What's even more amazing is that even though Kelisa's movements are not as decent as a princess, this... Her Royal Highness, the princess, still gives the impression of an elegant lady.

That is a kind of pride that imprints nobility in the bones and soul. This is the real royal blood, and it is also what Mathers, who was once humbled, admires the most, chases after it, and even wants to get it by means of deception.

"The direct blood of the Windsor Dynasty is only my mother queen and my two sisters."

Kelissa raised her head like a proud phoenix.

"Then let me ask one more question, Your Highness! What you said you gave me the blood of the Windsor Dynasty is not what I imagined it to be."

Roy was also quite surprised by... this... Her Royal Highness's decision, so he didn't ask around.

"If we're thinking of one aspect, this is it."

Kelissa's eyes were like a sharp long sword, pierced at Roy.

But if the second princess is a drawn sword, then the Roy she is facing is... a steel fortress built with copper walls and iron walls, which will not be destroyed by a mere long sword at all.

Roy's expression remained unchanged, the smile on his face gradually subsided, and he stared blankly at the princess in front of him. .

"Then, who is the candidate, Her Royal Highness Kelissa!"

Even in the eyes of Roy, Kelissa's aura was not lost. This has nothing to do with the strength of the two sides, but a competition of wills. This... Her Royal Highness may not be Roy at all in terms of strength. The opponent, but her strong will and determination are not much worse than Roy.

If Roy's teacher Skaha sees Kelissa, she will surely praise her as a true warrior who is not afraid of hardships and dangers, and is not afraid of sacrifice.

This made Roy sigh in his heart. It is worthy of being the royal family of Britain, a great magical country for thousands of years. In this magical world, the bloodlines of this dynasty are not just ordinary ones. They have truly noble meanings. Mathers would be so obsessed with this 'vulgarity'.

"My sister, the third princess of Britain, Villian!"

Kelissa raised her delicate chin, and what she didn't care about was... betraying her own sister.

"Although Villian lacks opinions and is not someone who does great things, she is a veritable British royal family and the most orthodox heir to my Windsor dynasty. She is twenty-four years old this year. Although she does not have the talent to become a queen, if she is As a wife, she is definitely the most qualified candidate."

"...As a symbol of the royal family's kindness, she has a very high moral level and is the real lady of my British royal family, and she is extremely beautiful, which will definitely satisfy you, and her prestige is also very high. As a symbol of the royal family, she is active outside, oh, in many magazines, she is even rated as the 'princess of the marriage partner, so you can see her excellence.'

At the end, Kelissa laughed at herself. As a woman, she was completely compared by her sister when she was evaluated. Even if Kelissa didn't care about these things, it made her feel a little unhappy.

She is like selling goods, and she spares no effort to promote her sister.

"I have seen reports of the third princess in many newspapers and news in Britain. She is indeed a stunning beauty, and she has the excellent blood of the Windsor dynasty."

Roy nodded slightly, acknowledging Kelissa's compliment to his sister.

The third princess, Villian, said there was no problem with her being the most suitable wife, and as Kelissa said, her sister had a heart of benevolence and a role model of morality, and this morality was taught by the occult. Defined, that is to say, the third princess is a very traditional woman, with the most excellent qualities as a wife and a woman, her morality defined by the occult, so that she will never do it after marriage. Cheating... something that doesn't fit his identity.

This third princess can be imagined as a model of British aristocratic ladies. She can be loved by so many ordinary people, because to normal men, such a princess is simply... The perfect woman in fairy tales.

On the other hand, the gloomy character of the first princess and the overly assertive attitude of the second princess are, in the eyes of ordinary people... a big flaw.

"Then you agree"

Kelissa pursed her red lips, her eyes were sharp and full of vigor, she had no intention of discussing with her sister at all, she just decided her sister's life by her own way.

Roy did not respond to her, but instead asked: "...Is it really good to decide without discussing with Her Royal Highness the Third Princess, Her Royal Highness Kelissa! You must know that you are only the Second Princess, It's not Her Majesty the Queen of Britain, I don't think you have the qualifications to decide the life of the third princess!"

"There is no need to discuss at all. My sister is in charge of politics, and I am in charge of military affairs. This is a decision we were born with. As for my sister, as a member of the royal family, she has had obligations that she must fulfill since she was born. , Even if Rende can be praised by the people, it will not help... to strengthen the power of our royal faction, and to... the current internal and external troubles in Britain!"

"...Her duty is...political marriage, as long as it can strengthen the power of the royal faction, as long as it can solve the internal and external problems of Britain, even if she is allowed to marry a beggar, she must be willing to sacrifice herself body and mind!"

Kelissa spoke indifferently about the frightening cruelty of being a royal family. The third princess is really just a commodity. As long as the problem of Britain can be solved, the princess can be married to anyone. Become a prop for marriage.

