However, Othinus was not interested in refuting it. For her, what her "understander" did was the same as what she had done with her own hands.

If this is a crime, then the two of them will bear it together, and the one-eyed demon **** doesn't mind taking all the karma of karma on his own.

Anyway... that kind of thing doesn't mean anything to the Demon God.

"Orels, don't talk about this kind of nonsense, do you think you can really stop me?

Othinus was not interested in listening to Orells' confession here, she just said coldly.

"Othinus! You should be a half-ass!"

"No matter what you do now, you only have a 50% success rate, which gives me the possibility to stop you!"

"...That's why I have to stop you, I can't let you become a complete devil, and let you use the power of that devil to do whatever you want."

Orells's tone was firm and his face was heavy, which was his kindness to the world from his heart.

The one-eyed Demon God looked at Orells strangely, she smiled at Orells, but that smile was a naked mockery.

"Heh, it turns out that you don't know anything. Do you think my current state is what I have to go through to become a demon god, do you think that the ritual of becoming a demon **** hasn't been completed yet?"

"...actually it's just the instability that I've brought back with my power back."

"Even if I don't cast the 'gun:', as long as I give me enough time, I can adjust the power of the devil by myself."

"...It's a pity that what I lack the most right now is time, otherwise I don't have to do these things... unnecessary things."

"Forget it, it's useless to talk to you so much, you are not my comprehension after all, even though I have known you for so long."

"...I only need one comprehension."

The one-eyed Demon God slowly raised his right hand, and then... grabbed Orells.

Even Kamijou Touma's fantasy killer and the 'dragon' hidden in his right hand were smashed by Othinus with a single grab.

But when facing Orells, the one-eyed Demon God failed to kill him in one hit.

Seeing Othinus's action, Orells immediately.

Take a defensive stance.

At the same time, there seemed to be countless collisions between the two of them.

It's just a fragment of time, two magicians who hold the power of the devil, just... have fought billions of times.

Incredible, unspeakable forces crossed the barriers of time and space, violated the law of cause and effect, and collided together.

In the horizon that human beings can't see, I don't know how many phases collapse, and even the world itself is bombarded with holes.

The one-eyed demon **** swayed, and at least half of the hundreds of millions of attacks she had made before had failed because of 'possibility.

So much so that Orells' "Nordic Throne" spell hit him.

At the same time, Orells' body was also swaying, blood spilled from his nose and mouth. Although the injury was not serious, he still suffered some injuries after all.

Othinus' attacks are not so easy to block all of them.

But Othinus itself is a complete demon god, with the body of a demon **** that has been sublimated. It can be said that he is truly immortal and will not be injured unless she weakens herself.

But even though Orells has mastered the power of the Demon God, his soul and body are impure, and he cannot overcome the concept of 'injury'.

"Don't worry about me, Sylvia, hurry up and find the catalog of forbidden magical books, Thor over there, this battle is not something you can intervene in!"

"...When I hold Othinus, you must prevent the knowledge recorded in the forbidden book catalog from being obtained by Gremlin!"

Orells shouted in a hoarse voice.

Chapter 213 The land of the left and the Kanzaki Kaori

"The flour is above, the flesh is below!"

From the battlefield between Roy and Kamijou Touma before, there was a frantic voice.

The left hand held a handful of wheat flour and threw it forcefully forward.

This wheat flour does not have any lethality, but under the spell of "Execution by Light of the Left Land", the priority of things is changed.

Wheat flour is on top, human body is on the bottom, then when humans touch these...... wheat flour, they will be killed by wheat flour.

Facing the waving wheat flour, Kanzaki Kaori slashed through the wind barriers with the command knife in his hand and blocked them easily.

Stiyl also summoned the Witch Hunter King and melted all the wheat flour.

Since the setting on the left is the body as the bottom, then as long as the body does not touch the wheat flour, it is fine.

"Damn it, **** it!! Wheat flour is up, flame is down!"

The land on the left had a ferocious face, and he threw a handful of wheat flour again, and in an instant it was... Destroyed Stiyl's Witch Hunting King.

However, at this time, Kanzaki Kaori had a calm expression, and slashed towards the land to the left with his sword in hand.

"The body is above, the weapon is below!!"

In the panic, the land on the left recited the word spirit again, adjusting the priority of things.

When Kanzaki Kaori's sword, which was strong enough to cut through steel, touched the clothes on the left side.

It's like slashing on the hardest object in the world, and there is a symphony of gold and iron.

At the same time, Stiyl's Witch Hunting King was killed, and the temperature was as high as: thousands of degrees, the flame giant slammed into the left side.

The land on the left retreated again and again, and continuously adjusted the spell while retreating.

He had to deal with Kanzaki Kaori's command sword and be careful of Stiyl's flame magic, so he was in a hurry for a while.

Suddenly, Kanzaki Kaori's slender jade hand loosened, causing the knife to fall to the ground, and he raised his fist to hit the ground to the left.

The habitual left side reorders things again, so that the body is on top and the weapon is on the bottom.

But this time Kanzaki Kaori didn't use a weapon at all, but a fist! A punch was thrown, hitting the slender body on the left side. The sternum of the left land is shattered.

This... member of the Right Seat of God vomited blood with a wow, and stepped back again and again with a scream.

The severe pain in his chest made him cry out, and he knelt on the ground, unable to even straighten his waist.

"Eldest sister, I thought that the right seat of the gods was so strong, but I didn't expect that as long as I found the weakness of his technique, it would be so weak."

Stier was a little embarrassed, he lit a cigarette, and sneered at the land on the left in front of him.

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