Roy smiled, took the bread and ate it. In terms of taste, the jam made by Laura was still not as good as the one sold outside. It was sour and astringent, but the tenderness in the mouth was the same from the outside. The jam they sell is far superior.

Cut the beef with a knife and fork and put it in your mouth, drink a cream of mushroom soup, and dip some tomato sauce on the fries. Although the taste is the most common meal, but in Roy's mind, this meal is better than any other delicious food. good to eat.

Lola took a small bite of the bread, her whole body was a little distracted, and she didn't know what she was thinking.

A few pieces of bread and half a catty of beef to eat, Roy was full, and when he was about to clean up the tableware, he saw Lola stand up, pressed him on the sofa, and said, "... I'll take care of the dishes, you just sit here and watch TV!"

She turned on the TV, which happened to be playing the Premier League, put the remote control in Roy's hand, poured him a cup of black tea, and Laura just... put on the apron again, and moved the plate in her hand to The kitchen is cleaned up.

Roy's eyes were sharp, and when he saw that there was actually a dishwasher in the kitchen, he immediately asked in doubt: "...why do you have to wash it yourself? Isn't there a dishwasher?"

Lola laughed dryly, and Yushou washed the greasy dishes with the washing spirit, and said embarrassedly: "...I don't know how to use that thing."

As if afraid of Roy's jokes, Lola said again: "...but I am much stronger than Kanzaki, at least I can still use: some modern machinery, she even takes a shower. Not very useful."

"Kanzaki is that... female saint of your Puritanism"

"Well, she is my best subordinate. This time I sent her and Stiyl to Academy City. If you meet her in Academy City and have anything to do, you can ask Kanzaki to do it. , she's still very reliable."

The Supreme Bishop of Puritanism finally took it seriously.

'The most powerful subordinate is simply your best tool person.

' Roy muttered inwardly.

Lola washed the dishes and bowls at this time. She walked out of the kitchen and wiped her long white hands with a clean towel. After wiping them, she touched her waist and took out a Buddhist prayer wheel. s things.

She came over and sat beside Roy, and put the...' prayer wheel' on the coffee table in front of her.

"this is"

Roy squinted his eyes and could see that... there were many occult symbols engraved on the prayer wheel.

"This is the backup control device for the forbidden book catalog. If you want to read the 103,000 magic books, you can use this device to manipulate the forbidden book catalog to view it."

Lola said solemnly, and after hesitating for a while, she cared again: "...but the content of the 103,000, the book of magic books is very dangerous, brother, try to be careful, there are Some things are better not to look at."

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 103 This is my home

After this book is written, it is estimated that it will be written in Qin Shi... But it is very annoying to always write a book. I want to write an original one to get some quick money, but I don't know what subject to write about.

Roy took the prayer wheel handed by Lola, and stared at the …… Resta's true identity, he even handed over such an important thing.

The list of forbidden books can be said to be the big devil, or even the most important spiritual item of the Puritanism in the past thousand years, which is Lola.

Stuart took great pains to take advantage of the characteristics of the forbidden book catalogue that he completely memorized and could read magic books without poisoning himself. He deceived the two major sects of the Crusaders, and deceived many magic associations. Only then did he collect this so-called 100,003. Thousands, volumes of magic books.

It can be said that as long as you master the forbidden book catalog, you can use the knowledge in the forbidden book catalog to counteract the vast majority of magic that exists in this world. Any magic in front of the forbidden book catalog will be parsed by the knowledge of the magic book that she possesses, thus break it up.

Although this knowledge is not absolute, there are some spells that cannot be removed even if the catalog of forbidden books uses 103,000 books... But this piece of spiritual equipment is undoubtedly the most important thing in the entire Puritanism. arms.

And now, the backup control device for this spiritual equipment is in Roy's hands, and he can use this control device to use the forbidden book catalog as a weapon, and even read all the knowledge in her mind.

If it wasn't for knowing that the big devil had another purpose, Roy would have hugged Lola fiercely to express her trust in him.

Regardless of....

Whether the identity of the two is... brother and sister, but Laura's identity as the Supreme Bishop of Puritanism is unquestionable, what she is doing now is to some extent betrayed Puritanism and chose herself 's brother.

