Qingzi clenched her fist and waved it twice, but she quickly asked nervously, as a poor student, she is still very sensitive to money.

"Well... I actually don't know the specifics, but I heard that when Aozaki Chengzi came to the Clock Tower to study, it cost one or two million, right?"


Qing Zi's face was full of hope.


But Lidel directly shattered Aozaki Aoko's thoughts.

"Ahhhh!!! One or two million dollars, so many dollars! How on earth did my sister get all this money? She shouldn't be selling her body, but how long does it take her to sell her body to make one or two hundred dollars? million, dollars!"

Aoko Aozaki covered her head and wailed. To her, the money was just... astronomical.

Lidel laughed dryly, feeling that Aozaki Aoko seemed to have misunderstood her sister.

But soon, Aozaki Aoko was... and full of energy: "...I think of a way to raise money!"

"any solution"

This time, Jiuyuanji Yuzhu couldn't help asking.

"That liar seems to be very rich. Even if he has no money, the church has money!! I decided to borrow money from him on an IOU - in my sister's name!!"

Aoko Aozaki said proudly.

Kuonji Yuju and Lidelle were silent.

It wasn't until Aozaki Aoko went to borrow money that she found out that she had already become an old lady, because her sister used to manage the church and borrowed money in the name of Aozaki Aoko.

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Chapter 176 The Living Bodhisattva

Buddhism in the island country has a long history. It has been spread from the Heian period of Nara to modern times. Generally speaking, it can be divided into thirteen schools and fifty-six schools. If it is subdivided, it will be more complicated. Just like the cross religion, it can be divided into more than 40,000. Same faction.

Shingon Esotericism is a large branch of Shingon sect, and there are many small sects in this branch, and among these small sects, there is a sect called Tachikawa-ryu, just like a river always has branches, and Tachikawa-ryu is also known as Tachikawa. Divided into many small streams, one of which is the tributary... 'Yongtian Stream'.

Because there are only so many believers in the island country, and as a subtle point among countless small sects, it is known that there are very few people who worship Tianliu, and even fewer believe in it.

But that all changed twelve years ago.

The suzerain of Yong Tianliu, Shishengyuan, gave birth to a daughter and named her Shishengyuan Qihuang. As a family missionary sect, this girl should be born to inherit Yongtianliu. She should receive a good education and write down the Shingon sect. All the codes of the sect, learn the special ability of chanting Tianliu, take over the big responsibility at the appropriate age, and inherit this small sect.

The life of Seshoin Kiara should have followed this route, and lived this ordinary life as the host of an ordinary small Buddhist sect.

But all this changed after the suzerain of Yong Tianliu discovered the ability of Seshoin Kiara.

Sesshoin Kiara was born with a 'beloved' physique. Anyone who saw her would be attracted to her, dedicate their love to her, and dedicate their everything to her.

And "love" is also a kind of "faith".

When the Sect Master Shishengyuan discovered the ability of his daughter, he had a huge ambition to develop the small branch of 'Yongtianliu' inherited by his family into the largest school in the Shingon School, and even replace the Shingon School itself. .

How to preach, how to make more believers believe in themselves, is the most fundamental question that small sects like 'Yong Tianliu' try to keep themselves alive, but now it is like a gift from God, Sect Master Yong Tianliu Found the best keys, the best means.

Use her daughter's special ability to attract believers and let more people believe in "Yong Tianliu."

He also did the same. First of all, he could not let his daughter, Kiara of Seshoin, learn any superfluous knowledge, because knowledge will change fate, bring thinking, and make people reflect, so as long as the teaching is only the necessary part of the knowledge, That's enough, the sect will support her, she doesn't need her to make money, the believers are... the biggest source of money, so the Sesshouin Qihuang doesn't need to learn any survivability.

Secondly, she must not have any contact with the outside world, because contact will also bring about the transmission of information, and the information will also open up her wisdom, which will make her have a longing for the outside world.

Therefore, from the birth of Sesshoin Kiara to the present, her world, the scope of her life is only the ancestral house of Yong Tianliu in the deep mountains, and she has not even left the house.

She is... a thorough tool, a tool used by Yongtian Liuzong to deceive believers and use it to gain power and power for herself.

This tool was very successful. When Sect Master Yong Tianliu warmly invited a person to the residence of his own sect and let him see Qihuang, the killing institute, this person quickly became a follower of Yong Tianliu. , Taking Sesshoin Kiara as a 'living Bodhisattva', after having the first fanatical believer in order to get her love and willing to give it all, this letter brings more believers, just like a pyramid scheme, More and more people have seen Shishengyuan Qihuang, more and more people have become her followers, and more and more people worship her on the altar, just to pray for her love.

