This gave Kelissa an illusion that Roy was a gold magician.

But now, when the power of Michael didn't work on Roy, when the poison of the power of the angel was like a great supplement in front of Roy.

She was the one who discovered that the other party's magic system was not gold at all, but cross religion!

And it is very likely that Roy's power is related to Michael, or even the Son of God!

Kelissa jumped and smashed the glass of St. James's Palace. After her vigorous body landed from the third floor, she quickly fled.

Since Cartier was invalid, Kelissa knew that in front of Roy, she would be like an ordinary girl without the power of a chicken.

Moreover, although this sword is powerful, its power is extremely unstable. Only when it is placed in Buckingham Palace can Katier's power be used stably.

"It doesn't matter, now we can only take one step at a time!"

Kelissa, who ran out of St. James's Palace, ran for a few minutes and found that Roy was not chasing after her, and she took a breath.

Kelissa, who is in charge of "Wu De" and has a great understanding of military affairs, knows that now she is actually a trapped beast, a beast bound in a cage.

Her defeat is an inevitable outcome. If so, try to help the royal family to obtain greater benefits before she dies or is caught.

"All members of the knight faction obey the order and hunt down the Puritans as much as possible!"

Puritanism is the biggest stumbling block for the royal family. As long as the power of Puritanism can be weakened, the power of the royal family can prevail.

It's just that the development of the situation is too fast, and now all this is not simply a matter of the British Civil War, but has already involved the War of the World.

How to deal with the French army that was led by the daughter of the whole country and invaded the British mainland and the Atlantic Fleet sent by the United States is the most important thing now...

In St. James' Palace, Roy turned a blind eye to Kelissa's escape, he just looked at Queen Eliza and Laura.

"I don't even want to chase my stupid second daughter. It seems that she is still useful to you."

"...Just abandoning her mother and running away by herself, what an unfilial daughter."

Sitting on a luxurious chair, Her Majesty the Queen is graceful and luxurious. Even though her life is now under the control of Roy, Her Majesty is still fearless.

Although she seemed to be complaining about Kelissa, her expression was quite hopeful.

Because Kelissa made the right choice, Britain is now in a crisis of survival. Compared with her queen, the whole country is more important.

"Why, haven't you done it yet? If you kill me, your goal of causing chaos in the world will be realized faster."

Queen Eliza looked at Roy quite majestically.

When she heard the Queen's words, Villian, who was hiding behind Roy, subconsciously held the corner of Roy's clothes in front of her with anxiety on her face.

"Do it? No no no, Her Majesty is joking, I have no intention of killing you, because killing you will not help my purpose, but may cause consequences beyond my expectations."

"...And I'm not a demon, and I don't even have any ill will towards Britain. If you want to talk about demons, Laura by your side is more like it."

Facing the Queen's death, Roy just waved his hand and chuckled.

Laura froze in her heart, thinking that Roy had seen her true face 3.2.

Just seeing Roy like that, this sentence seemed like a joke again, and the big demon was a little confused for a while.

She bit her cherry lips, still showing a cute look, and said with tears in her eyes: "...Brother, hurry up and save me!"

Saying so, Lola twisted her charming plump body on the chair with a pitiful look on her face.

Roy watched with interest Lola huddled there like a cat bug.

Looking at the ropes of those spiritual outfits bound her, showing her concave and convex and moving slenderness.

With a lift of his hand, he cut off the spiritual outfit that could imprison the magic power.

Lola, who was freed, turned red, and she threw herself into Roy's arms, and said tenderly, "...Brother, you're finally here!"

"Tsk, it's really disgusting to be acting like a baby at an old age!"

Seeing this, Queen Eliza pouted and said. .

Chapter 230 Selling Aleister for Time

The soft and fragrant body plunged into Roy's arms. Roy's face was soft, and he stroked Lola's beautiful back with his hands, sniffing the fragrance of her long golden hair, and said in a gentle tone:

"...Really, Laura, you are too old, don't be naughty like a child, there are outsiders watching here."

"You were also careless, and you were caught by Kelissa."

Roy looked like a good brother worried about his sister, with a doting face.

Laura raised her slender and white hands, wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and showed a charming smile, and said naively, "...In front of my brother, I have always been a child."

"...And Eliza isn't an outsider, don't you think?"

The last sentence, Laura looked at Her Majesty Queen Eliza and said.

Laura, who is in charge of the British Puritan Church, and Queen Eliza, who is in charge of the royal faction, are politically opposed, but their personal education is very good.

It's almost like a girlfriend-like relationship.

Her Majesty the Queen, who was over fifty years old, ignored Lola. She just looked at Roy with a serious face and said, "... This old fox's brother, who are you?"

Up to now, Her Majesty the Queen still doesn't know Roy's name.


"Roy Alexander Stuart, an unknown magician."

Roy didn't even think about it, he just said another pseudonym.

Borrowing Edward Alexander Crowley's middle name and Laura's own Stuart surname, Roy now makes up a name.

Her Majesty's heroic brows were furrowed as she muttered the name and pondered from her memory, but in the end she had no impression at all.

So this made Her Majesty suspect that it should be a pseudonym.

Roy wouldn't name Crowley, because it would conjure up too many people, such as the relationship between Laura and Aleister.

"If you're really the elder brother of the Supreme Bishop of Puritanism, you've also been a merry magician for the past century, and it's not something unknown."

Queen Eliza said calmly.

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