"Where are you staying tonight at noon tomorrow?"

As soon as the words were finished, Lola just... she closed her mouth quickly, she knew that she seemed to be asking too much.

Sure enough, Roy raised his head with a smile, raised his eyebrows at her and said, "...this is my home, of course I live here."

"But...there's only one shop here."

Her heartbeat seemed to speed up, and she murmured.

"Anyway... sleeping together when we were kids, what's the big deal."

Seeing Roy's indifferent expression, Laura was a little afraid to speak.

Does this count as bringing wolves into the house? I can't say that, because Roy is right, this is also his home.

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Chapter 104: The Devil Hides the Woman's Hair

Today's night is a bit gloomy, the thick clouds obscuring the bright moonlight, and an incandescent light is reflected from an apartment in an old and sparsely populated neighborhood on the outskirts.

10:10 at night, for some people is the time when nightlife begins, but for some people, this time is already the time to fall asleep.

Roy was sitting in the living room, shaking a wine glass in his hand, which was a glass of sparkling wine, a British TV series was playing on the TV, and the loud TV resounded in the apartment, just like a most ordinary family.

His eyes crossed the living room and looked into the bedroom on the side. At this time, Laura was bending over and holding a bed-sweeping broom in her hand. Later, I saw her digging out from the cabinet again: a clean sheet, shaking vigorously.

Seeing Lola pouted and kneeling on the bed, flattening the sheets, Roy's eyes just... a strangeness flashed.

Lola's appearance is really very visual, probably... A long time ago, when Roy was an ordinary person, his mother as an ordinary person always rambled on while laying the sheets for him. However, although he had almost forgotten the rambled words, the warm feeling had not changed in any way.

Roy shook his head quickly, forgetting this strange thought, and in front of him was Laura.

Stuart, the big devil on the tree of life, is okay with her sister, but anyway... definitely not fucking.


After laying the sheets, Lola's body rubbed off the bed little by little, she wiped the sweat from her forehead, took the changed sheets out and put them on the sofa beside Roy, her eyes clear. Looking at him, his voice was delicate: "...Brother, do you want to take a shower first?"

At this time, Roy, who was drinking sparkling wine like an uncle, put down the glass. He lowered the voice of the TV and asked with a smile: "...do you have any underwear to change?"

"Yes, there just happens to be a new one in the cabinet. I'll go get it for you."

Lola's snow-white jade feet stepped on the slippers, exposing her slender ankles. She trotted to the cabinet and rummaged inside, finding a brand new set of men's underwear.

Seeing the men's clothes, Roy just shook his head and said, "...the Puritan Supreme Bishop's house has underwear for men. If the Puritans knew about this, it is estimated that It will be frightening."

Laura puffed her cheeks when she heard the words, and hummed: "...Although Puritanism does not prohibit marriage, nor does it have so many requirements on clergy, as the supreme bishop, I have decided to If you dedicate yourself to God, you will never get married.”

She seemed to be afraid that Roy would misunderstand something, and her face was very panicked.

"I don't want you to get married either."

Roy took the set of underwear, the corners of his mouth turned up, and he smiled softly at Lola.

"Why don't you want me to get married"

Laura asked out of curiosity.

Standing on the spot with his clothes on, Roy was thinking seriously. After a while, he looked at Lola and met her clear and beautiful eyes, as if he remembered his words deeply. "...because I like you and don't want you to marry anyone."

Lola's breath was choked, her eyes were dodging, her jade hands were behind her back, and she stammered and repeated: "...I will not marry, I have decided to dedicate everything I have to God."

"God can't get anything other than that... God is me."

Roy said strongly, he raised his eyebrows at Lola, and walked into the bathroom with a smile.

This bathroom didn't exist in the past, and it was the only renovation in this apartment. As a girl who loves cleanliness, Lola specially created a bathroom here.

"You are blaspheming against God, blaspheming God in front of the Supreme Bishop of Puritanism, you are going to be burned at the stake!"

Laura jumped her feet outside the bathroom and shouted coquettishly, but Roy pretended not to hear her words, turned on the shower in the bathroom, and started rinsing.

This shower is also a product of Academy City, and it seems that Laura has brought many daily necessities from Aleister.

A big demon actually said that he believed in God, and Roy really believed it, because Coronzon was a demon on the tree of life, and her essence was close to an angel. In concept, it is more like a warrior of the gods, guarding the secrets of the abyss for the gods.

Men always wash quickly. Even though Roy's body of the Son of God and the body of original sin have made his body close to innocence, what he needs to take a bath is a relaxed mood.

After washing, putting on the clothes Laura prepared for him, Roy wiped his hair and walked out of the bathroom, and said to Laura who was sitting on the sofa in a daze: "...I'm done washing, you hurry up Wash it."


Laura lowered her head and replied, she didn't dare to look at Roy, she walked past him quickly, and closed the door quickly.

After a while, the sound of running water came from inside, and Roy could see Lola's slender figure reflected on it through the frosted glass of the door. After staring for a while, he slowly turned his gaze back and walked into the bedroom.

An hour later, when Roy was fiddling with his mobile phone and was about to fall asleep, he heard the sound of the bathroom door being opened, followed by the TV and lights in the living room being turned off.

Lola was wearing a pure white ruffled pajamas with suspenders, revealing her pink shoulders, and walked into the bedroom wearing slippers. Her skin just after bathing was pink, and she was greasy and moving, and a faint fragrance was coming out. The whole small bedroom seems to have become a blooming garden, with flowers blooming.

Her head is over 2.

The 5 times blond hair poured down like a galaxy, scattered on the ground like a tapestry, and the water drops dripped down her female Qiao's body, revealing a wordless charm.

Roy's breathing was much lighter, and he was stunned when he saw Lola's blonde hair, and subconsciously said, "...you washed your hair."

"How can I wash my hair? If I wash my hair, I don't think I'll be able to sleep tonight."

She frowned and said angrily.

Girls with long hair are very troublesome, especially after washing their hair for a long time, and with Lola's hair length, it is estimated that she needs to find several servants to blow her hair.

"You liked to have long hair when you were a kid, but then your hair only reached your ankles, and it's all that long now."

Roy stretched out her hand, trying to pick up her golden and supple hair, but when Roy's hand was about to touch her hair, Lola suddenly grabbed Roy's wrist and stared at his hands. Eyes, as if praying: "...don't touch it, okay?"

Perhaps because she was afraid of Roy's misunderstanding, she explained in detail: "...the secrets of women are hidden in the hair. I concentrated the magic on the hair, and it took a hundred years to grow to this extent. Long, there is a special spell in my hair, it is equivalent to a powerful spiritual item, touching it will be very dangerous."

Roy didn't force it, he withdrew his hand, looked down at the small shop, and asked, "...how do you sleep at night?"

Seeing that Roy didn't tangle her hair, Lola secretly sighed, she put her hands on her wrist, pulled the excessively long hair slightly, and said with a smile from the corner of her eyes: "...you sleep Inside, I sleep outside, my hair is too long, and it would be uncomfortable to sleep inside."

"Then you have to be careful I kick you to the ground at night, Laura."

Roy made a joke with her, moved inward, and inadvertently glanced at Lola's long blond hair again from the corner of his eyes.

According to old legend Gu, there are demons hidden in women's hair! Feilu reminds you: 3 things to read and collect,

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