Roy squeezed her sensual, delicate and fair little face with a smile, and said indulgently: "...Of course, this is just my family's words, as for the real situation, we still need to You go to verify."

"...With your intelligence, it must be easy to test Misaka Mikoto, you can test her and see if she knows this... ."

After all, Shokuhou is just a little girl in the first country, and she will go to the second country next year. From Roy's words, she heard that Roy was praising her for being smarter than Misaka Mikoto, and she immediately... He smiled and raised his chest proudly.

A girl of this age is... so deceiving, even Roy has no sense of accomplishment.

Roy looked at the time and said, "...It's getting late. You still have classes in the afternoon. Go to class first."


Shokuhou Cao Qi answered softly, she raised her head to look at Roy, hesitated, and finally said, "...Mr. Roy, this matter has nothing to do with you. It's a big relationship, I hope you don't get involved in it."

"...Although I don't want Dolly's tragedy to repeat itself, but Dolly is gone, and Mr. Roy, you are still here, and if Dolly is still alive, she doesn't want you to be in danger either of."

Although Shokuhou Misaki knew that Roy was not easy, she felt that it involved the fundamental purpose of Academy City and the first policy plan of Academy City. If you accidentally intervened in it, it would be really dangerous.

She didn't want Roy to take risks.

Even if he gave up like this, as if this plan didn't exist, Shokuhou Misaki didn't want Roy to be in danger.

Roy could sense Shokuhou Caoqi's intense concern, he smiled and said, "...If something happens, I will discuss it with you."

Shokuhou prays immediately.

A sweet heart, this is what she actually wants. If Roy encounters a problem, he will discuss it with her instead of solving it by himself. This will make Shokuhou Kauki feel more useful and have a closer relationship with Roy. .

While talking, the two walked out of the hotel.

Roy was able to perceive that this incident did not happen by chance at all, but was more like being controlled by man, with an invisible thread, and finally let these things connect to him through Shokuhou.

He raised his head and glanced at the building without doors and windows, thoughtfully.

In front of Roy and Shokuhou Misaki, there was a pale-haired, thin man approaching, wearing a black and white striped shirt, ordinary slacks, and holding a plastic bag in his hand.

The pale-haired man walked forward carelessly. When he was about to hit Roy, he suddenly noticed a baby in Roy's arms, and immediately stopped, saying in an unpleasant tone, "... ...Hey, the person in front, can you be careful when you walk, you almost bumped into someone!"

"Ah, sorry, I was distracted just now."

Roy looked at him and smiled apologetically.

Instead, Shokuhou Misaki, who was following him, glared at the... thin man.


The man snorted, ignoring Roy's apology and Shokuhou Caoqi's glare, and continued to walk forward on his own.

And Roy looked at his back with interest.

To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 132 I want you to grow up faster

"Mikoto, thank you so much for accompanying me to the mall."

Roy stood at the entrance of the mall, holding Lilith in his left hand and a large bag in his right hand, and thanked the girl beside him...with brown hair and shoulder-length hair.

His expression is sincere and his smile is warm. If there is a touch of warm sun in the ice and snow, Misaka Mikoto will only feel that her mood is also cheerful and excited when she sees it.

"This is what I promised Roy, and of course I will do it well, so you don't have to thank me!"

Princess Dengeki from Tokiwadai waved her hand as if she didn't care, trying to imitate the adult's appearance, but she was also a little nervous when she was watched by a group of people passing by.

The two of them now look a bit like boyfriend and girlfriend, especially when they were shopping for clothes in the mall before, the wonderful eyes of the shopping guide made Misaka Mikoto feel like needles and uncomfortable.

It was mainly because Roy was picking, and her act of paying for it made people feel a little bit of an identity reversal.

Misaka Mikoto has a bright personality, and doesn't like the respectful title of Roy's "Mr.". After the two got acquainted with her, she just called her by her first name.

"What happened to Lilith, the doctor didn't say anything?"

Misaka Mikoto was not tall compared to Roy, so she could only raise her toes to look at Lilith sleeping in Roy's arms.

Although she is not very old, there is always a kind of motherly love in girls. Seeing such a well-behaved and sleeping baby, she couldn't help but smile and stretch out her fingers to touch Lilith's cheek.

It's weird to say that this child is not allowed to be hugged by anyone. Once, Misaka Mikoto wanted to hug her, but she was about to get out of Roy's arms when she cried and urinated all over her... ... Since that time, Misaka Mikoto has not dared to hug her.

"The doctor said that Lilith's illness is a little strange, but it's not fatal. The doctor is also actively looking for new treatment techniques, and it won't be long before a treatment plan can be formulated."

Roy replied with a smile.

When Misaka Mikoto heard it, she also smiled, "...that's great, Lilith is really lucky to meet you, Roy."

"How is it possible to be happy, meeting my stinky brother is the biggest misfortune in my life, okay?" Lilith, who was closing her eyes and pretending to sleep, muttered in her heart when she heard Misaka Mikoto's words.

Looking at Lilith sleeping soundly, and hearing Roy mention medical technology, Misaka Mikoto recalled the past for no reason.

At that time, she was still young, and a doctor said that she needed her spectrum to treat those patients with muscular dystrophy syndrome, presumably over the years, Academy City has developed such medical technology bar.

Although it was a childhood thing, Misaka Mikoto felt that it was still something to be proud of.

"By the way, Mikoto, here's something for you."

Roy seemed to suddenly remember something, put down the bag in his hand, and took out a letter from his pocket.

"Someone hand this thing over to me and let me pass it on to you."

"Give it to me"

Misaka Mikoto took that... letter paper in confusion.

If Roy was to hand it over, it should be someone they both knew, but Misaka Mikoto thought about it, and there seemed to be only one person they both knew, a spiky head.

But that... Hedgehog doesn't seem like someone who would do such a tactful thing.

Thinking of this, Misaka Mikoto just... asked: "...Roy, who is the person who asked you to hand this thing to me?"

Roy pretended to think for a while and said, "...I remember it was a girl with long honey-colored hair. She seemed to have stars in her eyes, it's so strange, why I can't remember."

Roy patted his head pretending to be annoyed.

But from Roy's descriptions, Misaka Mikoto has already guessed who that person is - Shokuhou Misaki! Misaka Mikoto became nervous all of a sudden, and she asked with concern: "...Roy, Are you alright? For example, you have been feeling unwell recently."

From Roy's performance, she 'guessed' that Roy must have been controlled by Shokuhou with her disgusting ability, otherwise he would not be able to forget someone so easily.

"I don't have any physical discomfort."

Roy shook his head and said.

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