"I'm sorry, William! The friendship between you and me is nothing compared to the future of Britain!"

Standing in front of the window, the Knight Commander looked up at the dim sky and muttered, as if he was apologizing to his friend who was in Tegan.

The Knight Commander is not a commoner, but a true descendant of the British nobles, so he is actually very supportive of the duties of the nobles and political marriage, but only ten years ago with William.

What happened between Orville and the third princess, Villian, made him very supportive of their relationship.

In addition to those before the third princess...the marriage partner is not very helpful to Britain, he is the only one who stops it after weighing the interests, and keeps the unmarried princess for his friends. body.

But this time, when the second princess Kelissa Tekatina orthodox appeared in front of him, when the princess used her eloquent eloquence to build a blueprint for the future of Britain for him, the heart of the knight captain was shaken after all. .

At the age of thirty-five or six, for a knight on the magic side, he is very experienced. When he was young and strong, the leader of the knights wanted to do something for the country, but the general trend of the world made his personal strength appear. So humble, there is nowhere to be even with power.

He is loyal to the royal family and the queen, but in the heart of the Knight Commander, the country of Britain is bigger than the Queen. In fact, this Knight Commander has always been critical of the current Queen Eliza's policy. He is a typical example. Hawks prefer to use a strong attitude and means to solve problems and bring true prosperity to Britain.

"Your Majesty, your policy may be right, but the world is changing so fast, and now Britain is suffering from internal and external troubles, the only way to remove the internal worries of Puritanism by thunder is to defeat the Orthodox Church and the French... ......foreign aggression, can make the rule of the royal family permanent, can make the people more proud, and make Britain stand on top of the world again!"

"... Times, have changed!"

Thinking of what the second princess Kelisa asked him to do, the head of the knights was also slightly excited and guilty. He knew that his behavior was a betrayal for the current queen, but he did not violate his duties. , he is still guarding the royal family, because the second princess, Her Royal Highness Kelissa, is also a member of the royal family.

He could detect that although the second princess, Kelissa, was very ambitious, she was not obsessed with power. Use his own reputation to get the whole knight to help her, and at the same time help her to achieve her dream! Compared with these important national events, the marriage problem of the third princess, Villian, is really short of the parents, so when Kelissa asked him to come together When pressuring the Queen to marry the third princess Villian to a stranger he did not know, the Knight Commander agreed without hesitation.

Since the other party dug up Britain's strongest spiritual outfit and handed it back to the royal family, he should also be rewarded with reason, even if the other party wanted to marry the princess, it was nothing, compared to the first and The second and third princesses don't have any special royal authority, so it doesn't matter if she is married off.

This is in line with the knighthood followed by the leader of the knights, and the only sufferer is William.

Orville, the idea of ​​the third princess is not important.

"If you know, William, that this is good for Britain, even if you feel pain in your heart, you will accept it silently, just like you and I once said, I will protect Britain from the inside, and you will protect it from the outside... ."

"...my lover is this country!"

The leader of the knights whispered that he was not married in his thirties, and even the royal family wanted to marry the princess to him. This... Knights leader did not agree, because he dedicated his life to this country, and the only thing he loved deeply was this one. nation.

For this, he is willing to pay anything.

...Vatican Vatican, Rome, a man like a marble sculpture is silently looking at the... clown-like person in front of him.

"Land on the left, are you experimenting with your own magic with the tourists and the suburban kids again?"


Orville, a former British mercenary, is currently a member of the "Right Seat of God" of the Roman Orthodox Church.

"Hehehe, behind the water, are you mourning for those...pagans? You are against the teaching of God, those...pagans can live only ...for the blasphemy of God, it is their greatest honor that they can become the test objects of my 'sentence of light', maybe because of this dedication, they will be able to go to heaven after death, they should thank me, hehe Hahahahahahahaha!"

Wearing a loose green dress, with a thin body and sunken cheeks, the man laughed weirdly. He is the left side of the right seat of the gods', but this... one of the right seats of the gods is completely unworthy of a clergyman. Some of them have a sense of holiness, but they are like evil ghosts from hell, twisted like the vampires described by those... demons, and the smile is even more chilling.


The water in the rear was even more angry when he heard the words of the land on the left, but he couldn't find a suitable reason or excuse to attack.

He is now a member of the Right Seat of God, a believer in the Roman Orthodox Church, and doctrinally speaking, there is nothing wrong with what the Left Land does, even the merciful current Pope can't be against the Left. The behavior of the earth puts the beak.

Magic is not something that can be used by chanting a spell. The mobilization of magic power and the mastery of knowledge are the most important things. It is like solving a math problem, which requires a step-by-step analysis.

Although the Right Seat of God has eliminated the original sin through the special magic of the Roman Orthodox Church, and can use the angelic magic, but using the angelic magic by cheating with the human body, there will inevitably be various problems, such as the 'left side'. When the light of the earth is executed, it cannot be used at will, and it is always necessary to experiment with its own spells from time to time to adjust the subtle operations of the spells.