All development is proceeding according to the plan of Sect Master Yong Tianliu. Because of the increase of believers, these ...... believers are very fanatical, and they donated a lot of money to let Yong Tianliu's The status has risen rapidly, and even this old house, which has been decayed and almost demolished, has been renovated with the funds contributed by the believers.

The suzerain of Yong Tianliu believes that the day he will become the leader of the faction will come soon.

But things backfired. Although Seshoin Kiara has special abilities, she is still just an ordinary human being. One day, she suffered from a serious illness, which made her bedridden and left behind sequelae.

Sect Master Yong Tianliu told his daughter that she was terminally ill and that she might not live for a few years. Of course this was fake, and he was lying.

Although Qi Huang's illness from the Killing Institute is serious, it's not a terminal illness. With modern medical technology, as long as she is sent to the hospital, with the help of many medical equipment, she has a good chance of recovery.

But Sect Master Yong Tianliu didn't do that. If she wanted to send Qihuang from the Slaughterhouse to the hospital, she would have to leave the mountains and go to the modern society. Under the great impact of the information, she will definitely be unable to withstand the temptation and 'fallen', so that she will no longer be 'holy'.

So Yong Tianliu's suzerain decided to give up his daughter, but before the death of Shishengyuan Qihuang, he wanted to use her to the extreme, even after the death of Shishengyuan Qihuang, Yong Tianliu would not decline.

The suzerain should make more efforts to develop believers, especially those believers who have a high status in society. As long as there are fanatical believers at the top of the society, even if there is a day when Kiara of Seshoin After death, Yong Tianliu will also continue to grow and develop with the help of the upper-class believers.

In the sacred Buddhist hall lit with sandalwood incense, the believers gathered together and chatted and discussed. At the top of the Buddhist hall there was a tulle-like curtain. Through the tulle, a girl could be seen vaguely. Lying on the bed behind the curtain, she was covered with a white quilt and was motionless, like a saint who was devoting herself to God.

Because of her illness, Qihuang in the Killing Institute couldn't get up. She could only lie here and accept the worship of the believers day after day. The girl was like a saint, and her face showed compassion for the world. She opened her eyes and looked at the sky. , The complex Tianqian Zhao Zhaogai corresponds to the ordination altar, the Buddha statue, the ritual plate and other objects in the ritual, which is one of the instruments that Buddhists like to use very much.

And just outside this thin curtain, people whispered, they hated, they laughed, they longed for love, longing for desire, longing for everything in her, ugly like a clown.


Today is the time for the bodhisattva to give his body, I have been waiting for this day ever since I joined the sect."

"The suzerain said that the Bodhisattva in the past was too young to accept our love, but now the Bodhisattva is twelve years old and can give us her love!"

"Lord Qihuang, give me your love, as long as I can get your love, I will give everything I have, my body and my soul!!"


Ugly faces are full of adults, but the girl who is called a saint, a bodhisattva, and a savior is living under the **** of this world.


Chapter 177 The Great Enemy of Buddha, Demon Bodhisattva

The girl under the canopy was lying on the hospital bed, with a soft and compassionate smile on her face, listening to the hidden desires and dark words of the believers outside the curtain.

She is not angry, nor angry, nor is she afraid of it. It is not that Kiara of Seshoin does not understand what the so-called 'giving' means, although she has been locked up by her father in this uninhabited mountain, and she is not allowed to have **** with her. Social contacts, but Seshoin Kiara still has some basic knowledge and possesses female instincts.

She will not be ashamed or uneasy about this, but has the mind of a saint and is willing to devote herself to this. If anyone can understand the true thoughts of Seshoin Kiara, they will be horrified to find that she does not even have this.' The idea of ​​sacrifice, but take these things for granted.

Because of the desires emanating from those... ugly, disgusting creatures in human skins, Sesshoin Kiara felt joyful and extremely happy, which was the result of her birth. The feeling that I have never had until now is like sinking, obsessed, and addicted to this. This kind of joy and happiness makes Seshoin Kiara feel alive.

'If they are allowed to follow their own will and lead them to the ultimate astray, it must be the highest happiness.

'Although Qihuang, who was lying in the hospital bed, was still young, she showed a look of anticipation. If she could lead the believers, let them go to the final destination willingly, and free them from their troubles, it must be great Achievement.

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