"Is this your thoughts, Her Majesty the First Princess and the Second Princess, or does it include Her Majesty's thoughts?"

Hearing Roy's direct question, Kelissa's breathing stagnated for a while, her face softened a little, her tone was helpless, but she still said decisively: "... Love the three of us sisters 3, she doesn't want Villian to become such a bargaining chip and tool, but this is the mission and responsibility that Villian will undertake after she is born, this is the obligation of the blood of the Windsor Dynasty, even if it is the Queen Mother Your Majesty can only do so."

"...I can swear as the second princess, since you call yourself Mathers, our Windsor dynasty will recognize your identity as a descendant of the Stuart dynasty, and marry the third princess to you, even I swear , your descendants will have the right to inherit the throne, and as long as your descendants are good enough, they can become the monarchs of Britain."

"If your descendants become British monarchs, they can claim to be Stuart descendants, and you will restore the Stuart dynasty, no matter what...

Whether it's my sister or the Queen Mother, they will definitely agree with my proposal, because no matter what...

Whether it's called the Windsor dynasty or the Stuart dynasty, it's all British royal blood!"

The second princess Kelissa's tone is sonorous and powerful, with great confidence, people will unconsciously trust her words, and be excited and excited by the majestic waves depicted by her impassioned words.


Roy stunned. Usually, he used a devilish tone to tempt others. I didn't expect the second princess in front of him to be so powerful. Just her tone and her flying look were enough to make people follow her. Make people believe in her, and her personality charm is evident.

To be honest, if it wasn't Roy, but the real Mathers, it's very likely that the golden Scottish man with the peak strength of 74 would give Mina a divorce letter.

Mathers, and then became the consort of Great Britain.

Mathers has reached an obsessive attitude towards the restoration of the Stuart Dynasty. Even if he summons a high-ranking demon, he requires others to restore the Stuart Dynasty, so that the demons cannot Don't take Stuart as a surname.

Mathers is different from any other members of the Golden Dawn. He is of low background and low status. He has no ability other than... research on the occult, and he can't even support himself. He has to rely on others to help, he is a very low self-esteem man.

Looking at the backgrounds of all the members of Golden Dawn, it can be found that only Mathers has nothing and lives shabby.

Therefore, the identity of the Highlander, this self-deceiving boast of the descendants of the Stuart dynasty, can bring him pride and self-confidence.

It can be said that no matter...

Was Mathers really a Highlander, he had hypnotized himself into a noble blood.

The opportunity to restore the Stuart Dynasty is here. If Mathers is really resurrected, it is really possible to let himself join the Windsor Dynasty and use his magic to tide over the difficulties for Britain, because in Mathers' eyes, as long as If he succeeds this time, he can go down in history and be recorded in history as a descendant of Stuart, instead of boasting.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 83 My sister is in this palace!

But Roy is not the real Mathers. He is not very tempted by the words of the second princess, Kelissa. Of course, for Roy, there is no need for him to refuse, because his purpose of coming here is In order to hand Katina into the hands of the... second princess, use the second princess' deep love for Britain to start a world-class turmoil.

The ultimate goal of Roy and Gremlin is to let Othinus recreate the 'Gun:' and restore her full power of the devil. As for what the process is like, and whether the twists and turns are easy, in fact, for Roy It's not something important.

It is naturally the best choice to hand Katina directly to Kelissa, and then watch her do things, but this... the second princess in charge of the 'military' is not stupid, if Roy really took Katina Put it here, or give it to her directly. It is estimated that this... Her Royal Highness will suspect that Roy has some conspiracy.

So sometimes when you go to bargain with the other party to seek benefits, you will instead make the other party more trustworthy. This is the complex psychology of human beings.

Since Roy appeared here as Mathers, then he will do his best to fulfill Mathers' last wish, which will reassure Kelissa even more.

The second princess, Kelissa, knew that Mathers had already died, so she would think that Roy had to work hard for Mathers' wishes, but she would only think that Roy was probably the descendant of Mathers, and his estrangement A disciple, or even an admirer of Mathers.

Therefore, what Roy asked for must not exceed the range of Mathers' wishes. He must use Katina as a condition of exchange, do his best to exchange for the benefits and promises of the royal family, and try his best to complete Mathers's wishes. Last wish, only in this way will Kelissa use Cardina with confidence, and thus trigger the World War.

Since he wants to do his best, Roy must make himself appear smarter, instead of agreeing to Kelissa's quid pro quo, this is the so-called sunk cost, when Kelissa pays to get Katina. Many prerequisites, then the probability of her refusal is very low.

"In principle, I am very satisfied with this proposal, and I am also at ease with the promise of the royal family, but what I am going to hand over to the royal family is Britain's strongest spiritual outfit, the one that the British royal family was able to take charge of in the past. The biggest guarantee is the sword of king selection created based on the legend of King Arthur, I have to be cautious about it."

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