Seeing that Aoko Aozaki was silent, Roy just... chuckled, looked at the witch and said, "...the topic is a little off topic, what I want to say is that as a priest, although I don't Heresy trials will be carried out casually, but witches must always be under surveillance, so I hereby declare in the name of the supreme bishop of the Holy Church, the witch of fairy tales, perhaps you are also the last fairy tale witch in this world, for convenience, I now order you to go.

Being watched by the church there!"

Roy said righteously, in a sonorous tone, with the sense of holiness of a clergyman.

But Aozaki Aoko was suspicious: " don't have anything to let Youzhu go."

"Don't use your dirty mind to think about others, Miss Magician!"

Roy gave Qingzi a light glance and said.

The mocking expression made Aozaki Aoko furious from her heart and trembling for a long time, but in the end she didn't have the strength to get up and punch the man.


In the face of Roy's proposal, Jiuyuanji Yuzhu categorically refused.

She turned her delicate and weak face slightly, her cold eyes were full of rejection of Roy's suggestion, " can kill me here, or do whatever you want, but I Absolutely not going."

"Don't say it so absolutely, you will definitely agree, classmate Youzhu..."

Roy smiled mysteriously at the witch, and then... ignoring the two defeated girls, turned around and walked towards Maris Billy.

At this time, the astronomical monarch has already started to prepare a ceremony in this ruined park, crack the last barrier node, and then lead the spiritual veins to Shinjuku in Tokyo.

"I have been preparing for the transfer of the spiritual meridian for decades, and the ceremony will be completed soon. After the fusion of the core spiritual meridian and the spiritual meridian of Shinjuku, the war can be started, Your Excellency Supreme Bishop."

The astronomical monarch put his hands on his chest and bowed to Roy with a smile on his face.

"The specific time is"

"About three years: It is expected that the final fusion of the spiritual veins will be completed in 199."

Maris Billy did some calculations.

"Very good, I will set up the Command Spell and the Holy Grail system after the spiritual veins are completely integrated. This time, I am not going to follow the Holy Grail War of Fuyuki. I am going to divide the Command Spell into the angel rank of the Bible. For the seven tiers of Seraphs, Wisdom Angels, Throne Angels, Lord Angels, Power Angels, Power Angels, and Power Angels, the Command Spell System will assign Command Spells according to the strength of the Master."

"...Although the functions of the Command Spells are the same, there is no difference in the so-called angel rank, but this kind of intuitively telling others the strength of the Master will definitely make this Holy Grail War change. more interesting.”

It is reasonable for Maris Billy to put the Holy Grail War on the symbol of "angel", which is of great ecclesiastical significance, and the so-called Holy Grail doesn't sound like it should belong to the Christian religion.

Regardless of....

What the Holy Grail War will ultimately look like is only to be able to win the war, to make a wish with the magic power accumulated in the Holy Grail, and to complete the establishment of Chaldea.

With such an idea in mind, Maris Billy nodded and said, "...It's all good to follow your thoughts."

"Then it's time for this thing to be handed over to you. This is our agreement."

Roy took out an exquisite wooden box from his sleeve. Seeing this, Maris Billy's eyes lit up, he carefully took the wooden box and said with a smile: "...with this Holy relic, if you want to come to this Holy Grail War, you will be foolproof."

"I hope so, Your Majesty... Then let's see you in Tokyo, before the Holy Grail War begins."

Roy smiled at Maris Billy, he greeted Her Royal Highness, the glamorous Romanov dynasty princess strolled to Roy's side, and after nodding to the celestial monarch, the two were... .to leave together.

Maris Billy took a deep breath, opened the wooden box in his hand, and looked at the simple and vicissitudes of life, engraved with 'wisdom' ring, which is... Disciple Kirshtalia.

Wodam said: "...we're sure to win, Wodam!"

The young boy didn't know why his teacher was so excited, he just stooped to show his respect.


Chapter 173: Father's Debt and Daughter's Repayment

"There are beads...they're all... gone"

Aozaki Aoko was lying on the ground. Compared with the others, the apprentice magician was not seriously injured. She was just exhausted and weak, and her body was sore because of the extreme exercise.

