The reappearance of Mathers, or the suppression of her by the magic used by the other party, is proving the true identity of the other party.

In the end, Revinia could only blame the wrong character of the other party as a mistake in the historical records. After all, Mathers is not that kind of...historical celebrity, it is understandable that no one will record his detailed life history.

"What to do to arrest you is actually very simple, my wife Mina has always wanted to have a child, but for some reason we don't have children, if you adopt into our name, we will treat you like our own daughter, and also will teach you magic."

Roy looked at the black cat witch with gentle eyes, his tone was gentle, and his eyes were full of love.

Such an answer made Revinia believe it, because in the records of Golden Dawn, Mathers really loves his wife deeply, and her wife loves him deeply. From the current situation, it is mutual Love, this is in line with historical records.

But the arrogant girl said indifferently: "...why don't you have children? Is it because you don't have the ability?"

As soon as the words fell, Revinia was... regretful, even if she was young, she knew that for... men, if they said that the other party was not good in some aspects, it would make the other party furious.

Sure enough, after hearing Revinia's words, Roy fell silent, which made Revinia a little uneasy, but Roy thought about it, Revinia was joking about 'Mathers, and Roy' What does it have to do with Crowley, immediately...with a wicked smile, he stared at the petite girl in front of him and said, "...Do you have the ability you want to try it? Although you are not old, you have been in the past. Get married and have kids!"

When Revinia heard Roy's words, a trace of embarrassment flashed on her face, and without waiting for him to speak, Roy said again: "...don't think about it, I'm just an ascetic, I can only put everything Only by putting all of our energy and will into the study of the mystery can we achieve greater success!"

"...Unlike a magician with a chaotic private life, there are only mysterious existences in my life, so that...Xiasan has nothing in the end, and can only rely on stealing my achievements to make a name for himself !"

At this time, Roy felt a burst of resentment and resentment, as if he was really substituting 'Mathers', expressing his resentment towards Aleister.

Although Revinia was young, she always considered herself an adult and knew a lot of knowledge. When she heard Roy's words, she immediately looked at Mina pitifully.

Mathers, doesn't this mean that the witch with the black cat has always been a widow, but this is a matter of husband and wife, and Revinia can't control it and dare not control it, she knows that there is no reason for free pie in the world, The other party may really have taken a fancy to his own talent, but it is absolutely impossible to keep a time bomb like her by his side without any precautions.

Revinia immediately gritted her teeth and asked: "...what do you ask me to do? I don't believe that you only give me benefits and do not ask for any obligations."

Roy looked at Revinia with admiration and said, "...Although you are rude and arrogant and have no education at all, you are not naive and ignorant. I still want to praise you for this."

Roy's teasing made Revinia annoyed. She has a strong personality and belongs to the kind of... who always likes to trample others under her body to preach and curse. , Who would have thought that one day she could only be so submissive and accept reprimands from others.

But although Revinia wanted to resist, she was completely incapable of resisting, especially since Roy didn't force her life, never aroused her pride, but negotiated in an exchange of equal value. Because of this, Vienya has nowhere to go, and there is a feeling of being punched on cotton.

This made Revinia only sigh that this is not as good as others.

"Of course we won't let you get benefits for no reason without paying anything... I will sign a contract with you to explain the obligations and contributions of both parties. I will treat you as a daughter and give it to you. You know, and you respond to us with the courtesy of your parents."

"...I know that you are stubborn and unwilling to accept such coercion, so I will also add a clause to the contract, as long as you complete a task, the contract will be voided, and you don't have to make us any more As a parent, the knowledge I teach you can also be used as a reward!"

Roy looked gloomy, and there was a flame of hatred burning in his eyes, in order to deceive Revinia's trust.

Seeing the hatred in Roy's expression and eyes, Revinia also trusted his words a bit, but she didn't know that this was a trap that Roy set for her.

The eleven-year-old girl's face sank, and she asked a little uneasy: "...what task do you want me to accomplish?"

In her mind, it should be an extremely difficult task.

Revinia is actually very excited about being able to get the mysticism teaching of the golden length. As long as she is a magician of the gold system, no matter how proud she is, she will not refuse Mathers' teaching. , that can be said to be the honor of every magician.

