The end of the witch, is she going to be hunted after all? Kuonji Yuju was thinking very calmly at this time.

Chapter 168: The Witch's Stubbornness

Roy and Anastasia slowly walked to Yuju of Kuonji who was lying on the ground unable to move.

After hesitating for a while, Lidelle, the Coal Witch, still cried and wiped away her tears. She slowly moved her body away, exposing her delicate and delicate body to the two of them.

Maris Billy smiled and said: "...Miss Acherott, you don't look like a magician at all."

The monarch of the astronomical department didn't care about the miserable situation of Youzhu at Jiuyuan Temple. This is... the daily life of magicians. When entering this dark world, all magicians should have already prepared for this ending.

Even Maris Billy had already prepared for the possibility that one day he might die violently.

"I'm showing you a joke, come on."

Lidel snorted, feeling that she couldn't lose the face of the Acherott family, she sniffed twice, letting her thinking gradually diverge, and the whole person became calm again.

"You don't have to feel ashamed. We should respect the unknown and the sublime, and we should also show appropriate fear. You are just afraid of the current situation. This is nothing to be ashamed of."

The astronomical monarch said lightly, and the words he said had some thought-provoking truths.

On the other side, Roy and Anastasia looked down at the witch lying on the ground, the skin of Kuonji's beads was almost torn, and the clothes were shattered, but under the torn clothes, there was nothing heart-shattering. The carcass, but a piece of tragic flesh.

The witch's pale and pretty face was full of blood, and her eyes were a little sloppy, but she tried her best to gather her eyes, and glared at Roy and the Grand Duchess of Tsarist Russia with calm and angry eyes.

"Does it hurt, Kuonji-san..."

Roy asked softly, as if caring about the injured student.

Jiuyuanji Yuzhu opened his mouth to speak, but blood spilled from his nose and mouth.

With this amount of blood loss and injuries, if an ordinary person is expected to be dead, even if she enters the hospital for rescue now, her body will probably leave countless ugly scars, but for... magicians with magic engravings, especially If there is a magician who imprints every piece of flesh and bone in his body like a bead, this level of injury is at best serious injury, and it is far from the point of death.

Even if she lay here motionless, she could recover slowly.

The reason why a magician with a magic engraving is powerful is that magic and vitality are equal. The most basic function of a magic engraving is 'inheritance', and the engraving has the huge magic power retained by the previous magicians of the family. When the magic engraving discovers its master After being seriously injured, it will actively flow out magic power, restore the master's magic circuit, and even replace the damaged internal organs, in order to allow the owner of the magic engraving to have the opportunity to remove it.

Therefore, the older the Demon Dao family, the larger their magic engraving, like the kind of magic engraving of the monarch family, which can even give their masters the ability to restore a dead apostle.

Roy's words were undoubtedly mocking in the eyes of Jiuyuanji Youzhu. She glared at her, if it wasn't for her powerlessness, and the restraint of a young girl, she would have cursed out loud.

"Don't look at me like that, classmate Kuonji... She doesn't want to come to this rural area, and she doesn't have any interest in the spiritual meridian of the Canozaki family. It still exists, and as a member of the Church of the Holy Church, I don't chase the roots."

Roy was explaining to Yuju of Kuonji as if he was chatting, as if he wanted to make the witch forgive him.

Hearing Roy's words, doubts flashed in Jiuyuanji Youzhu's agile pupils. Since you are not interested in the spiritual veins here, why do you still come here and **** the spiritual veins? Could it be that you are just here to hunt witches from the eyes of witches? Roy understood what she meant, and he said with a smile: "...this really has nothing to do with me, because the astronomical monarch over there needs the spiritual veins of Misaki City to complete some of his plans, As the Church of the Holy Church, it has the power to monitor the operation of this plan, so he came here to **** the spiritual vein, and I just came to monitor it. If you want to blame it, blame Marys Billy.

Animusfia, I just shot properly, I don't want you to go down and let the city suffer more damage."

"...Even if I don't do it, you will still be defeated by the monarch, Mr. Kuonji, there is no doubt about that."

Roy started to throw the blame without hesitation, and put all the blame on Marys Billy's back.

The monarch of the astronomical department didn't care about this kind of dumping.

Jiuyuanji Yuzhu was just panting violently. At this time, she could no longer manage the question of whose fault it was. She only knew that what Roy said was right. I fought a monarch who was fully armed and ready for everything.

If it takes another ten years for her to master the third and fourth stages of the Giant of the Bridge, she may be able to fight against the monarch of the Astronomical Department, but the witch, who is only seventeen years old, is not qualified to compete with the monarch. As an enemy, anyway, the monarch of the clock tower also has the ability to make money.

