The girl's fair face was flushed red, and the whole person was twisting on the hospital bed. After struggling for a long time, she turned her head and whispered that small voice with a voice like a mosquito.

Roy took Revinia's awkward and shy voice just for fun, but Mina.

Mathers, however, emerged from the depths of his heart with a touch of maternal love and tenderness. The... plump and mature widow nodded slightly and said to Roy: "... Revinia is probably hungry too. Now, let's go to dinner first."

There is not only concern for the daughter of Revinia, but also her own curiosity. Even if the black cat witch who is a magic book has memories, she has not really felt the cost of food and clothing for a living person.

Hear Mina.

Mathers' gentle words warmed Revinia's heart. She was only an eleven-year-old girl after all, no matter how arrogant and domineering her personality was, how proud and arrogant she was, and how she pretended to be an adult , is still only a primary school age, the expectation of her parents' love in her heart, even she herself did not realize it.

"I've got the people in the hotel ready, we can just go down."

Roy said this and stood up, walked to the corner and picked up the box containing Carterna, "...I'll go to St. James' Palace when I finish my meal, and I won't see you anywhere else. Queen."

Revinia stopped Katina from going to Scotland, and Roy was knocked out and brought back.

She herself did not know how long it had passed, but the hunger in her stomach was warning her that the time was definitely not short.

Lifting the quilt, Revinia was preparing for the hospital bed, but the next moment she was... blushing, and a shy anger flashed on her face.

It turned out that at some point, her torn heavy black stockings had already been removed, and a pair of smooth, slender, slender, slender, slender, slender, slender, white stockings were left behind. Because Roy and Mina were right in front of her, leaving Revinia with no time to take care of herself, she didn't realize what she was wearing now.

Although Revinia is young, she is still childish, but she has long understood the difference between men and women. The shyness of girls is more of an instinct. What happened after she fell into a coma, she was also unaware. Don't dare to think too much.

But after seeing the smiling look on Roy's face, she probably guessed who brought her to the hospital bed and changed her clothes. If it was the past Revinia, she would have been shocked by this time. She was furious, or cursed loudly, or even shot, but now that the contract was signed, the relationship between her and Roy had undergone tremendous changes, and instead she was dumbfounded and unable to express her suffering.

"Come down quickly, Revinia, I have already treated your body, you don't need to stay in the hospital bed all the time."

Roy pretended not to know Revinia's shame and urged her.

Even if Revinia was unwilling, she could only leave the hospital bed without saying a word. Could she still ask what you did to me when I was in a coma? If so, then the embarrassment will be her own.

She left the hospital bed and put on high-heeled shoes. Revinia was a little embarrassed by the lack of cover. She didn't have the habit of wearing safety pants. Although she usually wore short skirts, she also had pantyhose as a cover. It's gone, making her skin feel strange like being pricked by needles, and she can only pay attention to the way she walks to prevent it from disappearing.

A group of three people left the room in a whisper.

"Mr. Mathers, ma'am, is this a love, as beautiful as a princess."

When I came to the restaurant of the hotel, after seeing Roy and Mina, the waiter just... hurriedly stepped forward, bowed and said hello, and at the same time did not forget to praise Revinia's beauty.

Although Roy looks young, he has a mature temperament, Mina.

Mathers has the charm of a mature and beautiful woman, and Revinia looks young and only in her early ten years. In the eyes of others, it is... a family of three is traveling.

Hearing the waiter's words, Levinia, who was not used to this name, snorted and snorted. As the leader of Dawn Morning Light, she was young but majestic, just one look... let The waiter was startled, as if seeing his boss, he couldn't help standing up quickly, his forehead unconsciously was... cold sweat.

The waiter was speechless, and he never thought that he would be frightened by the eyes of a child in his early ten years, but that kind of...hearted fear could never be faked.


Roy's face sank, he sat gracefully on the chair at the dining table, his tone was a little stern, as if he was scolding Revinia for being rude.

Revinia opened her mouth subconsciously to refute her. Her character was extremely strong and she couldn't stand the curses and grievances of others. However, after her lips were incited, she finally blushed. Scolding his father, he could only say in an unhappy mood: "...I'm hungry, Dad!"

After she finished speaking, she just... sat honestly across from Roy, and the whole person was quiet.

