Queen Eliza of Britain noticed the smile of the supreme bishop beside her, and the tenderness in her eyes, that is... a frown.

These two people know each other, and they have a good relationship! Her Majesty the Queen immediately came to a conclusion.

"Second Princess, Her Royal Highness, according to the agreement, she should belong to me. You executed my possessions so easily without telling me."

"...isn't it a little too arrogant?"

Roy's eyes narrowed slightly, although his tone was still so gentle, it revealed a terrifying killing intent.

Kelissa's self-determination is commendable, but if the thing being moved is herself, then Roy doesn't like such self-righteous behavior.

In other words, could this be Kelissa's plan? The third princess, Villian, is a benevolent and loving woman, and a marriage contract can bind her body, while salvation can bind her feelings.

Before, Kelissa had planned to put Villian in danger, and then Roy would save her, so that... the third princess belonged to him completely in body and mind.

But this thought only flashed in Yi's mind for a moment.

Judging from Kelissa's behavior, she didn't care about her thoughts at all, her heart for wanting to execute her sister was real.

Killing all the useless royals, and clearing the entire Windsor dynasty, is still a bright place.

This is what Kelissa thinks and does.

In her opinion, Villian is probably the most useless person, her kindness will only make the royal family's foreign and domestic policies weak.

Compared to the rende of the third princess, the mind of the first princess is more useful.

Therefore, it was Kelissa who caught her sister, and she just turned a blind eye to her sister's escape.

"Mr Mathers save me, please, please save me!"

She was caught by her sister and was about to be beheaded. Villian, who was full of despair, saw Roy and her eyes lit up.

Her Royal Highness gave birth to the hope of life again, teardrops flowed from her big clear eyes, and she begged Roy.

She struggled hard, but the two knights who were grabbing her arms made her powerless no matter how hard she tried.

And her young girl's heart gradually tilted in Roy's direction under the feedback of the suspension bridge effect.

The second princess, Kelissa, quickly flashed all kinds of thoughts. Although she is a martial artist, she also needs wisdom to march and fight.

In a short time, she came to the conclusion that it was not wise to be the enemy of Roy at this time.

On the contrary, giving up the execution of his sister, handing her over to him and in exchange for his support, is the best choice now.

Thinking like this, Kelissa just... laughed and said cheerfully: "...Since Mr. Mathers requested this, then I will leave this useless sister to you!"

"...The agreement between Mr. Mathers and I was indeed not followed by me, but please believe me, the agreement between us has not changed!"

"I will give you my sister, and you will get the chance to restore the Stuart dynasty!"

As for whether Roy is Mathers or not, and what his real wishes are, Kelissa doesn't care, as long as the plan is still there: it is enough to move forward step by step.

It's just that when she said this, Kelissa always felt that something was wrong.

The Stuart dynasty seems like Lola's full name is...Lola.

Stuart, uneasiness appeared in Kelissa's heart, but she couldn't find where the uneasiness was. This should be a coincidence. The second princess waved her hand, and the two knights were... put After opening Villian, Her Royal Highness wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes, and trotted behind Roy, just sticking out a small head.

She looked at her sister with fear in her eyes, and when she saw her mother being put under house arrest by her sister, she flashed a worry.

Roy patted the tender white hand of Her Royal Highness the Third Princess, and she felt at ease.

Villian gave Roy a bright look, her pretty face was slightly red, her face was pear blossoms with rain, she bit her lip, and hid her neck behind Roy without daring to say a word.

"Mr Mathers, this time my plan was slightly wrong. I thought I could blow up the undersea tunnel between Britain and France, so that they would lose their ability to transport troops, and at the same time arouse conflicts between the two countries."

"...With the conflict between the two countries for thousands of years, the French will inevitably invade while taking advantage of the civil strife in Britain. As long as I deploy a force to carry out a surprise attack, I can severely damage the French troops."

"Before the French surrendered, they attacked in one fell swoop, but I didn't expect that it was a short move, and the daughter of the country actually walked out of the Palace of Versailles so quickly, leading the French to stabilize the situation."

"...I thought that with the speed of the French people's reaction, they would be a beat slower. As long as my troops attacked and forced France to surrender, even if the daughter of the whole country appeared again, there would be no way to recover."

"Now that the French troops are stuck in the throat, I will send some of the troops sent by the knights to prevent the French from coming to the British mainland. I hope you can help Mr. Mathers!"

Make use of the existing combat power as much as possible, this is the solution that Kelissa's "Wu De" told her.

Roy just listened quietly to what Kelissa said, and he suddenly smiled: "...It's not a big deal, it's just in exchange, can you let her go, Your Highness?"

With that said, Roy pointed to Laura.

The second princess, Kelissa, frowned, her uneasiness intensified, and she tried her best to refuse in a calm tone: "...Sorry, Mr. Mathers!"

"...This woman is the supreme bishop of Puritanism, and I paid a small price to capture her."

"Only this woman and my empress I can't agree to let go. We can discuss anything else."

Roy just sighed lightly when he heard the words, and said helplessly: "...Well, then there seems to be nothing to say between me and Her Royal Highness, the princess."

"...After all, although she is the supreme bishop of Puritanism, she is also my lovely and gentle sister!"

As soon as the voice fell, the entire house of St. James's Palace could be heard quietly falling needles.

Chapter 227 Roy, the source of terror!

Everything was silent, and the needle could be heard. Roy's words shocked and stunned everyone present.

The second princess, Kelissa, seemed to feel that her ears were out of order, she subconsciously took out her crystal earrings, she couldn't....... asked in confidence: "...... What did you say"

This is already an extremely disrespectful situation for... this... Her Royal Highness.

The third princess, Villian, widened her beautiful eyes, but Villian was much calmer than her older sister.

This... Her Royal Highness is mainly involved in the task of contacting the people in Britain.

So little is known about politics, force and the intricate relationship with Puritanism in the royal family.

From this, Villian didn't react that much to what Roy said about the relationship between this layer and the Supreme Bishop.

Her Majesty Queen Eliza turned her head sideways and looked at Laura, the Supreme Bishop of Puritanism, with a smile on the corner of her mouth, which she couldn't even see through.

Stuart, thoughtfully said: "...you even have a brother, this is really unexpected, old fox!"

Laura smiled and looked at Her Majesty the Queen.

Her snow-white cheeks were slightly flushed, and her expression was gentle and dignified. If she was a pure girl in Huaichun, she was like a girl next door who was not familiar with the world. She said in her beautiful voice: "... Never asked me, Eliza! Or how much do you understand about... me...?"


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