Although Revinia is proud in her heart and thinks that she will surpass those golden seniors one day, but Revinia is not arrogant, everything she is now is not... simply relying on her own talent to get it, but to give Despite the hard work that others can't see, she is actually a very self-motivated child. In a place no one has seen, she has paid a lot of sweat to get her current strength.

"It is very simple, you must re-establish the Golden Dawn as my descendant, and its destruction is the greatest grief of my life!"

Roy said word by word, showing a kind of determination.

"Since you are still alive as the leader of gold, why don't you reorganize the Golden Dawn yourself?"

Unconsciously, Revinia's address was changed to honorific, and she asked her doubts at the same time.

"Because a certain man is still alive, and as long as that man is still alive, it is impossible for me to reorganize the Golden Dawn, and I can only give this task to others to complete."

In order to eliminate Revinia's last doubts and vigilance, Roy directly told her the answer, which was not false.

As a junior of the Golden Department, Revinia can't tell the details of the history of the Golden Dawn, but she also knows a lot of the inside story, and she thinks of the one that 'Mathers' said before... In the words of the magician and him His resentment was immediately...with a move in his heart, he blurted out: "...Aleister.


"That's right, it's... the **** who stole all my achievements. Back then I tried my best to teach him, but I didn't expect him to betray me and the entire Golden Dawn. I just hate that I didn't make a contract with him. It was for him to do such a rebellious thing, and now I will not make the same mistake again, Revinia, I ask you again, do you agree with this contract?"

Roy suddenly stood in front of Revinia's bed, staring at her condescendingly, his voice was stern, and there was a fearful majesty in his cold eyes.

But his words dispelled all of Revinia's doubts and made her believe.

Mina by the side.

Maas didn't know when to put on her black scarf again, she was afraid that Revinia would discover Roy's deception from her uncontrollable expression.

This widowed person can only sigh in his heart that Roy is worthy of being Aleister's son. This kind of indiscreet means and tricks of swindlers are simply like a retreat, making it impossible to guard against.

Re-establishing the Golden Dawn can be lifted... The contract seems to be a reasonable request, but anyone who knows the inside story knows that it cannot be done at all, even if all the members of the Golden Dawn are resurrected, it is impossible to reorganize.

Because Aleister has already cursed the Golden Dawn, making it impossible for this organization to appear again. As long as Revinia agrees to this contract, she will never be able to complete the mission and can only honor her and Luo for a lifetime. This... old parents, call them mom and dad.


Mathers had the heart to watch Revinia be deceived.

But Revinia couldn't see the trap in Roy's words, she instead said loudly: "...creating a magical association comparable to the Golden Dawn is one of my goals, so this contract I accepted!"

Poor silly kid... Mina.

Mathers shook his head nonchalantly.

Feilu reminds you: three things to read and collect,

Chapter 79: A Family of Three

The contract is completed.

Although it is not a contract for summoning high-level spiritual bodies like angels or demons, Roy also uses a contract based on the gold system, which makes it almost impossible for Revinia, who is also a gold system, to rely on her own strength. to rescind the contract....

She wants to cancel...the contract, in addition to...completing the content of the contract, it is only possible to become a demon. Aleister's curse is for...Golden Dawn With absolute restraint, if you want to lift... Aleister's curse, even Mathers can't do it, I'm afraid, except... the complete state of the devil and Aleigh Apart from Star itself, no one in this world can remove this curse.

Although Roy, who has completed the contract, still cannot give absolute trust to Revinia, he can already give her relative trust.

"Then, Revinia, my daughter, are you going to change your name now?"

Roy sat on the chair in the room, suppressed the smile on his face, continued to learn from Mathers, and said in a arrogant tone with a Scottish style.

He couldn't wait to see when Revinia knew that he was not Mathers at all, but Roy.

Crowley's expression changed.

Roy knows that he is cheating as Mathers, and he can cheat for a while at most... and will be exposed one day, and in that contract, the name Roy used is not 'Mathers'. The name, but the title of 'I', the word game is a part of the contract, and it is also what the devils are best at.


Revinia has a proud personality, and she lost her parents since she was a child. She has achieved what she is today by relying on her own efforts and a certain amount of luck. She has never used such a title from her parents in the eleven years she has lived. , With her arrogant character, it is difficult for her to call out 'Dad' and 'Mama'.

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