter of the Kingdom is an extremely powerful magician.

The spells she possesses are combined with 'Youlander', and they can also exert strategic-level abilities.

The thunder suddenly sounded, and dark clouds filled the sky. Following the pointer of Jian Feng, the daughter of Qingguo, endless mad thunder fell from the sky and turned into a net of heaven and earth to bombard Roy.

This is not an ordinary thunder, but the technique of the daughter of the all-powerful.

Each of these lightning strikes is far more powerful than strategic missiles. The endless thunder and lightning roar down, and its power is even enough to shatter a mountain into a plain.

This is exactly the long-distance attacking technique that the Daughter of Qing Guo is good at. The closer the distance to the enemy, the greater the power, on the contrary, if the distance from the enemy is too long, the power will be weaker.

The reason why the French troops were so powerful in the past was that the daughter of the whole country used this technique to combine with the French satellites.

This is also the perfect combination of magic and science.

Use satellites for precise positioning, and then the daughter of the country will launch a surgical strike.

Even the daughter of the country is willing, her spell can be hit from the European continent to the Asian continent. Even if the distance is such a long distance, the power of her spell can be equivalent to a cannonball.

It can be said that if the distance is separated by a continent, then the daughter of the country is equivalent to an artillery company.

But if the distance is only from France to Britain, she is almost like a rocket army.

And when her distance and the enemy are only within a few meters, she alone is equivalent to a national army!

This is the strongest of France, the brain and leader of France, the magician known as the 'Saint of Versailles'!

Facing the national army-level technique, Roy's expression remained unchanged.

His heavy pupils dilated slightly, and the knowledge accumulated by Roy from the 13,000 books of magic, let him see through all the secrets of this technique in an instant.

"This sword is up, and the thunder is down!"

A sword suddenly appeared in Roy's hand, which was Archangel Michael's 'Sword of Judgment'.

I saw that he casually waved the sword in his right hand, and all the thunder in the sky dissipated.

In the next second, the sword of 'Youlan Dale' of the daughter of Qingguo collided with Roy's sword of judgment, and there was a sound of gold and iron symphony.

Her own technique was deciphered, but the daughter of Qingguo kept her emotions unchanged, and she showed a martial arts far beyond ordinary people in an instant.

Although this girl looks frail and can even be described as skinny, her strength and speed are almost comparable to those of a saint.


Because her power is too strong, her body has been transformed by France, which is to restrain her power and bring her a strong body at the same time.

However, Roy is a person who has reached the extreme of martial arts. Under the teaching of Skaha, with martial arts alone, he believes that no one in this world can defeat him.

Even if the master craftsman made his own move, he would at most be on an equal footing with him in terms of martial arts.

"ding ding ding dong ---"

Roy stood still, holding the sword in his right hand to block all the slashes of the Daughter of Qingguo. Each of his swords was like an antelope hanging its horns, like a dragon going out to sea.

Pros and cons meet, strangely intersecting, it seems to be upright and bright, and it seems that the sword is slanted, with the Europa-style swordsmanship of the daughter of the country, but after a few rounds, she is left and right, and she falls into the disadvantage.



A sword light flashed, and the waistcoat on the dress of the girl of the country was cut open, revealing her slender and delicate shoulders like snow.

And a tuft of golden hair also fluttered in the wind like a dandelion, and there was also a bloodstain on her face.

The tearing pain came from her cheeks, and blood flowed down the corners of her rosy mouth.

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