As a believer of the Roman Orthodox Church, the left side is indeed very devout. He will not go to experiment with other believers, but will secretly loot the tourists who come to the Vatican to visit and those...... ..unreligious children, use them as their own experimental subjects.

The water in the rear is a very kind person. He doesn't like what the land on the left does, but the behavior of the land on the left is in line with the teachings, and the water in the rear is not sure that it can kill the land on the left, so He can only watch the persecution of those... innocent people in the left side.

In the entire God's Right Seat, except... Right Fire, the remaining three have no rank gap, and no one can guarantee that they can completely kill the other one.


The water in the back sighed, and he can actually understand the... cruel behavior of the land on the left...kindness and holiness that a Christian believer should have.

A person who can accept the Roman Orthodox 'Right Seat of God' technique is not something that just any magician can afford. Those who can accept this technique are rare, even the Roman Orthodox Church that claims to have two billion followers. , nor can I guarantee that I can find such talents among believers.

Therefore, sometimes the members of the Right Seat of God are forcibly believed in religion, and even in the past, the members of the Right Seat of God were not necessarily magicians, they all started to contact magic after they became the Right Seat of God.

For example, the water in the rear itself believed in Puritanism, and finally converted to Roman Orthodoxy.

"The two of you don't quarrel. Although the fire on the right doesn't care whether you fight or not, if you fight in front of him, I am afraid the fire on the right will not sit idly by."

Just as the water in the back confronted the land on the left, a woman dressed in bright yellow and very punk-style clothes came and interrupted the quarrel between the two.

The person who came here is exquisite and elegant, with exaggerated eye makeup. When she opens her mouth, you can see that there is an iron chain connected to her tongue. At the end of the chain is a cross. Even her ears, lips, nose, eyelids and other parts are covered with iron. Huan: No matter how you look at it, she looks like a bad **** the street, but it's still that kind of...very exaggerated style. For...normal people, this style is extremely disgusting.

Seeing the wind in front came to persuade the fight, the water in the rear and the land on the left, who often quarrel, also stopped talking through the steps, but today the water in the rear doesn't know what to do, and I feel very irritable, especially when I see the land on the left The pure green dress and the green disc on the back of his head like a hat made him even more unhappy.

However, he is a rational person, unless he is confident that he can deal with the left side in one go, he will never take action.

...The third princess, Villian, gritted her teeth and cried, but she didn't cry, because she knew her duty as a princess, even though she was thinking about that... taciturn, tall stature A mercenary, but she also forced herself to build a prison castle in her mind, imprisoning the man she was thinking of in the deepest part of the prison.

As a model of morality and a symbol of benevolence, she knows that she cannot think of another man after she has a marriage contract and a husband, even if that man is the one she really loves, she must work hard Forget it and serve your true husband.

The thunder exploded and rumbled, and the ruthless rainstorm slapped the princess intensively, but even though her body was completely drenched in the torrential rain, she tried her best to suppress her cry, opening her mouth slightly and looking up. Bearing the stinging sensation of the rain falling on his cheeks, the slightly salty rain poured into his mouth from the corners of his mouth, it was so bitter.

The pure tears melted with the turbid rainwater, no longer separated from each other, making her look so pitiful and embarrassed.

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Chapter 88 If You Like It

The weather was fine today, and the rare bright sun shone through the curtains swaying in the breeze in St. James's Palace.

Britain's third princess, Villian, was lying on the bed in her bedroom, the soft velvet blanket covered her delicate body, the curtains swayed gently in the breeze, and a ray of morning sun quietly shone into the bedroom through the gap, and sprinkled on it. On the sleeping pretty face of Her Royal Highness.

Villian's face was full of exhaustion, and there were traces of red, swollen and crying. Her jade arms were resting on the soft velvet quilt, her golden hair was a little dull, scattered scatteredly covering the delicate collarbone like bamboo, making Her Royal Highness the princess. It looked pitiful and distressing, as if in a nightmare.

Her Royal Highness curled up and fell into a deep sleep, her breathing was a little uneasy, a pair of jade feet stretched out of the quilt, outside, exquisite and small, the cold wind from the window made her toes tremble slightly, looking very cute.

A figure closed the slightly opened window and closed the curtains, leaving the house in darkness, and there was no... a trace of sunlight.

The pure darkness made Vilian let go of her guard and fear, and her breathing gradually became well-proportioned, until she fell into the deepest sleep.

I just don't know if she will still dream of that hellish scene in her deep sleep.

..."How was last night?"

When Roy came to the bedroom of the second princess, Kelissa, it was... seeing this... Her Royal Highness was still wearing that gorgeous red dress, and her golden hair was not tucked behind her head, but she let it go. Casually scattered, she sat on the chair carelessly, playing with the orthodox Katina in her hand, and slender and slender fingers slid across the bladeless blade, as if feeling the power in it.

After seeing Roy come to her bedroom, this... Her Royal Highness just... gave him a hearty smile, she had no royal etiquette at all, a jade foot in high heels just stepped on the chair, and she didn't even care Will this action of myself make the skirt of her dress disappear.

"Not bad, Her Royal Highness Villian is a very gentle person."

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