"What a troublesome ability..."

Roy frowned, and began to perform quick calculations in his mind. All the knowledge he had learned was circulated in the brain circuit, and the re-weaving of the spell was carried out.

The reason why Demon Gods are "universal" is precisely because they possess endless knowledge, they can weave spells to deal with the situation in front of them anytime and anywhere, and then activate them with the power of Demon Gods, thus achieving "all miracles".

Although Roy is not a demon god, but his knowledge of mysticism is also extremely rich. He may not be able to completely crack the Aozaki family's magic 'Qing' in such a short time, but if he only allows himself to temporarily attack the opponent, Such a technique Roy still managed to capture.

"I caught you, and sure enough, you didn't hide in the past, but in the future!"

Roy calculated a new spell in an instant, determined the position of Aozaki Aoko on the timeline, and then he raised his hand and quickly chopped it off! "Moses divided the sea"! Aozaki Aoko, who couldn't react quickly It was too late to move her coordinates in time, so she could only move her body reluctantly, but even so, the power of "Moses Divide the Sea" broke one of her thighs at the root, and a piece of bright red blood was sprayed from the aorta! This kind of fighting method of weaving and cracking is exactly the fighting method of magicians in the forbidden world! Whether it is power or magic, in order to achieve the purpose, it is only the effect of the spell.


Chapter 171 The gap between the weak and the strong


The thigh was broken by the root, and the severe pain was transmitted through the nerves, sweeping the whole body, making Aozaki Aoko also screamed, and the whole person stumbled.

A slender girl's leg was torn apart with a complete cross-section, blood gushing out, Aozaki Aoko's face was pale, if the bleeding was not stopped quickly, she would soon die from excessive blood loss.

However, the magic circuit and magic power can produce many incredible effects, and Aozaki Aoko apparently took the injury as a routine, and quickly used magic power to make emergency treatment for herself.

The magician from twenty-six years later will not lose his fighting spirit because of this severed hand and leg injury. She looked at her disabled body, gnashing her silver teeth, and chanting some kind of mysterious spell in her mouth. Wen, then the feeling of...connecting with the source reappeared, and Aozaki Aoko's injury recovered in a strange state.

She fell to the ground and climbed up, kicked the broken leg she had just now, and felt that there was no problem with the leg, Aozaki Aoko just... complained: "...It's really close, if A little off, and my head's going to fall off."

Roy observed the magic of the Aozaki family with interest, as if to turn this magic into the purest material, and then weave it into a spell that can be used at will.

"Throwing your injury into the future, this cause and effect has not disappeared. When that... time comes, you will still have to bear this cause and effect, Miss Qingzi."

Aoko Aozaki's method of restoring her body is not immortality, but a more exaggerated way of throwing the cause and effect of her amputation into the future, but the chain of cause and effect has been formed, just like the current Aozaki Aoko summoned the future with magic. Like herself, when she grows up to a certain period in the future, she also has to go back to the past to return the cause and effect.

"That kind of thing doesn't matter, anyway... I 'thrown' it hundreds of thousands of years later, I don't think I can live that many years!"

Aoko Aozaki waved his hand indifferently.

When Roy heard Aozaki Aoko's words, he was stunned for a moment and then laughed: "...It's really exaggerated, but energy is conserved, you are not afraid to add mass to the future universe like this at will, and let the universe's increase in entropy, thereby causing the complete collapse of the entire cosmic system"

To put it bluntly, Aozaki Aoko's method is... a kind of prostitution.

"If the universe would collapse so easily, then it would be too weak. Aren't the creatures living in this universe too pitiful, and it is a bit exaggerated to say that a single wrong act will cause the destruction of the entire universe."

Aozaki Aoko's tone was a little indifferent, and then she sighed again: "...But magic that can only cause destruction is really useless, so the magic of the Aozaki family has no meaning from the beginning. "

"Well, although the cosmic system is sophisticated, it will not collapse because of such a simple action. Your actions will cause an increase in entropy, but these...growths are compared to Yan, it is actually trivial, Miss Qingzi, the magic of the Aozaki family can only achieve this level, your failure, are you ready to accept the ending of defeat?"

Roy shook his head, the magic of the smiling magician has its own uniqueness, which Roy admits, but the magic is always powerful, not the magician.

Aozaki Aoko is essentially a human being. This kind of magic that seems to be restored, in fact, as long as she is killed with one move, her magic will be completely ineffective, and Aozaki Aoko's attack methods are too simple, for modern times. Magic, or even a magician of the age of God, may be considered a very powerful attack, but for Roy, this kind of attack is not even a tickling.

Her magic is so strange that it is difficult to trace her whereabouts, except... to make Aozaki Aoko go, she can't do anything else.

Moreover, although Roy does not have much research on the spells of time and space, as long as he continues to fight like this, he will soon analyze the core of the magic of the Aozaki family with his own knowledge and wisdom, so as to crack it. When the power of angels fills the future, no matter what...

The changing coordinates and orientation of Aozaki Aoko on the time axis is the end of death.

