Although Roy has long been accustomed to the pain of breaking his hands and feet, it is the result of his endless **** training in Skaja.

Kamijou Touma, who seems to be an "ordinary high school student, dares to cut off his right hand on his own initiative, this kind of determination and courage is not something ordinary people can have."

"I'm just an ordinary high school student. It's not my turn to resist foreign enemies. What I have to do now is to stop you from hurting them, Mr. Roy!"

Kamijou Touma, who was pale, panted with his right hand down, and showed a reluctant smile to Roy.

"You underestimate yourself too much, Kamijou-san! You must know the high school students in the island country, but they have the ability to save the world."

Roy shook his head and said with a smile.

"Although I don't know why, Mr. Roy, you made such a strange statement, but if the high school students in the island country can really have the ability to save the world, then what I want to save now is... that... poor little nun !"

"...Ah ah ah ah, Mr. Roy, I still respect you, but I have to stop your atrocities!"


From Kamijou Touma's broken right hand, the heads of those... colorful dragons appeared again, and these dragon heads raised up to the sky and let out a dragon howl.

When these dragons appeared, the steel bars that surrounded Kamijou Touma were instantly... crushed to powder, the dragon's head hovered and rose to the sky, roaring and full of joy of freedom again , At the same time, the suffocating anger radiated from the dragon pupil.

The dragon wants to destroy everything! "I'm not... a demon, I don't have the power to crush them all with one hand, but..."

Following Roy's whisper, a giant golden hand slowly stretched out over his right shoulder.

That hand is so magnificent, so grand, so sacred and vast! After seeing this right hand, Kanzaki Kaori lost his awareness of his body, and was inexplicably full of motivation, lying on the ground and crying non-stop. Tyre, felt that his body was no longer in pain.

As for Index, who was kneeling on the ground and praying, the tears from the corners of her eyes couldn't stop flowing, as if she had seen the Lord with her own eyes, she was so excited that she shed tears of emotion.

They all stared at the hand in amazement, at the supreme and only divine! "Worship, God is above all!"

This is the first commandment! The "Holy Right" grabbed the evil dragon who was hiding in Kamijou Touma's body and guarding the treasure! Feilu reminds you: read three things and collect them,

Chapter 189 The man like a god

Most of the students and teachers in Academy City hid in underground bomb shelters, but some people did not follow Academy City's instructions and still wandered in the city.

A man who looked like a high school student, with blond hair, wearing Hawaiian-style clothes, and a pair of sunglasses on his face was running on the streets of Academy City.

"What's going on? Why did the Roman Orthodox Church suddenly launch a full-scale attack on Academy City. I didn't receive any information before..."

The boy named Tsuchimikado Yuanchun was originally an onmyoji, and he belonged to the Puritan Church of Necessary Evil. He was sent by the British Puritans to Academy City as a spy a year ago.

But a few days after he came to Academy City... Aleister saw through it. In order to save his life, he had to become a double agent. While submitting the information of Academy City to the Puritans, he would also The Puritan information was handed over to Aleister.

As a double agent, Tsuchimikado Motoharu's business ability is strong, so he was surprised by the sudden attack of the Roman Orthodox Church. Before that, there was no information leak, as if the attack was a whim.

It's just that this whim is a little big, and it's almost a full-scale war between the magic side and the science side.

"The Queen's Fleet of the Adriatic Sea was adjusted by the Pope and drove to the island near the island... And the Pope was still giving a speech to two billion believers, making them mix their anger with The hatred is all aimed at Academy City, shouldn’t it be the fish who want to start dinner”!”

Tuyumen Yuanchun took a deep breath, he was named Doctor of Yin and Yang when he was very young.

Let's not talk about the level of magic, but the basic knowledge of magic is very comprehensive and solid. Even if it is not comparable to the forbidden book catalog, it is also a rich type of knowledge among magicians.

Therefore, based on some details of what was going on, he speculated on the spells that the Roman Orthodox Church was using and might use.