After a while of rest, she was able to get up from the ground with her elbows on herself.

"Misaki City's spiritual veins have been taken away, Aoko, do you think they have any reason to stay here?"

Kuonji Yuju's almost torn body has barely healed, and even some of the lost internal organs are being reborn under the power of magic engraving, but the girl's skin looks like it has been sewn together, and it looks like It is a broken ceramic doll that has just been glued together, and it looks distressed and strange.

The witch of the fairy tale turned her head slightly and looked at the last fulcrum of the spiritual vein in the ruins of the ruined park. The monarch of the astronomical department has easily cracked the fulcrum, and used a kind of... Great magic, the whole Misaki City's crooked spiritual veins were removed.

She sighed, although the magic of fairy tales is very mysterious, and she also has rare fighting power, but compared with the monarch of the astronomical department, Jiuyuanji Yuzhu has to admit that her knowledge and level of magic is far inferior to the opponent, Because she didn't even know how the other party stole the spiritual veins.

Of course, compared to the astronomical monarch, that... the supreme bishop who pretended to be the interim dean of Liyuan Women's College is even more terrifying, the 'fifth method' used by Qingzi before.

Qing', that kind of... time travel ability is simply not something that modern magic can resist. Even if Jiuyuanji Youzhu faced this magic, she would be directly bombarded into scum out of nothing she could do. Reason, even in the age of gods, few magicians or gods can find a way to deal with it.

Of course, this is not to say that Aozaki Aoko's strength is comparable to that of the gods. In other aspects, this... young magician can't compare with the gods of the generation of gods, but because of this magic alone, she really masters most of the gods. of mystery.

It's just such a mysterious magic, that the supreme bishop saw through it in just one face-to-face, and even weaved a new spell in an instant to find the flaws of 'magic', and use it to attack, if not with his own eyes. See, Jiuyuanji Youzhu doesn't believe that there are people in this world who can do this, even if the other party is a member of the church, his understanding of the magic way surpasses all the magicians in the world, it is really ironic to think about it.

"Those guys are really inexplicable. I thought they were dead this time, but they survived."

Aoko Aozaki, who propped up her body and sat on the ground, pressed down on her pleated skirt, just thinking that Roy had been staring at her skirt just now. The thrill of fantasy.

"They're not... inexplicable. The purpose of those people is the spiritual veins of Misaki City. It doesn't matter at all to kill us. Since the purpose has been completed and the spiritual veins are taken away, it doesn't matter whether we are still alive or not."

The witch said calmly, her embroidered brows were slightly wrinkled, and a painful expression flashed from time to time, showing that the recovery of her body was not that simple, and there was a lot of pain in it.

"This is their biggest mistake. They didn't kill us. They must take revenge when they find opportunities in the future!"

Aozaki Aoko clenched her fists and pushed down into the air, speaking angrily.

"Retaliation is a must, but the opponent is strong, we want to discuss, don't be too impulsive, Qingzi!"

Jiuyuanji Youzhu turned her head reluctantly and glared at her roommate, for fear that this third-rate magician would be stupid and rushed up to take revenge, and was finally caught and beaten by others.

"Ah, don't worry, I don't have that yet. There is no doubt that the opponent's strength is strong. Before I have enough strength, I will not trouble them."

"...That astronomical monarch is the mastermind and his strength is relatively weak, let's start with his account. It seems that magicians can't tell the age from the appearance, the astronomical monarch should be The boss is not too young, but I don’t know if he has… children, etc. We may not be able to beat him for the time being, but we can find trouble from his children!”

Aoko Aozaki didn't mind talking about her revenge plan that was absolutely irrelevant to fairness, and began to think about how to find trouble with Maris Billy's son or daughter. It was not a matter of course that the children should pay for the mistakes that the father made. Well.

Jiuyuanji Yuzhu didn't think there was anything wrong with Aozaki Aoko's idea. She was a stingy and caring woman, and magicians have never had anything to do with uprightness.

"Youzhu, can you move now?"

After recovering a little, Aoko stood up from the ground and asked her cohabitant with concern.

"If there is someone to help, it's... Barely able to walk."

Jiuyuanji Yuzhu silently checked the injuries on her body and replied coldly.

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