Queen Kelissa is plausible, no matter how powerful occult knowledge and power Mathers, Westcott or Aleister possess, but the power in the daily human society, as ordinary people, they are fundamentally different from the British The royal family or the governing body cannot be compared.

'Sure enough, it is impossible for a mysterious organization like the Golden Dawn not to be known to the British royal family.

' Roy sighed inwardly. He didn't care too much about the result. Instead, he picked up the assembled book with great interest and opened it.

There are black and white photos and some simple text on the old yellowed paper. The introduction contains all the introductions of the more than 40 members of the Golden Dawn.

The first photo at the beginning is... Woodman, one of the three giants of the Golden Dawn, is a surgeon by profession. From this photo alone, it can be seen that Woodman is already very old, so the gold later He was absent from the Civil War at Dawn.

The second is... Westcott, the... Scotland Yard coroner, looking at his clothes and wearing the temperament of a high-class person, it can be seen that even in the society of ordinary people, his living conditions are very good, at least in Above the middle class.

The third one is... Mathers' photo. Unlike Woodman and Westcott, Mathers only has one photo, but is still a profile portrait. In the daily social life of human beings, Mathers' status is incomparable to Woodman and Westcott. In short, he is... a homeless person, so his images are extremely rare, even the British royal family has only such a collection.

Mathers in the photo is dressed and dressed like Roy, but it is the appearance of an uncle, his hair is not silver, and there is a strangeness in his sloppy clothes.

Now that the royal family has a picture of Mathers.

Well, Roy, who is pretending to be, can't possibly deceive this... the second princess.

Seeing that the royal family has the detailed information of almost everyone in the Golden Dawn, Roy is also interested in looking at it. From the order of the ancient files, Luo can roughly guess that this should be the order in which the members entered the organization one after another. .

After the three founders is Sarah.

Allgood, followed by... Allen.

Bennett, the owner of the Shock Rod, is the man who Aleister truly regards as his teacher.

Roy looked at Allen carefully.

Bennett's photo, because of this... Allen.

Bennett was still a young man when he joined Golden Dawn, so Roy couldn't tell if he was similar to the quack-faced doctor in Academy City.

Continuing to scroll back, Roy saw many celebrity photos, 'Conan the creator of Sherlock Holmes.

Doyle, Nobel Prize winner Yeats, and a man named Florence.

The beautiful lady of Farr, she is a famous British actress and composer, feminist activist, and even more famous in the Golden Dawn, known as the 'Masquerade Lady, and even one of the leaders of the Golden Dawn.

In addition to... members of the previous Golden Dawn, there are members of the Golden Dawn branch in this secret file, such as Dion.

Fuchun is...a petite and cute girl novelist.

As for Aleister, Roy only saw him when he was ranked thirtieth among the Golden Dawn members. It can be seen that Aleister is a type of late wave in Golden Dawn.

Roy was not born that year, and Aleister was only a young man in his twenties. He had long silver hair, handsome and handsome, and wore a handsome military uniform. He can be said to be unique in Golden Dawn, a dimension beyond the others.

'If Mathers has a perfect wife, I have to be careful of this little white face who eats on his face.

After reading this top-secret file of the Golden Dawn, Roy slandered in his heart and put the pieced-up book back into the cowhide bag.

The second princess, Kelissa, did not speak, and when Roy read the file, she said loudly: "...I hired the Light of New Life to go to Scotland to look for Cartina. Knowing that they found Katina with the lost black dwarf spell in northern Europe, but Katina was taken away by a man who called himself Mathers, the chief of gold, I took this from the royal family's secret archives. The information on the Golden Dawn has been found."

"...The magicians of the Light of Rebirth used technology to photograph the appearance of a man who calls himself Mathers. When I compared with this file, I found that he was not Mathers at all. The light just met a liar, or met that... Aleister, the legendary magician who was banished from the borders of Britain, but no matter...

Whoever they met, I thought Cartina would miss me, but I didn't expect you to dare to come to St James's Palace!"