The more mysterious and complex spells require, the more magic power is needed, and when the complexity exceeds a reference point, ordinary magic power will lose its effectiveness, which requires higher quality magic power to start, just like a car. The diesel is absolutely impossible to use to fly an airplane.

And true ether is... a high-quality magic power that exists in the natural environment, such as the angelic power obtained by Roy who has reached the pinnacle of human beings, and it is from a high-level plane beyond the material world. Come on, it can do a lot of things, its destructive power is even more powerful, and it can easily cover the entire planet, and as for those...everything.. The spells that involve the universe are only the Demon God. The power of the devil can be activated.

Aozaki Aoko reluctantly activated this level of magic after compressing the magic power with her own heterogeneous magic circuit, but it was simply impossible to last.

"I already knew about this ending!!"

Aozaki Aoko roared again, and she rushed towards Roy again, with a lot of manic magic power gathered in her slender calf, hitting Roy's neck with a whip leg.

But just when the girl's slender legs were about to touch Roy, Roy gently raised a hand again, holding Aozaki Aoko's ankle in an idle motion like eating and drinking. in hand.

Before Aozaki Aoko could continue to exert her strength, the time limit for her use of magic was over, and her red hair gradually turned brown, and the clothes she wore in jeans and a white shirt also returned to the school uniform of Misaki City High School.

Twenty-six years later, Aozaki Aoko has returned to her own timeline, and that... Aoko Aozaki, a trainee magician, is back.

"If you want to activate this magic completely without any cost, you need to master part of the power of angels to do it, but if you really master the power of angels, your demand for this magic is not so great, so this is a contradiction Ah, magic can temporarily increase your strength, but it can't really fill that... gap."

"...The weak is... the weak, the strong is the strong, the gap in between is not so easy to bridge!"

Roy grabbed Aozaki Aoko's ankle and lifted her upside down.

The high school girl's face turned red, she swayed her delicate body in mid-air, glared at Roy angrily and shouted, "...let go!"

Because Aozaki Aoko was wearing the uniform of the island country and was carried upside down by Roy, coupled with Newton's gravity, Aozaki Aoko's skirt was scattered like withered flowers, and she did not have the habit of wearing safety pants, so that His fat times and the girl's privacy were all exposed to Roy's sight.

And when Roy's eyes swept there, Aoko Aozaki felt that her whole body was sore, as if countless ants were crawling, and she struggled even more.

Roy chuckled lightly and threw Aoko Aozaki to Yuzhu's side in Kuyuanji with a flick of his hand. Even with magic, she couldn't hurt Roy in the slightest, and without magic, she was even more helpless now. strength.

To read the underlined version of the novel, please download Fei Lu Xiao

Chapter 172 We have won this war!

Although Aozaki Aoko was not as badly injured as Yuju, even moving her body became difficult, but the magic power in her body had also been exhausted, and it was difficult for the weak to get up from the ground.

So far, no one can stop Maris Billy from extracting the spiritual veins of Misaki City.

Roy looked down at the two girls condescendingly, Yuju Kuonji looked at Roy with those shallow and cold eyes, and Aoko Aozaki glared at her.

He smiled lightly and said indifferently: "...Although the church is progressing with the times now, and witch hunts are no longer carried out, but if a witch appears in front of the church, what if I am a clergyman? If you don't do it, you seem to have lost your duty."

"What are you going to say, bastard, anyway... Youzhu and I can't do anything right now, you can kill or cut it as you please!"

Aozaki Aoko shouted angrily, for those who have abandoned life and death, no matter how powerful the enemy she faces, she will be fearless. In Aozaki Aoko's eyes, Roy is... a A liar, an enemy who came to seize the spiritual veins of the Aozaki family, she would never beg for mercy in the face of the enemy, even if the cost was her own life.

Lying on the ground, the witch who was pale due to excessive blood loss pursed her pale pink lips. Although she didn't say anything, that was what the firmness in her eyes meant, just like Aoko.

"Hey, I've already said it, it's not me who wants to grab your spiritual veins, I just came here just in time for it."

Roy spread his hands and said that he didn't want to carry the pot, "...but I'm not that kind of...fanatic, who would yell at all magicians indiscriminately, and classmate Youzhu also With Miss Qingzi, you haven't done anything too much like some magicians. Even in terms of the law of the Holy Church, you don't have to be sentenced to death. This is not the era when witches must die, right? "

"Don't be so affectionate, thinking we have a relationship with you!"

Aozaki Aoko shouted angrily, and was very unhappy with Roy's...intimacy.

"Don't say that, Miss Qingzi, the so-called grace of dripping water should be reciprocated by a spring, anyway, I invited you to a meal, and still: I will send you home on a rainy day, I don't ask you to repay me, at least not even It's all about the title."

"...As for Youzhu, she is now a student at Liyuan Women's College, and I am the interim dean. I have to be more intimate with my students."

Roy's strong words and good words made Aozaki grit her teeth. She blushed but couldn't find anything to refute, because the other party really didn't ask them anything, and she was the loser, he was the victory It seems that she can't control what the other party wants to do.

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