"Guian, Your Highness Villian, just call me 'Mathers'."

Roy continued to speak in that unique Scottish aristocratic accent, Villian heard this authentic Scottish accent, and for a while she really regarded Roy as a Scotsman.

"Hello, Mr Mathers, my name is Villian.


Victoria Windsor..."

The third princess replied in a simple and gentle voice.

Kelissa has always been unaccustomed to... these... royal etiquette, she shook a royal official document and said impatiently: "...Okay, just Don't act like a stage play here, it's a waste of time.

This useless etiquette will not do Britain any favors!"

This princess with an extreme personality and advocating force has never cared about these etiquettes. You can tell from her usual carefree attitude and misbehavior that she is a philistine and cares more about practical things, not these... ...... False courtesy.

Villian owes herself, and dares not refute her sister. She knows her second sister's character too well. If she replies, she will definitely be scolded by Kelissa, and her sister doesn't care about embarrassing the royal family in front of outsiders. This kind of thing will definitely reprimand her in front of Roy, and will not save her any face.

It's just that Villian is also curious. She is usually the second sister who goes to the Three Treasures Hall for everything. What is the important thing to come to her today? Is it related to the Mr. Mathers here? How not to be rude Looking at others is also a skill that the royal family must learn, just like how to eat quickly and elegantly, which is also a compulsory course for the nobles.

Villian glanced at Roy with the corner of her eye without a trace, and roughly came to some conclusions.

The other party looks very handsome or beautiful. As a woman, Villian felt her heart beat faster when she saw Roy. This is not the so-called love. It's just that men like beautiful women, and women also like handsome men. A human instinct.

The other party was wearing Scottish-style clothes, although the colors were a bit garish, but the gestures and movements were extremely elegant and standard, looking like a nobleman, at least more decent than her sister Kelly.

Whether it is a member of the Scottish Dominion Council, or a descendant of a Scottish nobleman who is related to the Windsor family, this is what Villian thinks after seeing Roy.

If the first princess, Limea, was here, she might chat with Villian kindly about some parental troubles, and then force her sister into submission a little bit, but the second princess, Kelissa, was a straight-forward. Straight forward, I hate those...false things, she didn't care if her sister was willing or not, she took a step forward and grabbed her white wrist.


Although Villian is a princess, she is not skilled in martial arts, and her level of magic is not high. How can she compare with the second princess in charge of the military in terms of strength. Immediately... she felt a pain in her wrist and let out a painful cry.

After Kelissa grabbed Villian's wrist, she just... threw her to Roy with force, the third princess staggered two steps, almost fell to the ground, and threw herself uncontrollably. into Roy's arms.

"It's alright, Your Royal Highness!"

Roy looked down at the girl in his arms who was frightened like a deer, just... asked in a low voice.

He is not... Kelissa, nor will he be violent, and naturally he will not use any violent means against this princess.

"Hug, sorry!"

Seeing that she was actually being held in Roy's arms, Villian immediately...with a blushing face, she left in a little panic, and apologized after tidying up her dress.

After apologizing, her voice was a little louder. Although she was panicked, she still looked at Kailisha firmly and rebuked: "...Sister, what are you doing, what are you doing? It's so rude in front of the guests!"

"What's wrong, he's not an outsider, isn't it just right for a husband to hug his wife, isn't it!"

Kelly said with a laugh.

"Husband and wife, what are you talking about?"

Wei Li was relieved and panicked inexplicably.

"What am I talking about, see for yourself!"

Kelissa threw the exquisite paper with Windsor's pattern in her hand... to Villian.

The third princess was nervous, but even so, she squatted down gracefully and picked up the piece of paper.

A series of handwritings were written on the paper in aristocratic squiggles and the unique writing style of the royal family, and at the end of the paper there was Queen Eliza's autograph and the seal of Windsor.

After reading the above content, Villian's face turned pale in an instant. Although there was not much English on the paper, it was a royal book. The general content was... the third princess Villian Marry this man named Mathers.

The seal of Windsor has a mysterious effect and can only be used by the queen, so it cannot be forged by Kelissa, and the credential of the royal family has absolute legal effect. Humanly speaking, this is equivalent to a verdict, and members of the royal family will never be allowed to go against it.

Unless you turn your back on your blood and leave the royal family, the effect of this judgment will disappear.

But will Villian do this? She absolutely won't, because she is a model of morality and a symbol of benevolence. She will never betray the country or the royal family. It is her mission to marry someone who is useful to the royal family in the future and become a tool for marriage.

It was only because the previous marriages were destroyed by the leaders of the knight faction that they did not succeed, but this did not mean that Villian had completed her mission.

Knight Commander, yes, Knight Commander! Hope once again rose in Villian's heart. Although the royal family's verdict has been issued, it can be withdrawn. As long as the Knight Commander who is like a brother helps her, she will It will definitely get through the storm, just like before.

Villian didn't want to escape her responsibilities, but she had someone she loved and someone she wanted to entrust her life to.

But Villian's last hope was ruthlessly shattered by Kelissa, "...Don't imagine that the Knight Leader will help you, Villian! Take a closer look at the back of the seal."

Villian subconsciously looked at the end of the paper, where she saw the badge of the Knights.

It means that this verdict is not only the decision of the royal family, but also the decision of the knights. Although I don't know what happened, the head of the knights who has always protected her, that...William.

Orville's friend betrayed! Seeing Villian standing there dumbfounded with the royal letter in hand, Kelissa walked over to her and whispered, "... .Villian, remember your identity, you are the third princess of the British royal family, you have obligations that you must fulfill, forget about that mercenary."

"...You have to give your body and mind to become a good wife. Compared to that... useless mercenary, the Earl of Mathers can bring greater benefits to Britain!"

At the end of the sentence, Kelissa ignored her sister, she smiled at Roy, as if she was telling her sister, and said loudly: "... Earl Mathers, I hope you can help One more member of the bloodline of the British royal family!"


Hearing the sound of the heavy door being slammed shut again, Villian's female Joe, who was holding a letter with her back to the door, trembled.

For a while, only Roy and this... the third princess were left in the room, as if breathing became audible.

Under normal circumstances, if you are a warm man, you should comfort the princess in front of you at this time, and then don't touch her, slowly let the princess fall in love with her, and build a fairy tale love like a romance novel.

But Roy won't do that. Although the plan is somewhat beyond his original design, Roy, like Aleister, will adjust his plan at any time. As long as the final goal can be achieved, the process is not important.

He slowly walked behind the third princess, and every step she took made Her Royal Highness tremble.

Until Roy stood behind Villian, a finger was placed on the chain behind Her Royal Highness's dress.

The elegant robes fluttered like butterflies, staggering down, and in front of them was a dazzling, flawless white jade.

Villian's hand clenched the letter in her hand, and a string of tears fell from the corner of her eyes. Losing the protection of her clothes, she only felt that the air became cold, and she muttered in despair and relief: "... ...Mr William..."

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 87 Helpless, pitiful and embarrassed

A large manor in the British Capital District, it is one of the residences of the three major British factions of the Knights, and is also the headquarters of the Knights.

A tall, handsome man of thirty-five or six years old with neatly combed blond hair was standing by the window.

The man is the leader of the knight faction, because he hasn't used his real name for too many years, so people just call him by the nickname of "Knight Commander", and the man is also very happy with this nickname and is proud of it.

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