"woo woo woo woo......"

Lola struggled again, she shook her head, as if saying: You have blocked my mouth, what am I going to say?

At this time, the second princess seemed to have discovered the problem. She took two steps forward and tore off the cloth that was sealing Lola's mouth.


Finally able to breathe between the nose and mouth, Laura took two deep breaths.

The Supreme Bishop, who is always cute most of the time, complained at this time: "...Really, if you say that women are old, don't say such words casually."

Kelissa just sneered when she heard the words, for... Lola.

She didn't believe a word of what Stuart said.

As she said, this woman is the real old fox, the culprit who made the British royal family lose its right to rule.

Under the leadership of this woman, the power of Puritanism in the whole of Britain will expand rapidly.

Seeing Kelissa ignoring herself, Lola looked beside her with aggrieved.

Not far from the Supreme Bishop's side, there was a graceful old lady sitting on a chair.

The old lady was wearing a black and white royal dress with a crown on her head. She was probably in her fifties. Although she was well maintained, she could see the wrinkles on her face.

It is the current Queen Eliza of Britain.

"Eliza, do you leave your daughter alone?"

Her Majesty the current Queen glanced at the pitiful, no matter what...

It was the supreme bishop who was acting cute and coquettish in his expression and tone, but... he curled his lips and said, "...Kelissa is right, you are an old fox who doesn't know how to keep his youthful beauty. ."

"Don't say it's Kelissa when she was a child, even when I was a child, you were already like this!"

Laura smiled sheepishly.

If Kelissa was a child, it was twenty years ago, but when Her Majesty was a child, it was definitely fifty years ago.

That said, this pretty much exposes Lola.

Stuart's age, she was at least seventy years old.

"Your daughter has kidnapped you and is going to launch a coup d'etat, Eliza, don't you have any other reaction?"

Seeing that it was useless to pretend to be cute, Laura smiled slyly and began to encourage Her Majesty the Queen beside her.

Although Her Majesty knew that Laura was instigating herself, she was indeed made a little angry by Kelissa's behavior.

This... Her Majesty narrowed her eyes, glared at the second princess, and said sternly: "...Kelissa, do you know what you are doing now?"

"...You will ruin Britain by doing this!"

Kelissa obviously still has a sense of awe for her mother, and under Her Majesty's anger, her body trembled.

But soon the second princess was... took a deep breath, looked at her mother, and laughed confidently and proudly: "...Mother, your foreign and domestic policies are too weak. now!"

"It is your weakness that makes us lose the glory of the sun, and I will change Britain's policy and make Britain great again!"

Kelissa's arrogant remarks made Her Majesty the Queen frown.

She shook her head and sighed: "...you three sisters have only inherited part of my traits, so they are all imperfect, imperfect."

"...Kelissa, politics is not... It can be solved perfectly by relying on the military. The communication between countries and the development of people's livelihood are not as simple as you think."

"Sometimes you should learn from your sister and know what benevolence is in martial arts."

When Kelissa heard the words, she smiled contemptuously, "...Sister Rende, Queen Mother, are you talking about Villian?"

The second princess clapped her hands and immediately.

The door of this room was pushed open, and two knights came in with the terrified third princess.

"If I execute Villian in front of the people of the whole country and in front of you, Queen Mother, I don't know what the consequences will be."

Hearing Kelissa's words, the third princess Villian's fear was even greater.

She looked at her sister with tears streaming down her face, her lips quivered, and she said with a weeping voice, "...Sister Huang, what are you going to do?"


Before Kelissa's words were spoken, in this room of St. James's Palace, there was... a male voice unfamiliar to Her Majesty the Queen and very familiar to others: "His Royal Highness Kelissa, this seems to be the same as our original It doesn't fit the plan"


Chapter 226 She is my lovely and gentle sister

The sudden voice made Kelissa's expression change a little.

But this... Britain's second princess immediately restrained the pride on her face and turned around with a smile on her face.

"Mr Mathers, when did you return to Britain?"

Behind the second princess Kelissa, Roy, who was wearing a red robe, stood there smiling.

After seeing Roy, Kelissa's expression froze, because she didn't notice when Roy appeared.

Moreover, today's Roy is dressed very strangely. Instead of the garish, clown-like clothes of Mathers that he saw before, it has become a religious robe.

As long as you look at this dress, you can tell that it belongs to the Christian religion.

The Kabbalah theory is indeed related to the Christian religion, and the original source of the magic of Mathers is also related to the Christian religion.

But what the golden leader is good at is 'Wet Taro', mainly the secret of the little Arcana, and he will never change his clothes.

Just like Kanzaki Kaori, dressing is one of the rituals of magic.

Although Kelissa didn't really care whether Roy was Mathers or not, all she cared about was whether she could get the Sword of Cartier.

But what Roy is doing now is too blatant, and the timing and place of this person's appearance are too clever.

The second princess was wary of Roy, but her smile was very bright, as if she didn't care about Roy's weirdness at all.

"I just came back to Britain!"

Roy's smile was calm, gentle and merciful, like the Lord came to the world, and like those priests in the church.

When Laura, who was tied to the chair, saw Roy, her eyes were full of radiance, her small cherry lips drew a graceful arc, and she smiled faintly.

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