But Tsuchimikado Yuanchun knew that Roy in front of him was a shadow, but he was also a living body, and that was the effect brought about by that... strange and inexplicable technique.

"Tuyumen Maixia is not your blood relative, but you maintain her like this, even willing to sacrifice yourself for her. I should praise your spirit of sister control."

Roy's voice is extremely ethereal and sacred, as if it came from the far end of heaven, erratic.

"What do you want me to do, just say it!"

Tsuchimikado Yuanchun clenched his fists and said through gritted teeth.

"Since you are a Puritan magician, then you should have a way to prove that you are a Puritan magician..."

Roy looked at the man in front of him who was full of resentment and helplessness towards him, and asked.

Tsuchimikado Yuanchun didn't speak, he just nodded.

"Very good, then I'll give you a mission. I'll lend you a fighter jet that is several times faster than the speed of sound in Academy City, and at the same time have some people follow you to the United States."

"...you're going to use your Puritan status to wreak havoc there, and let the United States put hatred on Britain, I think you should be able to do it, and of course you can say you can't. "

Roy didn't give Tuyumen Yuanchun any choice at all.

Tuyumen Yuanchun looked frightened and angry, he immediately understood what Roy meant, and lost his voice: "...Are you going to start the third world war? Are you going to start a full-scale war between the magic side and the science side? "

"...why are you doing this and what will it do to you!"

Roy looked indifferently at the man in front of him, and said coldly: "...you ask too many questions, Tuyumen Yuanchun! You can refuse, but you need to bear the consequences yourself."

"...Anyway...for...me, I have other candidates besides you, so what choice do you have to make?"

Tuyumen Yuanchun's face was pale, he restrained his panic and said with a miserable smile: "...Do I have any other choice? I just hope that when I go to finish the work for you, you can guarantee Wuxia's happiness. Safety."

"Then it depends on how well your work is done. By the way, the United States is the largest country in the world anyway. Although its technological level is not as good as Academy City, the weapons it possesses are also very powerful."

"...But don't just die there easily."

Roy spoke words of concern in an emotionless tone.

"Ha, thank you for your concern."

Tsuchimikado Yuanchun laughed at himself.

I didn't expect that I would start a war that swept the world with my own hands. The guy in front of me was completely... a war madman, a lunatic, or he was a "God"! Because how can God care about mortals? How can you care about the emotions of mortals?

He stands above all things, mercifully but indifferently watching everything in this world.

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Chapter 190 The silver star once shone on the universe

Recommend a new book by a friend of the old author: "The Extraordinary Resurrection: Rebirth into Fog". Friends of the book shortage can go to see Aleister, who is hanging upside down in a vessel in a building without doors and windows in the seventh school district, using the stagnant loop. I saw what happened in front of the apartment that used to be the core area of ​​Academy City.

When Roy's right hand confronted Kamijou Touma's dragon head, Aleister finally said, "...So that's the case, is this your choice, Aiwass."

"...If that's your choice, then I'm here to agree with your choice. That right hand is really incredible."

"It doesn't belong to the devil, or even this world. If I had seen this right hand a hundred years ago, I'm afraid I wouldn't be attached to the devil, let alone this tiny world. To the wider sky."

Aleister sighed softly, this... the greatest magician of the twentieth century was so embarrassed that he even admitted that he was a frog in a well with these words.

If Aleister had seen this right hand a hundred years ago, when Aleister was at his most high-spirited age.

He will definitely give up his research on fantasy killers, give up his attachment to demons, and put his vision into a wider world.

Even Aleister at that time might lose interest in this world, and excitedly look to the existence outside the world.

If this is the case, then everything today will not happen, Academy City will not exist, and there will be no classification of magic and science in this world, and magic will always be hidden in the dark.

At the same time, Aleister also understood why Aiwass knew Roy and even had such a close relationship with him.

Everything has a reason and cause and effect, just as human beings have no love for no reason, nor hatred for no reason.

The original Aiwass must have seen Roy's difference before he became entangled with his fate, and after long-term contact, the entanglement of fate turned into fetters and emotions.

If the original Aiwass had a purpose and appeal to Roy, then the current Aiwass is... using human emotions as the guideline for his actions.

"How do you feel now, Aleister."

The Holy Guardian Angel floating behind Aleister asked with a smile.

"How do I feel..."

Aleister's face was calm, and his eyes were as deep as a deep lake, making people unable to see to the end, like the deep sea and the starry sky of the universe, so magnificent and mysterious.

He suddenly sighed: "...I only have worries now. Although the power of that hand has completely belonged to Roy, it was disturbed by the outside world at the beginning."

"...I couldn't see the core of that hand, but I was able to conclude that it must have been created by an existence beyond the Demon God."

"That... I can't understand why the existence created such a thing, why did this thing come to Roy, what was his purpose, why did he choose Roy, and where would he take Roy?"

"...that's what worries me the most right now,."

Aleister used a series of questions to express her concerns about her child as a father.

He was not ashamed of Roy's achievement, but like all parents, he didn't care whether his child would become a superior person, he only hoped that his child could grow up in a safe and healthy way.

And Roy's right hand has something that he knows too much. For someone like Aleister, the gift that can't find a reason is very dangerous and terrifying.

Because of God's gift, the price to be paid was secretly marked, and Aleister was afraid of what Roy would pay for it.

"It should be said, as expected of you, Aleister... Even if I didn't see the 'Ark' with my own eyes, I saw the mysterious place in that right hand."

Aiwass said softly: "...just like the fantasy killer was attracted by the gods, the thing in the right hand may also be attracted by Roy."

In these words of Aiwass, there is something to comfort Aleister.

"Is this the conclusion you came to in your long contact with Roy?"

Aleister raised her spirits and asked expectantly.

"No, it's just my guess..."

But what Aiwass said next made Aleister bring up his heart again.

"It's not like you, Aiwass... Unreasonable guesswork will only bring unknown dangers. Only rigorous data like mathematics can make people feel reassured."

Aiwass heard the words and laughed: "...Aleister, I am more and more like a human now, but you are polluted by the science that you have separated, and the human heart cannot be judged by data. Yes, that is the greatness of human beings.”

"...you should believe in your own child, believe in him who has inherited everything from you, he will not give up even in the face of any difficulties, even if he has fallen down countless times, he will try to get up, Even in the face of the most dangerous enemy, he will rise up to it."

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