Having been with Roy for so long, Shokuhou is not stupid, and knows that although he is incompetent, he must have some unknown power.

She has been able to determine that the person who eliminated the stupid Junsan and solved the hostility to her in the talent room was... Roy.

However, Shokuhou-san has never asked Roy about this, it was just a little secret for each other.

So there are some things that she likes to discuss with Roy, because Roy can always help her and give answers, which makes her trust him more.

Shokuhou Misaki took a deep breath, took out a letter from his bag, and handed it to the table.

"These are some confidential documents that I got after I took control of the talent room."

Shokuhou said in a low voice.

Seeing her so mysterious, Roy opened the file and saw that there was a large line of conspicuous characters on it - the mass production capable person plan.

Seeing this title, Roy knew why Shokuhou Misaki was so sad, it must be this plan that made her think of Dolly.

What is recorded on the letterhead is just the outline of this plan, and there is no detailed content. The general meaning is... using genetic engineering technology to copy the capable people, and this plan has already been implemented, provided by the railgun Misaka Mikoto, manufactured Experiments called 'sisters' appeared.

Then, after giving birth to the experimental body, the basic information such as speech, sports and ethics is forcibly implanted by the intelligence learning device in the brain, thereby creating a clone for combat use.

But because of these....sisters don't care....

Whether it is a congenital transformation or an acquired transformation, the ability level is only 2 after it is manufactured, which is far from the level of superpowers. Therefore, this plan is considered to be of little benefit and has been stopped.

Roy looked at the last line of the letterhead and wrote that the person in charge was Tianjing, Yaxiong.

"After I know the power of this plan, I understand why Dolly was born..."

"How could she offer it.

How could Misaka Mikoto take the initiative to provide it.

Does she think that the clones created by the institute have no willpower or soul power of their own?"

"...she's a murderer at all, but I thought she just accidentally leaked her genetic information to be used to make Dolly, but I didn't understand until I knew about the plan. She's so proactive!"

Shokuhou-san prayed for his anger and rushed to his heart, where he gasped for breath, his face flushed, and all his anger poured out on Misaka Mikoto.

Because it was written in the plan, it was indeed Misaka Mikoto who offered it.

"I didn't like her when I met her at school, but I didn't really hate her either.

To the point of... I didn't expect her to be such a person, it's disgusting!"

"...No wonder I can't spy on her inner strength. She must be afraid that the darkness under her bright smile will be exposed like this. Let me find out!"

Shokuhou Misaki blames Misaka Mikoto for her gratitude, guilt, and all the negative information about her feelings towards Dolly.

Immediately after, Shokuhou Caoqi took out another... letter, she swallowed, and said in a trembling voice: "... the things recorded in this are more It's sensational."

Roy silently took the letter, and when he opened it, he saw a few big words - Project of the Absolutely Ability.

It was only then that Roy remembered these things.

It's not that Roy has forgotten, but to him now, these things are no longer worth his consideration.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 131 The Perspective of Being a God and the Feelings of Being a Human

Regardless of....

Whether it is the so-called mass-produced capable person plan or the absolute capable person plan doesn't really matter much to Roy today.

He has reached the threshold of the Demon God, and is about to explore the extremes of magic. Although he is still a human being in essence, to a certain extent, he is the same as Aleister. Roy is only a human being. of morality.

Perhaps for ordinary people, clone people, kill these....Clone people with self-will are very inconsistent with their own concepts and human moral concepts, but for Roy , in fact, these are all very insignificant things.

The closer one is to the realm of omnipotence, the more mentally there will be a sense of transcendence that transcends the principles of human beings and reaches the level of gods.

Not to mention the so-called 20,000 clones, even if the earth with 7 billion human beings is completely destroyed in the next second, for the demon gods who are extremely exhausted by magic, it is also It's just an illusion that can be pinched back to you when you think about it.

It's no wonder that Othinus likes to call him human, because for Othinus, the demon god, she already has the perspective of a god.

As mutual understanders, if Roy is still a pure human being, Othinus will also make his way of thinking close to that of human beings, because only in this way can we understand each other.

But if Roy, who is the understander, is close to God, Othinus' character will be closer to the real Demon God.

However, although Roy does not have the kind of compassion and useless sympathy for the so-called "absolutely capable" plan and the so-called 'sisters'... as a human being, since this topic was brought up by Shokuhou Misaki, Roy also will be solemn.

This is the only remaining and most important part of Roy as a human, and that is the relationship with others.

Folding the letterhead in his hand little by little, Roy thought about it and said, "...what are you going to do, little bee?"

"...are you going to sabotage the plan?"

Shokuhou Caoqi bit her moist lips, she bowed her head, her honey-colored hair blocked her shining eyes, her hands clenched into fists and said: "...for Dolly, I should I'm going to sabotage this plan, but..."

"...But the first person from Academy City participated in this plan, and the birth of an absolute capable person is... the purpose of Academy City's existence, presumably the upper management agrees and cares about this plan, even if I want to destroy..."

Shokuhou didn't finish her prayers, but Roy also understood what she meant.

Shokuhou Misaki is not someone like Misaka Mikoto who doesn't know anything about the darkness of the city. In the artificial house, Shokuhou Misaki has already seen those people buried deep in the city... ..dark things, and after taking control of the talent house, she has the right to see more, and also has a better understanding of the city.

Because of this, Shokuhou Caoqi knew that with her so-called ability, she couldn't really do whatever she wanted in this city, and even she was still just a student here, a student controlled by those adults.

"It's not entirely your business, little bee... You're just too kind, always taking things that don't belong to you and trying to resolve disputes with all your might."

Shokuhou Misaki heard Roy's words, she just wanted to say something, Roy just... raised his hand and put a finger on her lips.

The Queen of Tokiwadai blushed and forgot what she wanted to say.

"I know, Little Bee, what you want to say is that all this is for your friend, the friend who... gave you shock and changed your life, so I won't stop it, and I don't want you to encounter danger either. ."

"...You should find someone who can help you. That person doesn't have to be me. There is one person who should be in the game, but she just wanders out of the game. Fair enough."

Roy's words made Shokuhou Misaki fall into contemplation, and with her intelligence, she immediately knew what Roy was talking about.

"Mr. Roy, you mean... Misaka Mikoto, but she clearly provided..."

It can be seen that Shokuhou Misaki is very dissatisfied with Misaka Mikoto, and when she mentions her, she is... emotional.

"You're not the party to the plan, and you haven't used your ability to explore the party's brain, so don't jump to conclusions. The plan says that Misaka Mikoto provided it voluntarily.

But that's not necessarily true, maybe she doesn't know anything about these things at all."

Hearing that Roy was saying nice things to Misaka Mikoto, Shokuhou Shiki just... pouted, a little unhappy.

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