For this reason, she is willing to be abused, she is willing to be violated, and even willing to face death, to be killed by believers, like a son of God pity the world, like a Buddha cutting flesh to feed an eagle, like the greatest living saint in this world.

Because people can't save people, this is the truth that Seshoin Kiara felt during the years he lived. Although those believers seemed to be dedicating everything to her, they kept watching her suffer and watch her suffer. As she lives in this **** called this world, no one has ever offered her a hand to save her, and what everyone shows in front of her is that ugly desire.

Killing House Kiara doesn't hate it.

Those desires, on the contrary, she likes them very much... The people who tell the desires are those... who are not at all straightforward and hypocritical, which makes her even more annoying .

But even so, she longed in her heart that she could get 'redemption', even if it was only once, so that she could feel that 'human beings can also save human beings'.

Because 'human evil' is also 'human good', Buddha also has a bit of demon nature, and Mara also has a bit of Buddha nature. There is no such thing as black and white in this world. Perhaps the yin and yang fish of Taoism can best reflect this truth. .

"Goodness, goodness..."

Killing Institute Qi Huang supported her seriously ill body, chanted the Buddha's name with a weak and slightly immature voice, happily waiting for the disaster to come, although in her opinion it was not a disaster, it was just It is the necessary thing for her to lead the world to go astray, and it is the embodiment of the happiness she pursues.

And after hearing the voice of the saint behind the curtain, all the disciples were in a commotion, everyone was full of sad desires, not like human beings, but like beasts, they were all waiting for luck.

Even Seshoin Kiara's father is a follower of Rushoin Kiara, attracted by her 'physique, eager to get her love, at this moment he is no different from other believers.

As long as they can get the love of Kiara from Seshoin, they can live in a twisted way, but if they lose her love, they would rather commit suicide to seek death.

The wild beasts are ready, like a pack of wolves that are about to hunt their prey, they are hiding in the grass and panting, waiting for the wolf king's order, they will penetrate the curtain and meet their hearts. Bodhisattva, get the bodhisattva's charity, get her love, get her body.

"Ugly ugly, so ugly!"

At this moment, in this Buddhist temple deep in the mountains, a sad voice came, "...Under the glory of my lord, it is a pity that such an ugly thing still exists, a group of people. It's ridiculous that a wild beast filled with desires pretends to be a Buddhist."

In the luxuriously decorated Buddhist hall with sandalwood incense, a man who was out of tune with the environment here walked in. He was wearing a crucifix robe, his face was compassionate and holy, and he was watching this hell-like scene. .to show regret.

The sect master of Yong Tianliu saw that a stranger came here, a cleric of the Cross religion. He had some understanding of the mysterious world, and he felt a faint fear, but he glanced at the killing behind the curtain. After the courtyard prayed for the drought, frenzy flashed in his eyes again.

"This... The priest of the church, this is the dojo where we chant Tianliu, how did you come here, behind the curtain is our saint, you interrupt our upcoming sacred ceremony like this, is it the cross religion in this country? Are you going to fight us again? Don't you guys......the Western Church has forgotten the Shimabara Rebellion!"

Yong Tianliu's sectarianism said rightly, the fear in his heart has been replaced by desire.

The Shimabara Rebellion triggered by Shiro Amakusa was apparently the reason why the shogunate banned preaching. In fact, there was a confrontation between the eastward spread of Cross religion and local Buddhism. The island country was originally a prosperous Buddhism, and faced with the arrival of the Cross religion, it would definitely be vigorous. Suppression will lead to the Shimabara Rebellion.

Although this... Sect Master Yong Tianliu is full of his own desires, as the leader of a sect, he still has some rational existence, and with this kind of righteousness, he wants to make the priest who appeared here inexplicably retreat.

Even though there are churches all over the world today, in some places it is still incomparable with the local forces, just like the Buddhism of the island country. From the monk Araya Zonglian and the relic in his hand, it can be seen that Buddhism has real There are high-level people living in seclusion, and of course those people are the real Buddhism.

"If the sect master of the Shingon Sect came here to see you, he would be embarrassed..."

Father, that is, Roy, looking at these...... The disciples of Yongtianliu, who have completely degenerated into demons, said with a sneer.

"If the Sovereign Lord comes here to see the saint, he will cry and pray for the mercy of the Bodhisattva."

Sect Master Yong Tianliu frantically scolded him.

Hearing this, Roy glanced at the... curtain, and said with a chuckle, "...If the sect master of the Shingon sect didn't have enough meditation skills, he might actually cry and pray for mercy."

"...Because the saint lying there is the great enemy of the Buddha, the real Mara, and the 'evil of mankind'!"

"But I am here not to destroy her, but to save her!"

"Because I will transcend the evil of mankind!"

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Chapter 178 Embryo of "The Third Beast"

The topic has already collapsed here.

For the believers and suzerains of the Yongtianliu sect, Roy's existence has become an obstacle. Although they don't know what Roy's so-called salvation means, or his seemingly mysterious words, But these ...... believers know one thing, that is, Roy has become an eyesore here, preventing them from accepting the bodhisattva's love and the bodhisattva's merciful almsgiving.