Roy took a deep breath, tried hard to restrain his facial expression, and made a look of 'I am very moved but forcibly restrained', he carefully put away the controller in his hand, looked at Lola with a complicated expression, and whispered. Said: "...Lola, you actually handed all this kind of things to me. Even if you are the supreme bishop of the Puritanism, if you are discovered by the Puritans, you will be questioned."

Lola shook her head gently, she pursed her thin moist cherry lips, her translucent eyes were full of gentle color, she slowly leaned over, and the soft female Joe's body squeezed into Roy He hugged him tightly, and said movingly: "...Although this spiritual outfit is important to Puritanism, it is just a spiritual outfit, compared to the safety of my brother, It just seems insignificant."

"...Brother, you are going to Academy City to find out the true identity of Academy City's chairman, if he is really that...Aleister, is that...the most evil magician in the twentieth century, he is very powerful Qiang, it is very dangerous for you to face him alone... If he is not the one... Aleister, as the brother of the magic side, you are in the base camp of the science side, and the crisis you have to face is definitely not the same. Xiao, I don't want to see you hurt again, brother, and I don't want to experience the pain of losing you again."

Lola's female body trembled slightly, her complexion was a little ugly, as if she was about to cry, her delicate facial features were all tangled together, she whispered softly: "...I wanted to be with my brother. You go to face it together, but I am the supreme bishop of Puritanism and can't leave here for a long time, but brother, don't worry, if you are really in danger, or if you and that... Aleister enter into a confrontation, I will first I'll be there to help you right away."

The supreme bishop of Puritanism buried Roy's head in Roy's heart, his body trembled slightly, he hugged him tightly, and lightly touched his face with one hand, the girl's softness was filled with fragrance, and the body was tightly attached. Looking at him, it made people feel a little bit confused.

Roy patted her beautiful back gently, soothing Lola's emotions.

After a while, Lola seemed to notice the change in her body. She was startled and gave a quick nudge. She stood up from his arms, tucked her hair on her temples, and Xiafei said with both cheeks:  … .You are thinking something bad."

She bit her lip with her teeth, if it were on the surface of Qingfeng Pond, she would be invincible......Nyu Qiao, hurriedly said: "...The tea is cold, I'll change some hot water for you. "

The Supreme Bishop of Puritanism picked up a few pots and just... hurriedly walked to the kitchen, because he was walking too fast, his calf accidentally hit the door frame, and there was a 'boom and' Whoops of pain.

Just as Roy was about to say something, Lola kept saying "it's okay, it's okay", she went into the kitchen and poured a pot of hot water, but when she came out, she was limping.

"It's still the same as when I was a child, when will your panic disorder be corrected?"

Roy laughed and scolded, and asked, "...Where's the medicine box?"

"Ah... right under my house."

Laura's tone paused for a while before she spoke in a low voice.

Roy got up and walked into the small bedroom, squatted down and found the medicine box under the bed, rummaged through it, and took out a bottle of spray.

"Come on, stretch out."

Taking the spray and walking back to the living room again, Roy waved to Lola.

"No need, it's alright, it's okay to just knock it, I'm used to it."

Laura wiggled back and forth, left and dodged, her tone a little shy.

"How could it be okay? The sound of hitting the door frame just now was so loud, I could hear it clearly. Okay, sit there and don't move. I'll show you."

Roy ignored Lola's refusal, pressed her firmly on the sofa, and held her ankle.

The Supreme Bishop of Puritanism was tense all over, his toes in white fleece socks were tight, and the corners of his eyes seemed to be seductive as he watched Roy carefully remove the skirt of her monastic uniform, revealing a slender, snow-white 's joking.

There was a bruise on the skin that was as white as nephrite, and the lavender blood was extremely conspicuous in this white skin. Roy calmed down, picked up the spray and lightly sprayed the medicine on the bruise.

The stimulation of the ice-cold potion made Lola subconsciously want to withdraw her shyness, but because her ankle was still being held, she couldn't break free no matter how hard she tried, so she could only let Roy do what she did.

If he held a piece of warm jade in his palm, Roy would also secretly be amazed. This big devil's creation of the psychic medium was almost perfect, and Laura's body was no different from ordinary people, but under that body, Roy was astonished. You Ruowu can feel the surging power she possesses, but in normal times, she behaves like a normal person, and it will bleed and swell when she touches it.

"When are you going to Academy City?"

As if to divert her attention, Laura asked softly.

"Flight at noon tomorrow."

After Roy finished spraying the medicine, he carefully pulled her skirt up.

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