Because of this, he felt panic, if it is really a fish for dinner", can Academy City block that spell? Of course, as one of the three major sects of the Crusaders, the sect with the largest number of believers in the world.

What kind of powerful characters the Roman Orthodox Church hides, and what other powerful spells it holds, it is not something that Tsuchimikado Motoharu can know.

Therefore, he was unable to determine the outcome of this war, and who would win, Academy City or the Roman Orthodox Church.

He only knew that the current Academy City was the most dangerous place in the world, and he could die if he was not careful.

"I hope Wu Xia has gone to the underground bomb shelter, and it's okay for now..."

"Well, this is the imaginary math area. The imaginary math area has such a usage. I thought it was just the meaning of the non-existent school district. I didn't expect that Aleister could replace the school city with the imaginary number space. It seems that he has long ago. I'm ready to use Academy City as the main battlefield."

"...But it can only keep Academy City from being destroyed, but it can't protect the people here from dying."

Tuyumen Yuanchun frowned, looking a little sad.

Due to the development of super powers, he almost lost the ability to use magic.

Of course, even if he is still the same... Doctor Yin Yang, facing the two giants of Academy City and the Roman Orthodox Church, he can only use some small means at most, but he does not have the ability to change the balance of victory and defeat.

"Where is Ah Shang now, his right hand may be very effective at this time. Since Aleister will spend so much energy to cultivate that... I don't understand something, I think he should be of great use. That's right."

Just when Tuyumen Yuanchun was thinking, his footsteps suddenly stopped, the whole person stopped, and he looked back nervously.

Just behind him, there is a man wearing a red robe, with a cross on his neck, and a man with... silver short hair is standing there smiling at him.

"Tsk...that's amazing!"

Tsuchimikado Motoharu's pupils contracted sharply.

Although he is not able to see through Roy's technique like Index, this Doctor Yin-Yang can probably guess the horror of this technique and the incomprehension of human beings. It seems to be blasphemous, and it seems that He's... a thriller of God.


Crowley...Born 03 or 190, Aleister, the greatest magician of the twentieth century.

The son of Crowe, according to records, should have died in 191, but he did not expect to live into the twenty-first century!"

After seeing Roy, Tsuchimikado Yuanchun's brain quickly started, and he immediately told all the information he knew, so that he could try to take the initiative.

At the same time, Tsuchimikado Yuanchun walked back little by little, as if looking for a route to escape.

"It seems that you know a lot, the Puritan spy, Tsuchimikado Yuanchun."

Roy opened his mouth, looked at the man in front of him calmly, and said with a smile: "...don't think about running away, now I am everywhere, everywhere, how many human beings are there in this world At the same time, there are as many of me."

"...How are you going to escape your sins? The only thing you can do is just kneel on the ground and pray, pray to me, repent to me, maybe I can forgive your sins!"

Tuyumen Yuanchun was sweating coldly on his head, his eyes hidden behind sunglasses looked at Roy with horror, he forced himself to calm down and said: " spy status, your father Ares Tower has long known that he has done nothing to me, which shows that I am still useful to you Crowleys."

"Since you already know the Aleister of Academy City, that is... the Aleister of the Golden Dawn, then why didn't you tell the Puritans this information? I remember your supreme bishop once issued a The 100th order in a hundred years is to find the magician Aleister."

Roy's voice was very compassionate and holy, without many emotional fluctuations, he looked at the man in front of him without emotion, and suddenly said: " don't want to tell Laura the news, or you dare not Tell Laura the news."

"...For example, you can only betray Puritanism and become a **** of Aleister for a certain girl named Tsuchimikado Maika."

Tuyumen Yuanchun's expression suddenly changed greatly, the man who has always been known for his calmness finally panicked at this time, and he shouted to Roy: "...If you have anything, just come at me, don't worry about it. Don't hurt Wuxia!"

He lunged at Roy, but it was empty.

Roy in front of Tsuchimikado Yuanchun suddenly disappeared, and appeared strangely behind him again, as if Roy in front of him was just a shadow, just a reflection reflected by a mirror.

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