The followers of Yong Tianliu looked at each other and slowly moved over to surround Roy in the middle. Their burning desire made them have evil thoughts. They thought that this place was deep in the mountains, even if they made it here. Nothing will be discovered.

These ...... believers are not afraid, they only think that Roy is only one person, and it is impossible to survive being surrounded by them here, even if he is really superhuman, And absolutely dare not do anything out of the ordinary, because there are laws in this world.

It's just that the Yongtianliu believers at this time have already forgotten what the law is.

All they want to do now is to accept the bodhisattva's love for them.

"Heh... People who have gone astray and entered a stranger without knowing it, are indeed a group of hopeless people! You will all lose her love in the end, because her love is fraternity, and fraternity is If you have never loved anyone, when people treat all living beings as equals, it is no longer love, Buddha never loves, what Buddha has is 'enlightenment'!"

" will eventually commit suicide in a world without love after losing the support of your faith, but how can you say that, for some men, that kind of process and ending are also expected. ,Because before you despair, she will satisfy you with all your vents and appeals, and make you feel the happy days of desire, which is probably the case with the so-called death of essence."

Roy shook his head, he fell into thought, put his hand on his chin and said: "...if it was the...mortal me in the past, what choice would I make? to destroy, or to restrain one's own desires and strengthen one's self"

"...Ha, I'm also a little bored, and even think about this kind of 'what if' topic, there is no if for me, because I'm not that... a mortal who has nothing and knows nothing, It is someone who stands on the top of mankind and is about to step into the 'realm of the gods'."

Roy looked at the believers who surrounded him with pity, and some people even found murder weapons from his arms and the environment of the Buddhist hall. He raised his head and looked at the Buddha. The Buddha statue in the center of the hall, as if Shakyamuni was also watching him.

"Buddha rejected the temptation of Mara under Bodhi, finally awakened, and became a Buddha. It seems that you are still a long way from becoming a Buddha... Heretics, accept the judgment of the Lord, the law of mortals , how can the law of mediocrity be bound to me!"

Roy stretched out his right hand and popped a black key from his cuff.

Those believers may have been stimulated by Roy's words, their faces were distorted, their eyes were bloodshot, and they had completely lost their minds.

Roy didn't use any spells, he just manipulated the black key in his hand, and rushed into these ordinary people like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. Between the black keys flashing, some people were stabbed in their throats, some were cut off on their hands and feet, and some were left with stumps. Broken arms, **** viscera, in this Buddhist temple full of sin and desire, in an instant...blood.

Humanity's greatest fear is death, which is far beyond all human desires. Gradually, under the stimulation of blood and death, some people regained their reason, screamed in horror, and begged for mercy, but Roy was sane.

Showing the begging of these people to Wuwu, the sword light flashed, killing everyone.

Sect Master Yong Tianliu was sitting on the ground, the strange smell of blood mixed with sandalwood made him want to vomit, looking at that... The priest killed so many people in the blink of an eye, cruel like Shura, where has this Sect Master ever seen this? This kind of formation, although there are some real magic techniques in Yong Tianliu, he is not even a magician.

Just a mortal who cheated for money.

The suzerain sat on the ground, stepped back with both hands and feet, and said, "...don't kill me, don't kill me! Qihuang is yours, the Bodhisattva is yours, and her love is yours, too. Don't kill me ah ah ah!!"

Before death, there was a great fear, and that great fear even made this… The Sect Master of Yong Tianliu temporarily relieved the influence of Qihuang of the Killing Institute. He wept, howled, crawled up frantically, and ran past Roy. Just want to escape from here.

He had just stepped out of the Buddhist hall, and was delighted to think that when he escaped the catastrophe, a black key flew out like an arrow from a string, pierced through his back, and took his life.

Since then, Wing Tianliu has been completely cut off. No, there is still one person in this genre who has survived, and that is the 'Kihuang in Killing House', who is called a Bodhisattva by these people.

Roy stood in this blood stain, without a drop of blood splattered on his body, he put his right hand in his pocket and his left hand holding the cross and walked forward like this to the thin curtain.

0 Pulled the curtain with a hand, and opened the curtain, revealing the true face of the 'Bodhisattva'.

It was a young girl with beautiful black hair and amber pupils. She was only wrapped in a quilt. There were no strands under the quilt, revealing a pair of jade arms like lotus roots. .

It can be seen that this should be a very beautiful girl, but now her state is completely irrelevant to beauty, because of the disease, the killing institute Qi Huang is as thin as a stick, there is hardly any flesh on her face, her lips are pale and her hair is messy. As if he was about to die soon, the long-term pain and lack of nutrition made Seshoin Kiara look like a monster.

Today's slaughterhouse Qihuang fully embodies a Buddhist saying: Pink and pink women are all skeletons, and the whole country and city are turned into white bones. Now she is the perfect interpretation of pink and pink skeletons.

......It's wrong to show her beauty only with the appearance and skin. Even if the current body of Seshoin Kiara can be described as ugly, even if Roy saw her the moment, There was a trance, and from the deepest part of my heart was lured out a desire, a desire to find happiness in her.

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