"Compared to those scholars and sages who have been recorded in history, isn't an unknown magician like me unnamed?"

Roy asked with a smile, leaving Queen Eliza speechless.

After taking a deep breath, Her Majesty the Queen said resignedly: "...Then Mr. Roy, now that my Queen of Britain has fallen into your hands, what are you going to do with me?"

"Mother... No, Mr. Roy!"

Villian, who was standing behind Roy, shouted anxiously and terrified, she was afraid that Roy would really do something terrifying to kill his mother.

Roy just raised his hand to stop Villian's words.

He looked at Her Majesty the Queen, looked at the king who looked at death like a home, and said with a chuckle, "...dispose of? No, no, no, not only will I not deal with you, but I will also let you go, Your Majesty."

"...After all, in the current situation in Britain, you still need to take charge of the overall situation. Otherwise, Kelissa will make Britain, which has finally stabilized, fall into chaos again."

Queen Eliza was stunned for a moment. She was dubious. Through Roy's behavior just now, she guessed that this man should want the world to be in chaos.

Killing or imprisoning her queen is the best way to throw the world into chaos.

But this man did the opposite. Not only did he not kill her, but he even let her go to solve the current problems in Britain?

What conspiracy and tricks does he have, and what is he planning?

Queen Eliza thought hard, but couldn't think of a reason, which made her even more jealous of Roy.

A person is strong, as long as his way of thinking is normal, this person can speculate on his next actions, and there will be no fear.

Because the unknown is the greatest fear, a person who can be inferred to act will have a way to overcome him.

But Roy's behavior simply left people without any thoughts and scattered to the extreme. This kind of weird thinking like a 'madman' has surpassed Queen Eliza's comprehension.

This kind of intelligent person who cannot use common sense but possesses powerful power is simply the most terrifying disaster in human history.

Her Majesty looked at Laura hesitantly, but at this time she hoped that Laura could explain it to her.

How does Laura know what Roy is going to do, even the big devil can't understand Roy's incredible thoughts.

But since Roy said this, as a younger sister, she naturally has to give her support, because she still has a place to ask Roy.

The Supreme Bishop with bright blond hair smiled sweetly. She left Roy's embrace and stood by his side gracefully.

At this time, Lola still looks so cute and cute. If her beautiful blue eyes are a deep pool, people can't see the bottom, and the calmness makes people only feel trembling.

This is what the supreme bishop in charge of a major denomination should look like.

"Even if it kills you, Puritanism cannot completely annex the royal faction. The current political balance in Britain is its most stable state."

"...Isn't this the consensus we have long ago? Even if I am caught by you, Eliza, you will not kill me. I am sure of this."

"Because compared to me, the supreme bishop who knows the bottom line, changing someone else to become the supreme bishop will only make you more distrustful."

Lola didn't know what Roy was thinking, but she made up a reason directly.

This big devil's heart was actually bleeding, and he was even angry.

What a great opportunity this would have been if not bound by Mathers' contract.

Utilize this war involving the whole world to transmit 'proliferation and destruction' to the whole world, so as to complete the meaning of '333'.

But Mathers' contract allowed her to continue to play the role of the supreme bishop, instead of returning to her original identity and freedom.

Queen Eliza is still puzzled, this is the tacit understanding between Laura and her, but this is not necessarily Roy's idea.

But since Laura has said so, Eliza can only regard Roy as a Puritan for the time being, thinking that this is also his consensus.

Her Majesty the Queen said tentatively: "...Villian, since they let me go, then you can go with me."

"Queen Mother... But, Mr. Roy..."

Seeing that her mother was no longer in danger, the third princess finally let go.

At this time, she looked at Roy instead, hoping that Roy would leave her strange thoughts behind.

Just now Roy under Kelissa saved her from beheading.

In addition, Villian and Roy had a contract, but a heart gradually changed, moving in the direction of Roy.

I don't know what expression the rear water will show when she meets the rear water like this.

Queen Eliza's face was a little ugly. She knew too much about the situation of her third daughter, and also knew that Villian would easily fall in love with a man who saved her because of 'benevolence and fraternity'.

But this man who calls himself Roy is not a good target. This guy is too mysterious and terrifying.

"Vilian, leave with your mother, this country still needs you and needs 'benevolence'."

At this time, Roy comforted Villian instead.

The third princess was reluctant, she opened her mouth and looked at Queen Eliza, who had a stern face, and walked to the queen's side with her head down.

Queen Eliza gave Roy and Lola a deep look, and then took her daughter and walked directly to the gate of St. James's Palace.

And Roy, as he said, didn't respond, and really let her go.

When there was no one in St. James' Palace, Laura couldn't wait to raise an excited smile and asked:

"...Brother, how is your investigation about the true identity of the president of Academy City?".

"Is the president of Academy City Aleister?"

Laura asked impatiently.

For her, the only thing she cared about was whether the general director of Academy City was the sorcerer Aleister.

All Laura has done for a hundred years is to find Aleister and kill him.

Only in this way can the great demon on the tree of life fulfill his will and achieve his true ambition.

Roy looked at Lola with a half-smile.

Seeing his eyes, Laura's heart skipped a beat.

She pretended to bow her head shyly, like a little girl who was not familiar with the world, she tried her best to widen her big watery eyes, and said coquettishly:

"...What do you see me doing? Brother!"

"It's nothing, just Laura, you seem too obsessed with Aleister."

Roy sighed softly, raised his hand, and inserted five fingers into Laura's gorgeous golden hair.

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