Princess Kelissa was imposing and aggressive. She stood in front of Roy with her hands on the coffee table in front of her. She didn't care about the exposure of her low-Hungarian dress, so that whiteness fell in Roy's eyes, and she just stared straight at Luo. Yi, said word by word: "...So, I don't care if you are Mathers or Aleister, or someone else, since you brought Katina here, then I just want to know, what the **** are you going to do!"

Roy took off the... witch-style hat on his head, he looked at the second princess in front of him calmly, and said leisurely: "...Second princess, Her Royal Highness Kelissa, you Would you like to make a deal with me?"

"Trade with Cardina"

Kelissa's beautiful eyes turned to the suitcase beside her.


Roy nodded in confirmation.

"Hmph, although Katina is important, if you want to use the safety of Britain as a condition of the transaction, I will not agree."

Even if Katina is what Kelissa has always wanted, but her fundamental purpose is to make Britain greater, to solve those internal and external problems... if you get Katina's The price would cause harm to Britain's interests, and that would put the cart before the horse.

"No, I won't use everything related to the safety of Britain to make a deal with your Highness Kelissa..."

Roy still said calmly, anyway... It's the princess in front of him who should be worried, not him.

"Let's not speak secretly, just say what you want!"

Kelissa slammed the table hard, and said boldly, unlike her elder sister, the first princess, she doesn't like this kind of timid and ambiguous way of speaking, she prefers everyone to take everything on the bright side, don't There is so much darkness and deceit.

"I am Mathers now, and what I need to accomplish is Mathers' wish!"

In this way, Roy continued to confuse Kelissa's thinking, making it impossible for her to conclude what relationship Roy had with Mathers.

"Mathers' wish...what is it"

The second princess, Kelissa, asked hesitantly.

"He always called himself a Highlander, a descendant of Scottish nobility, and he wanted to restore the Stuarts..."

Roy believes that this... Her Royal Highness will be able to hear the deep meaning of his words.

Sure enough, the second princess understood what Roy meant, her sharp brows wrinkled, and she asked tentatively: "...I grant Mathers the title of British royal family and recognize him as Stuart. The blood of the dynasty"

"Oh, if it was the British royal family a hundred years ago, this proposal is more reliable, but do you think the British title today has any important significance? It can no longer represent the nobility of blood."

Roy shook his head and rejected Kelissa with a smile.

This... the second princess clenched her teeth. Although she wanted to directly and forcibly **** the opponent's Katina, but in the report of the new light, the opponent's strength was so powerful that even the leader of Dawn Morning Light would be defeated in a few rounds. After the defeat, what made Kelissa even more unbelievable was that this man who called himself Mathers was able to use the power of Kartina! So no matter what...

Is he the real Mathers, but his strength is real and true, she... the princess wants to use strength, it is very likely that she will only embarrass herself.

Finally, the... second princess seemed to have made up her mind, her beautiful eyes stared at Roy, and said in a decisive tone: "...Then, I will give you the blood of the Windsor Dynasty. , what if your descendants also become the royal family of Britain?"

"...This is enough to prove Mathers' identity as a descendant of the Stuart dynasty!"

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Chapter 82 Entering Windsor, Restoring Stuart!

"The bloodline of the Windsor Dynasty...Although I don't want to say more about this, I remember that the real direct bloodline of the Windsor Dynasty today is only the current Her Majesty the Queen and her three princesses."

Roy squinted slightly, and looked at the ... second princess Kelissa in front of him.

The expression on this... Her Royal Highness's face is quite bold and fearless, her awe-inspiring aura, with a kind of unequivocal strength.

Even in the face of Roy, a stranger who can easily invade St. James's Palace, and may even be able to easily kill her, Her Royal Highness has no fear, she pulls a chair full of royal colors, a golden sword Sitting there, her beautiful legs in red stockings under a dress just straddled the chair carelessly, as if she didn't care about disappearing at all, and she was extremely arrogant.

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