"Sorry, it was me and her mother who spoiled the child, please serve us."

Roy apologized to the waiter with a noble temperament, but even if he was apologizing, he still had the aura of a superior.

"No, no, Miss, you have the aura of Mr., and the beauty of Mrs., but I am rude."

The waiter complimented again and again, but the compliment sounded good to Roy, but to Revinia, it made her convince her that Roy was her father.

Just thinking that the relationship between the two seems to be the case now, she couldn't say a word in the end, so she could only acquiesce.

For a girl with such a personality as Revinia, the sudden appearance of a father on her head made her extremely unaccustomed.

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Chapter 80 You are not Mathers, you are Aleister!

One of the oldest palaces, St James's Palace is located in Palmermore, St James's district, just north of St James' Park.

This is the official residence of the British royal family and the highest standard palace in Britain. Although the British monarchs have not lived here in the past two centuries, it is still used as an important palace.

The current British monarch, Queen Eliza, is in her fifties. She is a mother of three daughters. This… Her Majesty was called the lady model of Britain when she was young. Loved by the people, it has become a symbol of the British royal family.

As a great magical country, the British royal family pays great attention to the mystery in their daily life, even if they have children, they must conform to the definition of mysticism. Therefore, the three current queens have the three pillars of Kabbalah at the same time.

The first princess, Limeya, is in her early thirties. She is scheming and intelligent, and can be said to be the symbol of the royal family's mind.

The second princess, Kelissa, is brave and fearless, with strong military literacy, and is a symbol of the royal family's force.

The third princess, Villian, is benevolent in nature and noble in character, and is a symbol of the royal family's benevolence.

Although the three princesses only inherited one of Her Majesty's merits, and their characters are too extreme, and even Her Majesty has complained in public, the entire royal family also has a great reputation among the people and the knights.

Her Majesty the Queen usually lives and works in Buckingham Palace, while the three princesses live in St James's Palace.

In a luxurious room in St. James's Palace, a luxurious crystal lamp hangs from the ceiling. The structure of the whole room is dominated by gorgeous Balot style, with dark gold decorations all over the carpet and walls, and any tiny object is in the Telling the long and prosperous British royal family.

The second princess, Kelissa, was pacing in her room at this time. This... Her Royal Highness is about 27 or 8 years old, and she has a military style, no matter...

Whether in daily life or at dance parties, I always like to wear a big red dress, giving people a gorgeous and gorgeous impression.

This... The princess has deep facial features, like a sculpture by a master sculptor in the Renaissance, even as a woman, she has the mighty temperament of a lion, and if it is an unsheathed blade, it will show its sharp edges.

At this time, this... Her Royal Highness, who is in charge of the royal family's 'military' power, frowned, and Ying Lang's soft facial features showed a little irritability, as if he was worried about something.

"Kartina was taken away by others. If I had known this, I might as well not have gone looking for it."

A pair of beautiful women under the red dress of Kelissa wore the same red stockings and stepped on a pair of elegant high-heeled shoes. If someone else wore this color matching, it would give people a fancy feeling, but on this princess, Instead, it gave off a flamboyant and noble aura.

She paced back and forth on the soft carpet, her tone irritated and anxious, slightly annoyed by her decision.

Since the beginning of the twentieth century, Britain's national strength has been declining, the position of the world's financial and economic center has been taken away by the United States, and even this ancient empire on which the sun never sets is now going to become the younger brother of the United States to survive.

If there is only pressure from the United States, Britain will not be afraid. A new country with a history of more than 200 years will not understand the background of a magical country like Britain. As long as Britain's magic is not lost, its national strength can still be Ranked at the top in the whole world.

However, the status of the leader in science, technology and economy has been taken away by other countries, and in terms of magic, Britain is also a domestic and foreign trouble.

Outside the Roman Orthodox Church and the Russian Orthodox Church are coveting it, and the Puritanism has always been there: dragging its feet, although the Puritanism is standing with the royal family in foreign policy, but as long as there is no threat from foreign enemies, the biggest enemy of the entire British royal family is actually. ...Puritanism, it can be said that the reason why the royal family lost power and became a pure symbol is ... taken away by Puritanism.


Old Stuart girl.."

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