Lying on the ground and resting for a while, the healing ability brought by the magic engraving in the flesh and bones made people uncomfortable. On the contrary, it was a severe pain that penetrated deep into the bone marrow, deep into the nerves, and deep into the soul. The pain made her almost cry out, but although the girl was young, she was stubborn and did not allow herself to make a sound of begging for mercy.

..........Slowly, her trachea was repaired, and she was finally able to speak. She opened her bloodless lips slightly, watching Roy use his hoarse voice. The voice said: " can kill me, just like hunting witches."

Roy squatted down, he stretched out his hand and placed his palm on the witch's smooth, pale and beautiful face, feeling the icy delicacy without any temperature, the icy cold made the body tremble, and he laughed happily. Said: "...Kuonji classmate, have you misunderstood something? It is now the 20th century, and it will be the 21st century. Even the church will keep pace with the times, and hunting witches is no longer popular. already."

"...So please rest assured, you won't be put at the stake like Joan of Arc, and lost your life in the fire, just as a witch..."

Roy's expression was playful, and he looked at the delicate and pitiful beautiful girl in front of him like a broken doll with a scrutiny.

It's just that Roy doesn't have anything to say, and there's no waiting for Jiuyuanji Yuzhu's reaction. Suddenly, all those who perceive magic power are stunned and feel some kind of inescapable...... The power of speaking comes.

"It is the channel of the root..."

Roy temporarily retracted his gaze from Youzhu and looked in another direction, where the door to the root was opened again.

Chapter 169: The unrestrained and unrestrained magician who loves freedom

This is the second time that Roy has seen the root in the Moon World. The first time was in the Tunguska area seventy years ago. Duke Bai Yi used his hundreds of years of accumulation to complete the main **** spirit base and summoned the Slavic mythology. The supreme god, when the gods of the age of gods came, he spontaneously opened the door of the root and connected with the corner of the root.

But now, a post-Western person has opened the door of the root again, obtained part of the knowledge of the root, and connected to a corner of it. In this era, such people are no longer called gods, but are called 'magic' Make.

"That's the magic of the Aozaki family."

The celestial monarch Maris Billy and the botanical witch were also attracted by the sudden appearance of the root aura, opened the door of the root, and sought their own truth. This is the goal that every modern magician strives for.

But for the most orthodox magicians like them...

Sigh and envy, but it is not what they are after. The astronomical department seeks the knowledge and truth of celestial bodies, and seeks the magic of celestial bodies, not the magic of the Aozaki family, so Maris Billy once said that he even Having won the Holy Grail War, he will not pursue the third method of the Einzbern family, but will find the 'magic' of the Animusfia family through his own efforts.

"So, what happened to the battle over there?"

The monarch of the Astronomical Department raised a question. Although Aozaki Aoko, as the heir of the Aozaki family, opened the door to the root and inherited the magic of the Aozaki family, why is Aozaki orange also a 'crown magician'? In terms of contribution to magic, ten 10 Aozaki Aoko is not as good as one Aozaki Orange, but if the fighting strength of the two sides is concerned, it cannot be determined.

But soon, the answer appeared in front of the monarch of the Astronomical Department.

Under a storm, two figures appeared in the park, which had been broken into ruins.

A tall and slender person with long fiery red hair, she was wearing a light white shirt and light blue jeans, with a mature expression and the vigor of young people, no matter what...

Whether it's the clothes or the calm attitude, it's completely different from the... young Aozaki Aoko.

In Aozaki Aoko's hand, there was still a piece of rag, which was an orange that was beaten with broken bones, almost as if it had died. After coming to this ruined park, Aozaki Aoko was... . She threw her sister on the ground, her whole body flashed with mysterious thunder and lightning that did not resemble a physical phenomenon, and her cyan pupils glanced at the people present.

"It's really bleak, Miss Orange Aozaki."

Anastasia saw that Aozaki Orange, who was almost as miserable as Yuju of Kuonji, or even worse, was thrown to the ground, she just... mocked.

Lying on the ground, Aozaki Orange, who had less air in and out more, didn't have the strength to make a sound, but only weakly pulled the corner of his mouth.

"Why didn't you kill her, Miss Aoko Aozaki..."

Roy glanced at Qizi who was taught a lesson, and then looked at the newly promoted magician and said, "...but congratulations, you finally mastered the demon of the Canzaki family.

"I don't like this kind of stuff at all!"

Aoko Aozaki snorted coldly, expressing disdain for the magic that the magicians were thinking about. She didn't lie. If it wasn't for her grandfather's sudden change of heir, she would probably prefer to live this life as an ordinary person, like The unrestrained freedom of the wind, not the so-called magician like now.

It's just that since she has already taken over this responsibility, the girl who is Aoko Aozaki will not give up, and will use her own way to work hard to complete it.

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