"Help, help!!"

"Go to the beach and get on the boat!! This is a complete eruption of the volcano, and this island is no longer safe!"


Honolulu is a state with a population of one million, and is also a famous tourist destination. There are cities on the island.

The magma rushed down, submerging everything, and people near the airport shouted in horror, and ran in groups in all directions.

Soon, the magma rushed to the Honolulu Airport like a tsunami. Cinderella looked at the magma wave with a terrifying face: the magma wave was dozens of meters high, just... trying to escape.

Even if her technique can make her face the collision of the fuel tanker, Cinderella is still only a human, and she cannot survive in the magma sea.

"Don't worry, it will be safe here!"

Roy comforted Cinderella softly. Although the magician from France was anxious and fearful, she just listened to Roy's words tremblingly.

The magma instantly submerged the airport, but when the hot rock flow came to Roy, it dispersed spontaneously like a wave hitting a reef.

The entire airport was filled with lava rivers, and only the place where Roy stood formed a piece of land.

The magma rushed into the sea, the high temperature collided with the sea water, and the whole island began to expand rapidly. This is the real land reclamation, and it is the miracle of nature.

"The spell has been activated... Othinus, it's time to build the spear of the Lord God!"

Roy murmured, his hands clasped together and his eyes closed as if in prayer.

......In Academy City——Othinus and Orells stood face to face.

They didn't make any moves, but the two fought billions of times in an instant, and even the space between them was rubbed out into a dark black hole.


Chapter 212 The Demon God and the Demon God Who Should Be!

"Orelles, you finally came here."

On both sides of a highway in Academy City, there are two people who are the strongest in the material world today.

Named after the Nordic **** Odin, the one-eyed demon **** Othinus reigns at the pinnacle of all magic.

And Orells, who was supposed to be a Demon God, but was taken from the Demon God throne by Othinus at the last moment.

One is a pure devil, and the other is an impure devil.

But no matter....

No matter what, both of them possess the power of the Demon God, and in this material world, there is no monster that mortals can harm or defeat.

Othinus stared at Orells in front of her with her indifferent eye.

There was no expression on her face, as cold as an ice sculpture.

That piercing emerald-colored eye revealed a chilling gaze.

"I don't want to meddle, but the only thing I have to do is stop you."

Orells' eyes were calm, and he faced the demon **** in front of him with a serious face.

He clenched his fists tightly, his face was gloomy, and his handsome face looked gloomy at this time.

It was the first time Sylvia had seen such a serious Orells.

That is the vigilance of encountering a real powerful enemy, and the fear that is hidden in the heart, making it difficult to detect.

"You are unwilling to take my throne from you, Orells."

"...If you hate me because you can't be a demon, then I can only tell you that you can't be a demon from the beginning."

"You didn't have such a chance from the beginning, that... the throne itself is mine."

"...I gave it up in the distant past, and now I'm just taking it back."

"You are the thief, the greedy who tries to get what shouldn't be his own."

Othinus said ruthlessly.

This may not be her original character.

But with the passage of time and the exhaustion that her wish could not be realized, she gradually became a real god, staring at everything in the mortal world indifferently.

Just like when she met Roy for the first time, she was aloof, ruthless arrogance, never thinking about others, only living for what she expected.

After becoming "understanders" with Roy, Othinus showed her true character again.

It's just that that part of the character only appeared when he was in front of Roy.

In the face of other people, she is still the... indifferent, aloof **** Odin.

She is the **** of war, the **** of magic, the **** of wisdom, and the creator of mythology who rules the nine worlds.

Her deeds have been transformed into the Norse mythology today under the distortion of the superposition of countless phases.

Orells shook his head slowly and said solemnly: "...I have given up my obsession with the Demon God, and it doesn't matter if I can no longer become a Demon God."

"...But I have chased that... Throne, and even if I don't succeed, I will never allow what I have chased to become a tool to mutilate the world!"

"Othinus, you created Grey and killed countless people for your own purpose!"

"...Even now, the Gremlin's: the eruption of the Hawaiian island mountain!"

"Did you know that it will bring millions of people out, and even let an unknown number of people lose their lives under the torrent of that magma!"

Orells clenched his fists, the justice in his heart prevented her from treating the tragedy as invisible.

"I met the deputy leader of your Gremlin once in Denmark, and he probably hadn't met you at that time."

"...What a kind person he was at that time, and he even showed me the way to the veterinary hospital."

"But the encounter with you made him make such a tragic massacre. If only I could have stayed by his side for a while longer."

Orells said angrily, as if he took everything Roy did as an encouragement from Othinus.

The one-eyed demon was expressionless, and she didn't say a word.

If it can be expressed in words and symbols, then her head must be full of question marks now.

What does this have to do with her? These... The establishment of the plan Othinus is only as a cooperator, and the real commander is Roy.

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